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Let users manage openingtime in uccx script

Is it possible to have endusers manage the openingtime of their script? We don't want to edit the script everytime when they close early. Is their software available so they can manage this themselves?

We are using Cisco Unified CM 7.1.2 and Cisco Unified CCX Enhanced 7.0(1)SR03_Build011

4 Replies 4

Level 1
Level 1

I'm not sure of a way to do it with IPCC. However if you take the time of day routing out of the script there are a couple of other ways you could handle it.

1. If you're using Unity or Unity connection send the incoming calls there first and use a call handler to do the time of day routing. Give one of the users rights to be able to call in from a phone and change the greeting on the call handler to an alternate greeting when they need to close early.

2. Break the IPCC script into two separate scripts, one for open and one for close with different dial in numbers for each. Set up a phone that all the IPCC calls are routed to and have them just call forward all to whichever script would be appropriate.

1. Placing Unity in the call path is one of the worst design decisions anyone can make with CCX. Everyone who isn't well versed with CCX seems to do this; don't.

-You just made your entire contact center dependnat upon another (non-HA) server and product.

-Unity typically has way fewer ports than CCX does to handle calls on. Way to get yourself oversubscribed.

-This is awkward to the caller and adds delays to call processing.

-Difficult to troubleshoot when calls drop between Unity and CCX.

2. This has been unreliable with multi-hop call-forwards to a JTAPI application. A DN on a SCCP/SIP phone isn't intended for this volume of traffic and is difficult to trace.

The correct solution to this is to write an XML file, and optionally a IVR or brwoser-based UI that allows users to modify it. If an XML file and an IVR to change, you can do this entirely within CCX using the Document Repository to save the file to. Your other scripts can then check this file at runtime.

If you want to write a browser-based UI, you will need to put the XML file (or a SQL database) on another server and have your script query it at runtime.

Yes, that is what we want. Is there ready-made software available for this? Or do we have to program this ourselves?

A quick fix could be create an agent ID which when logged in exends the opening times by running a duplicate script with no closed time and then when they log out, it reverts back to the "normal" script which has the opening, close times as part of the script