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Scripting retrieval of the config file

Nicolas Melay
Level 1
Level 1

Just in case someone else needs it, this works for me on AsyncOS 5.5:

wget --no-check-certificate -O config.xml "

17 Replies 17

Nicolas Melay
Level 1
Level 1

Couldn't get it through SSH by the way.

ssh showconfig returns The command "showconfig" does not take any arguments!

Have you ever tried mailconfig via ssh?
That's easy and works fine in most environments.

Nicolas Melay
Level 1
Level 1

Right. Contrary to showconfig, mailconfig works all right with SSH, but that's not a very straightforward way to retrieve the config file.

I just saw that the following works however :

echo -e "showconfig\ny" | ssh | sed -n "/\?xml/,/\/config/p"

Level 1
Level 1

Heres a quick perl script i use to perform config backups (with passwords):

# 2006041000 Simon Howard Quick script to backup Ironport configurations

@ironports = ("","","");

foreach(@ironports) {
my $host = $_;
my $backupdir = "/var/spool/archive/$host";
my $detail = `ssh $_ \"saveconfig 1\"`;
my @detailsplit = split /\n/,$detail;
$_ = $detailsplit[0];
if (/^The file (.*) has been saved in the$/) {
my $ret = system("scp $host:/configuration/$1 $backupdir");
if ($ret != 0) {
print "Error: backing $host config file '$1' to $backupdir $?";
} else {
print "Success: backing up $host config file '$1' to $backupdir";

# remove any configs older than 60 days
`find $backupdir -mtime +60 -exec rm -rf {} \\;`;

print "Ironport config backup complete";

Level 1
Level 1

It's always good to have backup config, but unfortunately 'loadconfig' is not supported in central management environment (cluster mode).

For cluster environments config backups are just a archive to see old settings, those can't be used for disaster recovery

Level 1
Level 1

Complain (loudly) to you SE and Customer Support about the lack of loadconfig/saveconfig for clusters.

The lack of this feature means that anything other than small changes is overly time consuming. Adhering to Change Control procedures is also made more painful because there is no quick roll-back.

How do you delete the old configs? rm isn't allowed and I was told by my se that it won't automatically clear out old copies. Was hoping to find some equivalent so after the scp I could just delete the appliance copies.

Level 1
Level 1

You can login via ftp and use the delete command.

Level 1
Level 1

This can also be achieved using expect scripts as per below

#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set password [lrange $argv 0 0]
set ipaddr [lrange $argv 1 1]
set scriptname [lrange $argv 2 2]
set arg1 [lrange $argv 3 3]
#set timeout -1
spawn ssh -p 22 expect@$ipaddr $scriptname $arg1
match_max 100000
expect "*?assword:*"
send -- "$password\r"
# send blank line (\r)
#send -- "\r"
expect eof

Put the above into a expect script and run a daily or weekly cron

/usr/bin/expect /tmp/ironlogin.exp password host mailconfig emailaddress

Donald Nash
Level 3
Level 3

You can login via ftp and use the delete command.

And by doing so expose your admin password over the network, since FTP uses plaintext authentication. It really annoys me that this is the only way to delete files. I understand that they want to keep you from hurting yourself, but there must be some way to make this work via SSH.

Not griping at you, meyd45, just at the situation.

Level 1
Level 1

Complain (loudly) to you SE and Customer Support about the lack of loadconfig/saveconfig for clusters. 

The lack of this feature means that anything other than small changes is overly time consuming. Adhering to Change Control procedures is also made more painful because there is no quick roll-back.

Hi, has anyone ever made a script able to backup a cluster config? Meaning remove one machine from the cluster and backup that config and join the cluster again - automated.

I would be be very thankful for such information. We just had the case, that both cluster members died at the same time and we were left with nothing to restore quickly.

Here's something I put together:


set timeout 30

expect_after eof { exit 0 }

## interact with SSH
expect {
"yes/no" { send "yes\r" }
-re ".assword:" { send "PASSWORD\r" }

expect "> " { send "showconfig\r" }
expect "> " { send "Y\r" }
expect "Press Any Key For More" { send "\r" }
set timeout 2
while 1 {
expect {
"Press Any Key For More" { send "\r" }
timeout break

expect "> " { send "exit\r" }

Because running a cluster, the config backups cannot be restored. This is due to a bug , they had to remove the cluster config file restore feature.

It's still useful, though. Imagine you made a change, and it messed things up, and you weren't totally sure what changed. You could diff the last known good config with the broken config, and tell what changed.

At our shop, we have the IronPort system log going to syslog, and we use Swatch to watch it and it kicks off a fetch of the configuration, after it changes. Like this:
1. User makes a change and commits
2. IronPort syslogs the change
3. Syslog writes the log entry that it changed to the log file
4. Swatch sees the log file entry, and feeds the line to another program that fetches the cluster configuration and stores it.

Anybody have an updated WGET command that works with 6.5.2-101?

Andrew Wurster
Level 1
Level 1

I don't use wget so can't test it out unfortunately. be careful with WGET though - I've seen a lot of customers and other random folks hit a software defect in AsyncOS or even their own script and essentially DoS the box. Be careful whatever you do!

Remember that the "configuration" backup file is NOT a flat file but rather a manually generated thing collecting from different system files.

So using this mentality, you have to A) login and generate it and then B) copy the file off the box. (Unless ofcourse you are using 'showconfig' which does so and streams it to stdout for you).

One such tool that will simplify this and cut a few lines (and security risks) out of your expect and other shell scripts are ssh-keys. Check em out!

Here's a KB I wrote a ways back to show some of my own preferred methods:

