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Level 1
Level 1

I have a UC500 which i have to setup and i have never worked on this before. Can someone please tell how to configure this box or if someone have a sample config they would like to share. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


7 Replies 7

Level 9
Level 9

UC500 can be configured like a normal CME and CUE, anyway here is the show run of my lab's UC500

Level 1
Level 1

In addition to what he said, the uc-500 comes with a cd that has a really easy to use configuration utility. I would say go that route if you don't have any CCME or CUE experience. I can help as well. :)

I greatly appreciate your help guys. I will try that and see how it goes?

Thanks again,

I have another questions for you guys. I hope someone can explain this to me. Let's say i have a uc500 connected to a cisco switch which supports qos. If i setup the switch to mark all voice traffic with the highest priority. The traffic goes to the uc500 and then the pix or router and then the isp modem. What happens to my traffic if i have a dsl connection. Would it matter to the isp whether the voice traffic is marked or not. Would the isp drop traffic from my dsl connection?

Thanks guys

Thats a little bit of a loaded question. Once the voice leaves your pix to go out over the internet it leaves your control. So the easiest way I know how to answer that question is "some" isp's will use your qos markings. Not very many though. Also you stated that you set the marking to the highest value, if you set your dscp/cos to higher than a cos of 5, even the ones that do honor your qos will not.

So in short running voip through the internet is going to be hit or miss because you cant gaurantee the resources. I hope that helps.


Most (like 99.9%) of residential class ISPs do not honour DSCP or CoS markings. The ISP usually ignores them. You can find some ISPs which on a business class internet connection will pass on the QoS but unless you have no other ISP between the two points it's almost guaranteed the next ISP will drop the markings. Your best bet is frame relay or MPLS.

Level 4
Level 4

There are several VOD on PEC about UC500 basic configuration

You can search for UC500 or these videos:

"How to install Cisco Configuration Assistant"

"How to access UC520 command line interface"

"How to backup UC520 configuration using CCA"

"How to restore UC520 to factory default configuration"

hope it helps