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Keep encountering "Error 56" when starting the VPN client

Level 1
Level 1

Hello all.  I recently downloaded the VPN client to connect to my school's Unix servers.  The first time I downloaded it, it worked just fine.  But now for some reason, the service will not start at all.  When I go to start>programs>Cisco Systems>VPN client, it seems to load, but after about a minute, I get this error message: "Error 56: The Cisco Systems, Inc., VPN client has not been started. Please start this service and try again."  I've tried going to the Cisco folder and clicking on the .exe files, but they don't seem to do anything.  Clicking on "cvpnd.exe" and "vpnclient.exe" don't bring up anything, and nothing appears in the task manager.

I'm using Vista.  Any ideas what could be causing this?

8 Replies 8

Jitendriya Athavale
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

try going to services.msc and starting the cisco vpn client manually from there also make sure that it is set to automatic

if that doesnt help try uninstalling reboot and reinstalling again

paolo bevilacqua
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
  1. Revise all network connections, even unused ones, to make sure sharing is disabled
  2. In services administration, make sure "Internet Connection Sharing" is set to manual.
  3. Restart PC

Level 1
Level 1

I am not sure if people are still experiencing this issue but I came across it this morning on my Windows 7 64 Bit system.

I eventually figured out the problem...

1. Uninstall Cisco VPN Client

2. Go into device manager and remove ANY Cisco Virtual Adapters

3. Re-install

For what I could see the problem was caused by the cvpnd.exe (Cisco Service) process being unable to target a 'single' adapter.

Hope this helps anyone having this issue.

I just had this same issue with the client on Windows 7. I initially tried the previous post but windows would not let me stop the service. A reinstall and removal of the virtual adaptors then reinstall got me back on. Thanks David!

OMG!!!! anti virus was the problem, even after Disabling antivirus it didnt work, Added to exeption list too.. still same problem, finally decided to remove antivirus..... great!!!! WORKING NOW......

Level 1
Level 1

verificar en services.msc, que esté activo el servicio,  si no aparece, reinstalar aplicación y actualizar registro:

1. Abre el editor de registro (Windows+R regedit) Navega hasta la ruta del registro


2. Abre el Valor REG_SZ con el nombre DisplayName para modificarlo y elimina el texto como se muestra a continuación:

Para Equipos x86.

"@ oem8.inf,% CVirtA_Desc%; Cisco Systems VPN Adapter" a "Cisco System VPN Adapter"
(sin comillas)

Para Equipos x64

"@ oem8.inf,% CVirtA_Desc%; Cisco Systems VPN Adapter for 64-bit Windows" a
"Cisco Systems VPN Adapter for 64-bit Windows"
(sin comillas)

Level 1
Level 1

I am using Windows10 and had the same issue. I found the solution in the given video.. it helped me :)


Hope it helps u too !!

Level 1
Level 1

Reinstalling the App would always work but this is not the actual cause of the problem.

Your login window has gone beyond the visibility of your display screen.

To bring it back:

1. Make sure VPN app is in the active window: keyboard ALT+Tab (iterate until selected)

2. Then press keyboard ALT+Space followed by key M [Move] to access active window controls.

3. Then using the mouse or the keyboard arrows, bring your login window back to within the visibility of your display.  Done.

4. If you mess something up, try again steps 1-3.

This problem occurred to me at least three times in the last two years but solution worked every time.