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VPN Connection With Windows 8 Driver Failure

Level 1
Level 1


Shortly we are using a new ASUS Tablet with

Windows 8

Version 6.2 (Build 9200)

Cisco VPN Client Version

But trying to connect to our gateway delivers the following error:.

Secure VPN Connection terminated locally by Client

Reason 440: Driver Failure

I tested the VPN Client version with same connection profile and certificate on a virtual windows 8 professional and it works.

(it even runs on XP and Windows 7)

Is there any new driver or Version for Win8 available?

We got the client including connections from an Austrian Telecom provider (it is part of our internet package)

so we do not have a contract to cisco but the support of our provider is not really the best.

many thanks in advance


8 Replies 8

Level 4
Level 4

Level 1
Level 1

Hi we have the same issue on the same machine (Asus Vivo Tab Smart LTE), proceeded exactly according to recommendations, including all reboots, still the same error.

Please recommend further actions, without the VPN working the tablet is of no use for our organisation, and we will have to conclude this trial and purchase from another vendor.

I have this same issue with my VivoTab Smart. Getting Error 440 Driver device. I can disable Cert auth in system startup processes and vpn works fine until I have to reboot.

Permanently enable testsigning as described in this link, and it'll work:

Hi Gentlemen,

I know it is not always possible to do this, but at this point I recommend migrating to AC. I am not in your position, so I am just sharing my opinion.

If you get this to work on the ASUS tablet, but eventually you experience a software issue, you will not find support for the Cisco VPN Client 5.x on Windows 8.



Level 1
Level 1

Hello Again,

thanks for your ideas but nothing worked so far.

I still getting this errror

Any further ideas?

Steven: what do you mean with

"disable Cert auth"

many thanks in advance


mate stick with it, it works.

disable the driver signature enforcement as described in the link, then install the vpn clean (uninstall before the reboot if you must), then use the elevated command prompt to turn the testsigning on (the two bdcedit commands also described in the link). if you get an error on the latter, disable secure boot in the bios (you'll need a usb keyboard to do that). the bdcedit is just so you don't have to reboot with option 7 every time you want to use the vpn as far as I understand.

give it a whirl, have done it on two vivo tabs, works a treat!

Level 1
Level 1

finally, I tried


it worked fine