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Want to Develop EEM/TcL e-mail notification for ISDN busy-out conditions

Doug Boreham
Level 1
Level 1


I currently have a TcL script that watches for IP SLA syslog messages, and sends out an e-mail when they occur.

I now want to watch for ISDN busyout SNMP messages, and send an e-mail when that issue occurs.  We are open to either expanding the current TcL script, or creating a new one based upon your recommendations.

Here is a partial output of the trap we would want to key on:

Summary : DS0 Out Of Service, Busyout from Remote  ( Slot: 6, Port: 0, Channel: 1 )

Event ID : SNMPTRAP-cisco-CISCO-POP-MGMT-MIB-cpmDS0BusyoutNotification

Whenever that specific Event ID occurs, we would like to send an e-mail, based upon the slot and port indicated in the SNMP Summary field:

e-mail Sender: {hostname}

e-mail Recipient:

e-mail Subject: {hostname} DS0 Out Of Service, Busyout from Remote - Slot: 6, Port: 0

e-mail Body:

The output of the following commands:

  • show controllers t1 6/0
  • show isdn service serial 6/0:23

Current system variables:

event manager policy sl_ip_sla_report.tcl
event manager environment _mail_smtp
event manager environment _mail_rcpt

event manager environment _mail_domain
event manager environment _email_src_intf Loopback0
event manager directory user policy "flash:/policies"

Current TcL script:

::cisco::eem::event_register_syslog pattern "RTT-3-IPSLATHRESHOLD: IP SLA.*[0-9]+.* Threshold (Cleared|Occurred) for timeout"

namespace import ::cisco::eem::*
namespace import ::cisco::lib::*

array set _sinfo [sys_reqinfo_routername]
set _info_routername $_sinfo(routername)

if [catch {cli_open} result] {
    error $result $errorInfo
} else {
    array set cli1 $result

array set arr_einfo [event_reqinfo]
set msg $arr_einfo(msg)

if { ! [regexp {RTT-3-IPSLATHRESHOLD: IP SLA.*\(([0-9]+)\).* Threshold (Cleared|Occurred) for timeout} $msg -> collector type] } {
    action_syslog msg "Failed to find collector ID in syslog"
    exit 1

if [catch {cli_exec $cli1(fd) "show ip sla statistics $collector"} iplsa_stat] {
    error $ipsla_stat $errorInfo

set stat {is down}
if { $type == "Cleared" } {
    set stat {has been restored}

if { [catch {cli_exec $cli1(fd) "show ip sla conf $collector"} _cli_result] } {
    error $_cli_result $errorInfo

set other_server {Unknown}
if { [regexp {Target address: ([0-9\.]+)} $_cli_result -> target_ip] } {
    regsub -all {\.} $target_ip {_} varname
    if { [info exists hostname_${varname}] } {
        set other_server [expr "\$hostname_$varname"]
     } else {
         set other_server $target_ip

set mail_pre "Mailservername: $_mail_smtp\n"
append mail_pre "From: $_info_routername@$_mail_domain\n"
append mail_pre "To: $_mail_rcpt\n"
append mail_pre
append mail_pre "Subject: IP SLA alert - $_info_routername connectivity to $other_server $stat\n\n"
append mail_pre "$ipsla_stat\n\n"
set mail_msg [uplevel #0 [list subst -nobackslashes -nocommands $mail_pre]]
if [catch {smtp_send_email $mail_msg} result] {
    error $result $errorInfo

if [catch {cli_exec $cli1(fd) "exit"} _cli_result] {
    error $_cli_result $errorInfo

# Close open cli before exit.
if [catch {cli_close $cli1(fd) $cli1(tty_id)} result] {
    error $result $errorInfo

Please let me know if you need any additional information.



6 Replies 6

Joe Clarke
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

The ability for an EEM policy to process traps sent by the device itself is very new.  What version of IOS are you running?


Please support CSC Helps Haiti

Hey Joe,

We are running 12.4(24)T2 software with the IP Plus feature set...


The ability to intercept outgoing SNMP traps was not added until 15.0.  Is there some other way you can determine if a channel is busied out?  Perhaps a show command can be run periodically, and parsed to determine line state.


I can change my trap logging level from warnings to informational, which would create a syslog message in addition to the SNMP trap.

This would allow us to key off the syslog entry using the existing code, correct?


Yep.  What is the specific syslog you will get?


We are now logging informational SNMP traps.  We will watch for the specific busyout messages and will post them once they have been identified.

