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CME upgrade

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Guys,

I need to do an IOS and flash upgrade and would like to check i am on the right track before starting.

Firstly i would do a copy flash tftp to my laptop to save the current config and IOS.This router is running CME therefore would every file on flash be copied to tftp including GUI files,ring tones etc and will it still be in .tar format ?

Next while the router is up/running, i would eject the old flash and insert the new one,format it, then do a copy tftp flash.

Finally,i can then delete the old IOS and replace it with the new IOS on my TFTP as well as any other files such as CME GUI/MOh files.

Also,i want to try using a usb compact flash reader,does this mean i can just eject the old flash,plug into the usb reader and copy everything from that drive onto my pc.What format would this be in,could i just delete the IOS from the compact flash while in my pc,replace with the new one and then just stick it back into the router then job done?

I realise there may be other ways of doing this so will appreciate your thoughts on the above...thanks!

4 Replies 4

If you have room on your flash, it's good to keep the old IOS there for a while. If you have issues with the new IOS you can quickly go back in case of the worst.

I wouldn't worry about copying the ringtones and such. Getting the IOS and configuration is a good idea though.

I would probably do something like this:

1. Backup configuration and IOS. See if I have enough space for both IOS versions. Backup any custom ringtones or other custom files that will not be in the CME files download.

2. Have IOS and CME files ready on TFTP server (laptop)

3. Delete all old CME files

4. Copy new IOS over.

5. Use the 'boot system flash:' command to make sure you boot the correct file.

6. Copy the new tar files for CME over.

7. Save configuration.

8. Reload

Haven't used the USB on the routers yet, but I imagine it's not any different. I would do a search on USB drive for ISRs if you're worried.

Keep in mind that all the ringtones and phone loads aren't as closely tied as most people think. I run almost any phone load and locale files I want in my lab, and I haven't had a single interoperability problem.



Level 1
Level 1

Hi Sebastian,

Since you're upgrading ur IOS image, i would suggest that you upgrade the CME GUI version as well.

Just to shared out what i did over the past weekend.I was upgraded the flash & the version of CME to 7.0.1.Below r my steps:

1.>removed the existing flash which contained the old IOS & CME GUI files.

2.>insert the new larger size of flash memory into router,and boot it up.

3.>Since there's not IOS image on the flash,the router will enter the rommon.

4.>From the rommon,specify the tftpdnld information,e.g.: IP_address,SM,DG,TFTP_server,and IOS image name on TFTP_server.

5.>Once these 5 command done, issued the tftpdnld,it'll start downloading the new IOS image into the flash.

6.>Issue the command "reboot" once the downloading completed.You'll get new IOS after that.

7.>from IOS,download the required files from unzipped CME zip files.There's alot of firmware,image,moh,BACD... inside the zip,download what your environment require.

Maybe to others,this might be a "stupid"method,but i found it very convenience and achieved what i want.

Note:your CME GUI version must aligned with the IOS version, please check the Cisco Unified CME IOS and GUI compatiblity matrix in order to get the appropriate and compatible image for both.



If it helps.

I have been playing with this recently. Make a copy of the running config to the flash just in case. If you can have a second flash and format that in the router put that in a pc and copy the new IOS bin file, new CME tar file and GUI tar file.

Insert in the router and reboot this should load to the new IOS then perform an "archive tar /extract......." command on the two tar files.

Again this is just how i did it others may have preferred methods.


Thanks guys...its working now.