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Include Cisco employees on the boards

Jon Marshall
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Currently Cisco employees are not registered on any of the leader boards on NetPro. Following on from a discussion at the end of another thread there appears to be support for changing this.

As both Rob and Sushil have pointed out the effort involved in answering questions and helping people out is no different whether you are a Cisco employee or not and it seems wrong that they are not recognised for the work they do.

Is there any reason why they cannot be included on the boards and get the recognition they deserve.


12 Replies 12

Rob Huffman
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hey Jon,

As you nicely noted, you have my full support for this change my friend! Here is my clip;

"I totally agree that ALL members should be treated equally! After all we do refer to ourselves as a Community :)

The time, care, experience and research required to solve issues is universal. It really doesn't matter if you are a Cisco employee or not so why make the distinction?

Let's try to set this right, and welcome all members to these great Forums and accord them the same level of respect."

Cheers everyone!


Hi Jon,

Just to introduce myself, I recently assumed business ownership of NetPro and have been working with Dan and the others on the team. Really appreciate your comment as well as all your contributions. As you know, the leader boards have always focused on the top contributors outside of Cisco. We don't presently have any plans to change that. However, I strongly agree that it is important to recognize the contributions from employees. We have some internal ways of doing that, but I am open to other ideas you might have on doing this more publicly in the community. Perhaps we could feature them from time to time and provide their interviews? Just a thought. Open to your feedback.



Apologies for the delay in getting back, i must have missed the e-mail response.

So i guess the answer is a no then :-). Well worth a try but as Cisco own the boards they get to make the rules :-).

No big deal, just thought it would be nice to see them on the boards. However i personally would be interested in seeing interviews with some of the top employees. Obviously we interact with these people every day and it would be a nice recognition publically of their contributions.


Hi Tim,

Just to add a little more support for Jon's nice idea here (+5 points for this Jon :)

How about a separate "Meet the Cisco NetPros" on the left-hand side of each page of the Forums alongside the existing "Meet the NetPros". This type of recognition might encourage further participation from Cisco employees, which would be most welcomed by all involved.

Just a thought,



Hi Rob,

We do have an overall Cisco employee leader board that is under the 'Ask the Expert' event page. It's tucked away so I'll see if we can get it some more visibility.


Dan Bruhn

NetPro Community Manager

Cheers, Dan

Rob and Jon,

Couldn't agree more. I think that and the interviews are exactly what we will explore. Probably in the opposite order (because the interviews don't require much platform change) but the idea is really appreciated.



I really like the employee interview suggestion. I'll bring this up with the team.


Dan Bruhn

NetPro Community Manager

Cheers, Dan

Rob Huffman
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hi Dan and Tim,

Thanks to you both for this very kind follow-up! I really like any idea that brings more of these great NetPros onboard. The excellence of these Cisco employee participants is highly valued by the "rest" of us, so any way to say Thanks to them can't be anything but great!!

I also wanted to say how much I appreciate the opportunity to be involved with people like Jon, who is always coming up with stellar ideas! You ROCK Jon!




For some reason i don't get e-mail notification on this thread or i keep deleting them with the others :-)

Just wanted to say it's a pleasure to be involved with people like yourself on these forums and it's this as much as anything else that keeps me coming back.


Level 5
Level 5

I have been a little busy to participate on Netpro recently, so missed this.

We we have a couple of the major contributors to netpro suggesting that Cisco staff be on the leader boards. I think that is an excellent suggestion, and would like to add my support for that idea.

I know there is some resistance from Cisco, but that does not stop it being a good idea!

Hi Paul,

I appreciate your note and the sentiment of this whole thread. Please know that there is no resistance from Cisco about finding a way to recognize the Cisco contributors more publicly. We will figure out a way to do that as soon as possible. You are right that we won't be adding them to the leader board. We want to keep that focused on external contributions, but we'll find other ways to call them out.



Sorry, I didn't mean resistance to recognising them internally - I am sure that happens - I was meaning resistance to adding them to leaderboards.

What about just adding the top Cisco contributor in a field?

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