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CUCM Location Value

Level 4
Level 4


In RTMT perf monitor we can monitor the no of active call progress fore the specific location.

As per the RTMT guide the values  were unique to each node , If the  calls in progress value is 5 it means that there are 5 active calls in location for that node.

Here we are facing the trouble , all the nodes values are near to the total no of  calls in the cluser for that location [ ex : CAC configured for 10 calls]

We confused now wheather values cluster wide or unique to the node ?

Is there any way to monitor the no of calls in progress value for the location in clusterwide ?

8 Replies 8

Level 3
Level 3

You're looking for total calls in progress in progress at the location?  Are you looking for intrasite, intersite, and external calls as well?


I'n our case location configured for the service provider Gateways. All the IP Phones are in the Hub_None location.

We have to monior the no of calls processing in the location.


Ok, I think I understand.

But are you wanting to track ALL CALLS or only ones that traverse your gateways and out onto the PSTN?

With RTMT you should be able to monitor the fallowing at each remote gateway. Sounds like Call Activtiy is what you are looking for. I hope this helps.

Monitoring Call-Processing Activity

The Call Process monitoring category monitors the following items:

Call Activity—You can monitor the number of calls that were attempted, calls that were completed, and call in progress for a particular Cisco CallManager node or the entire cluster.

Gateway Activity—You can monitor gateway activity for each gateway type. Gateway activity monitoring includes the number of active ports, the number of ports in service, and the number of calls that were completed for each gateway type for a particular Cisco CallManager node or the entire cluster.

Trunk Activity—The system monitors trunk activity by trunk type for a particular node or cluster. Trunk activity monitoring includes the number of calls in progress and the number of calls that were completed for a particular trunk type.

SDL Queue—SDL Queue monitoring monitors the number of signals in the SDL queue and the number of signals that were processed for a particular signal distribution layer (SDL) queue type. The SDL queue types comprise high, normal, low, and lowest queue. You can monitor the SDL queue for a particular node or the entire cluster.

SIP Activity—The system displays a summary of SIP requests, SIP responses, total number of failed incoming responses (4xx, 5xx, and 6xx), total number of failed outgoing responses (4xx, 5xx, and 6xx), number of retry requests, and number of retry responses.

Table 5-3 provides information about the objects that RTMT monitors, the alert, thresholds, and defaults. For information on Cisco CallManager call activity daily reports, see the "Call Activities Report" section on page 9-9.

Good find Eramaya.  I'm still curious if the original poster is looking to monitor intrasite or intersite calls though because as far as I know (and based off the RTMT documentation) there is only capability to measure all calls on a node (or all calls on all nodes) or calls on a particular gateway.  I can't think of a way to monitor all calls with at least one leg in a certain location...

In RTMT, go to Performance, select the IP of the server, then go down to Cisco Locations.  You should see a Calls in Progress counter.

The only problem is if CUCM tracks the calls by the location of the originating phone (and not the gateway) this will not work because all the phones are in Hub_None - only the gateways are in individual locations.

Speaking of, without location-specific phones how are you keeping track of CAC and making sure you don't overwhelm your WAN?


Even phonnes are in the Hub_none , CAC will achived by the location configured in the Gateways.

This setup is working fine .

We are having multiple gateways to the service provider , all the gateways configured with Loc_gw .  we want to konw thw total no of calls going towards the service provider .

In this scenario , how we can monitor the "No.of.Calls in Progress " for the Location Loc_gw in cluster wide

you can pull the report from the cli also using the following command " show perf query instance "Cisco Locations" Loc_gw(location name).

Here my doubt is  the "calls in progress value " in the ouput is no of calls in progress for that location in that node or in the cluster.

example : we configured the location for 5 active calls. whenever i checked the no of calls  in progress values are same in all the cluster based on the active calls.

Location is the system wide parameter , calls in progress value learned by the nodes via the runtime data.

If you replicate this kind of setup in the lab , then we can confirm that the values are unique to the node or cluerwide value for the location.
