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Anyconnect Client with IOS Webvpn - Multiple Installs

Level 1
Level 1

Has anyone worked out how to install multiple anyconnect packages (to support different versions)? When I do a webvpn svc install it overwrites the existing platform, and we need to support all of the different platform types. Many thanks

8 Replies 8

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To install and enable the SVC software on the IOS router, complete these steps:

Open the SDM application, click Configure, and then click VPN.

Expand WebVPN, and choose Packages.

Thanks, We dont use the SDM on our devices, but looking at the screenshots it seems to only support one package at a time as well. Do you know of anyone who has installed support for more than one platform?

We have the same problem,has anyone already tried to configure multiple anyconnect client on ios system 12.4(15)T ?

Many thanks


I'm having the same issue; not able to install multiple packages (pc, mac):

Router: 3825

IOS: 12.4(11)XW5; c3825-adventerprisek9-mx.124-11.xw5.bin

SSL VPN Clients:

Windows: anyconnect-win-2.2.0128-k9

Mac: anyconnect-macosx-i386-2.2.0128-k9

Seems like ios can only support one pkg in the router. ASA is capable of multiple packages.

I wonder if this feature will be available in the next ios release.

I was able to install windows and mac packages from the command line using the webvpn install command with sequence numbers

Router: 3825

IOS: 12.4(13r)T10; C3825-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M

Is this still an issue? I'm able to install multple packages with sequencing, but platform detection for anything but the primary (sequence 1, windows) fails.

I just figured out the answer.'

I had a 2.5.60005 version installed on my ASA with Windows NT running. 

I wanted to upgrade to the latest version of the Cisco Secure Mobility Client.

I put the anyconnect-win-3.1.03203 package at the top, but I did not add the regular expression, and presto.

I was still able to connect with the win-2.5.6005 anyconnect.

I even removed the regular expression from the 6005 image and was still able to establish a connection.

**NOTE** - I was not able to browse to the portal and click start anyConnect with the 6005 image still on my machine, but I was able to open up the client and connect directly.  When I uninstalled the client, and connected to the portal and clicked on start anyconnect, it installed the latest client.

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