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UC520 Email notification not working

Level 1
Level 1

I have enabled Notifications for all messages via email for a specific user.

I also enabled notifications system wide.

I then entered my SMTP Server IP.

I tested that from the router I can telnet (using a source IP of the Service Module) to port 25 of my mail server and send a message to that user from the configued send address.

However, when I leave a message for that user they never get an email...

I have enabled trace voicemail msgnotif all in the services module interface.

I found this error:

2937 10/30 14:12:15.417 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Processing job: 1

2937 10/30 14:12:15.429 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Got a job: Owner=/sw/local/users/jcabral,, UID=110

2937 10/30 14:12:15.429 VMSS vmdb 0 Request connection: inUse: 1, active: 3

2937 10/30 14:12:15.429 VMSS vmdb 0 Got connection: 2, inUse: 2, active: 3

2937 10/30 14:12:15.429 VMSS vmdb 7 SELECT enabled FROM vm_mailbox, vm_mbxusers WHERE vm_mbxusers.mailboxid = vm_mailbox.mailboxid AND split_part(vm_mbxusers.userdn, '/', 5) = '/sw/local/users/jcabral';

2937 10/30 14:12:15.434 VMSS vmdb 0 Freed connection: 2, inUse: 1, active: 3

2937 10/30 14:12:15.434 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: sendEmailNotification: checkSendPreConditions passed

2937 10/30 14:12:15.439 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Begin processing email job, UID=110

2937 10/30 14:12:15.452 VMSS vmsg 6 getMessage 110

2937 10/30 14:12:15.452 VMSS vmdb 0 Request connection: inUse: 1, active: 3

2937 10/30 14:12:15.452 VMSS vmdb 0 Got connection: 0, inUse: 2, active: 3

2937 10/30 14:12:15.453 VMSS vmdb 7 select * from vm_message where uid='110' ;

2937 10/30 14:12:15.456 VMSS vmsg 1 FTX1145Y155-Integrated-Service-Engine--1225199157578

2937 10/30 14:12:15.457 VMSS vmdb 3 FTX1145Y155-Integrated-Service-Engine--1225199157578,1,1,5088895395,f,f,15307,122458,1225390334604,null,67396,30-Oct-08 18:12:14 UTC,9223372036854775807,1225390334604,0,0,t,15307,110,

2937 10/30 14:12:15.458 VMSS vmdb 0 Freed connection: 0, inUse: 1, active: 3

2937 10/30 14:12:15.459 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Attachment body part added, UID=110

2937 10/30 14:12:15.462 VMSS vmdb 0 Request connection: inUse: 1, active: 3

2937 10/30 14:12:15.462 VMSS vmdb 0 Got connection: 2, inUse: 2, active: 3

2937 10/30 14:12:15.466 VMSS vmdb 1

2937 10/30 14:12:15.469 VMSS vmdb 0 Freed connection: 2, inUse: 1, active: 3

2937 10/30 14:12:15.602 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Error sending email, UID= 110 :javax.mail.SendFailedException: Sending failed;

nested exception is:

class javax.mail.internet.AddressException: Illegal character in domain

2937 10/30 14:12:15.602 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Send email rc=2

2937 10/30 14:12:15.602 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Deleting email job: Device ID=162, UID=110

2937 10/30 14:12:15.602 VMSS vmdb 7 DELETE FROM outcall_email_job WHERE device_id = 162 AND uid = 110;

I checked the email address and its fine.

Please advise ? At a loss.

9 Replies 9

Level 6
Level 6

The notification is failing because the CUE is not configured with the domain name.

Please get into the CUE CLI and configure this:

CUE#configure terminal

CUE(config)#ip domain-name


CUE#wr mem


Level 1
Level 1

That is exactly what it was. It works fine now. Thanks for you assistance much appreciated.

Level 1
Level 1

i know this post is quite old i'm having an issue with a uc 520 everything is configured correct as far as i can see but no email gets delivered i did the show trace buffer and the email fails to connect to the server so i tried to telnet from the cli to the mail server located at port 25 it fales to connect (connection closed by foriegn host) the funny thing is i can connect to server using just the ip address see the following telnet sessions below

Trying ... Open
Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Service

login: administrator

Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Server.
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.MAIN-SERVER>


prosatellite#telnet 25
Trying, 25 ... Open

[Connection to closed by foreign host]

Level 1
Level 1

Kindly make sure your SMTP server is up and running. If yes

We can see the success message like below.

> telnet 25

220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 6.0.3790.4675 ready at

  Fri, 4 Jan 2013 09:18:14 +0530

If SMTP server up and runing the CUE module will works fine.

here is the test from my work station ip

220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 6.0.3790.4675 ready at  Fri,
4 Jan 2013 07:29:54 -0500

here is the hyperterminal of uc520 cli

Cisco Configuration Assistant. Version: 3.2 (2). Wed Dec 26 07:53:04 EST 2012

User Access Verification

% Username:  timeout expired!Cisco Configuration Assistant. Version: 3.2 (2). We
d Dec 26 07:53:04 EST 2012

User Access Verification

Username: Cisco Configuration Assistant. Version: 3.2 (2). Wed Dec 26 07:53:04 E
ST 2012

User Access Verification

Username: admin

prosatellite#telnet 25
Trying, 25 ... Open

[Connection to closed by foreign host]

To clarify some items:

1. Your Mail server has an IP of ? Is this an Exchange server what type of server?

2. You have configured your CUE SMTP settings ?

3. Enabled and configured notifications for an voice mail user ?

4. What is the output of trace voicemail msgnotif all after trying a notification test?

Some helpful hints:

To check any problems at CUE, run the following traces:

no trace all
clear trace
trace voicemail msgnotif all
trace configapi smtp debug
trace entitymanager NotifDevice all
trace smtp all
sho trace buffer tail

exchange server 2003 (windows SBS 2003) ip address port 25

cue configured (password not shown)

External SMTP Server:
External SMTP Server Port:

user configured with email address

Trace output

UC500-CUE# sho trace buffer tail

Press to exit...

5787 01/04 12:25:19.216 VMSS mnot 0 MessageNotification: Enter insertIntoMsgNoti

fQueue(): msg recipient: jdfinchnotif target: jdfinch

5787 01/04 12:25:19.284 capi smtp 0 SmtpServer: getSysdb(): Attribute: address

2616 01/04 12:25:19.285 capi smtp 0 SmtpSysdbNode: get(): address

5787 01/04 12:25:19.286 VMSS mnot 0 MessageNotification: query: INSERT INTO outc

all_email_job VALUES ('jdfinch', 60, 1357320319217, 56, 0, 'jdfinch');

5787 01/04 12:25:19.305 VMSS mnot 0 MessageNotification: Notifying sender thread


5787 01/04 12:25:19.305 VMSS mnot 0 MessageNotification: Exit insertIntoMsgNotif

Queue(): notifyEmailThread=true, notifyPhoneThread=false

4692 01/04 12:25:19.327 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Processing job: 1

4692 01/04 12:25:19.481 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Got a job: [owner_id=jdfinch, c

, extra_text=null, nextSendTime=1357320319217, device_type=3

2, device_id=60, retryCount=0, targetId=jdfinch, attach_vm=true, isUrgent=false,

isPrivate=false, ndrreason=0, uid=56, messagetype=1, preferenceA, sender=110, c

allerName=John Finch

4692 01/04 12:25:19.486 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: sendEmailNotification: checkSen

dPreConditions passed

4692 01/04 12:25:19.486 capi smtp 0 SmtpServer: getSysdb(): Attribute: address

2514 01/04 12:25:19.487 capi smtp 0 SmtpSysdbNode: get(): address

4692 01/04 12:25:19.488 capi smtp 0 SmtpServer: getSysdb(): Attribute: port

2615 01/04 12:25:19.489 capi smtp 0 SmtpSysdbNode: get(): port

4692 01/04 12:25:19.489 capi smtp 0 SmtpServer: getSysdb(): Attribute: userid

2616 01/04 12:25:19.490 capi smtp 0 SmtpSysdbNode: get(): userid

4692 01/04 12:25:19.491 capi smtp 0 SmtpServer: getSysdb(): Attribute: password

2519 01/04 12:25:19.492 capi smtp 0 SmtpSysdbNode: get(): password

4692 01/04 12:25:19.492 capi smtp 0 SmtpServer: getSysdb(): Attribute: authRequi


2514 01/04 12:25:19.493 capi smtp 0 SmtpSysdbNode: get(): authRequired

4692 01/04 12:25:19.500 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Begin processing email job, UID


4692 01/04 12:25:19.529 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Attachment body part added, UID


4692 01/04 12:25:24.045 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Error sending email, UID= 56 :j

avax.mail.SendFailedException: Sending failed;

  nested exception is:

        class javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host: 192

.168.1.1, port: 25, response: -1

4692 01/04 12:25:24.045 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Send email rc=2

4692 01/04 12:25:24.045 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Deleting email job: Device ID=6

0, UID=56

4692 01/04 12:25:24.068 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: calculateWaitTime(): current ti

me: 1357320324063, job time: 0

4692 01/04 12:25:24.068 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Wait time=0


UC500-CUE# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=126 time=0.940 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=126 time=0.681 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=126 time=1.16 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=126 time=0.888 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=126 time=1.31 ms

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 5ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.681/0.997/1.314/0.221 ms, ipg/ewma 1.364/0.980 ms

UC500-CUE# sho trace buffer tail
Press to exit...
5787 01/04 12:25:19.216 VMSS mnot 0 MessageNotification: Enter insertIntoMsgNoti
fQueue(): msg recipient: jdfinchnotif target: jdfinch
5787 01/04 12:25:19.284 capi smtp 0 SmtpServer: getSysdb(): Attribute: address
2616 01/04 12:25:19.285 capi smtp 0 SmtpSysdbNode: get(): address
5787 01/04 12:25:19.286 VMSS mnot 0 MessageNotification: query: INSERT INTO outc
all_email_job VALUES ('jdfinch', 60, 1357320319217, 56, 0, 'jdfinch');
5787 01/04 12:25:19.305 VMSS mnot 0 MessageNotification: Notifying sender thread
5787 01/04 12:25:19.305 VMSS mnot 0 MessageNotification: Exit insertIntoMsgNotif
Queue(): notifyEmailThread=true, notifyPhoneThread=false
4692 01/04 12:25:19.327 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Processing job: 1
4692 01/04 12:25:19.481 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Got a job: [owner_id=jdfinch, c, extra_text=null, nextSendTime=1357320319217, device_type=3
2, device_id=60, retryCount=0, targetId=jdfinch, attach_vm=true, isUrgent=false,
isPrivate=false, ndrreason=0, uid=56, messagetype=1, preferenceA, sender=110, c
allerName=John Finch
4692 01/04 12:25:19.486 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: sendEmailNotification: checkSen
dPreConditions passed
4692 01/04 12:25:19.486 capi smtp 0 SmtpServer: getSysdb(): Attribute: address
2514 01/04 12:25:19.487 capi smtp 0 SmtpSysdbNode: get(): address
4692 01/04 12:25:19.488 capi smtp 0 SmtpServer: getSysdb(): Attribute: port
2615 01/04 12:25:19.489 capi smtp 0 SmtpSysdbNode: get(): port
4692 01/04 12:25:19.489 capi smtp 0 SmtpServer: getSysdb(): Attribute: userid
2616 01/04 12:25:19.490 capi smtp 0 SmtpSysdbNode: get(): userid
4692 01/04 12:25:19.491 capi smtp 0 SmtpServer: getSysdb(): Attribute: password
2519 01/04 12:25:19.492 capi smtp 0 SmtpSysdbNode: get(): password
4692 01/04 12:25:19.492 capi smtp 0 SmtpServer: getSysdb(): Attribute: authRequi
2514 01/04 12:25:19.493 capi smtp 0 SmtpSysdbNode: get(): authRequired
4692 01/04 12:25:19.500 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Begin processing email job, UID
4692 01/04 12:25:19.529 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Attachment body part added, UID
4692 01/04 12:25:24.045 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Error sending email, UID= 56 :j
avax.mail.SendFailedException: Sending failed;
  nested exception is:
        class javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host: 192
.168.1.1, port: 25, response: -1
4692 01/04 12:25:24.045 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Send email rc=2
4692 01/04 12:25:24.045 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Deleting email job: Device ID=6
0, UID=56
4692 01/04 12:25:24.068 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: calculateWaitTime(): current ti
me: 1357320324063, job time: 0
4692 01/04 12:25:24.068 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Wait time=0

ping host from cue

UC500-CUE# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=126 time=0.940 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=126 time=0.681 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=126 time=1.16 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=126 time=0.888 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=126 time=1.31 ms

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 5ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.681/0.997/1.314/0.221 ms, ipg/ewma 1.364/0.980 ms

Clue is:

4692 01/04 12:25:24.045 VMSS mnot 0 EmailSender: Error sending email, UID= 56 :j

avax.mail.SendFailedException: Sending failed;

  nested exception is:

        class javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host: 192

.168.1.1, port: 25, response: -1

Seems like Exchange is the issue not the CUE.

Allow Exchange to accept unauthenticated email from the CUE and also configure Exchange to allow SMTP relay.

You can test everything is working on the CUE side you could test with or try another email server avaiable to you.

was able to resolve the issue, it was a router issue, i had the router blocking all internal traffic on port 25 so that if a maching got a virus that would try to send out email it would be blocked from going out over our external ip address, we had that a few times and it put our external ip on a block list i just had to put the exception run in for the uc520's ip address.