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Script Monitoring

Level 1
Level 1

Is it possible to display the real time script monitoring stats on a plasma screen as a wallboard for the call centre. If so, how is that possible?

38 Replies 38

Level 6
Level 6

I remember trying the same a few months ago. I don't think it is possible.

If you want realtime stats, you would need to setup some kind of stored procedure in SQL to send the data off to your wall board.

If you just wanted to see the scripts monitoring, could you use pcAnywhere in conjuction with the Plasma screen software to display this?

Good luck!

Level 1
Level 1

Hi ,

Use the Wallboard integration capability to query Real Time SQL data.

The detailed instructions for wallboard integration are in the Admin guide:

Level 1
Level 1

Hi, We are using plasma screens in our contact centers to display stats.

I created an ASP page that runs in kiosk mode for each contact center.

I created and ODBC connection to the HDS real and historical databases. I then created queries for each bit of data required.

I currently display

logged in agents

Ready agents

Available agents

Call offered

Calls answered

Calls abandoned

Calls in Q

Once you figure out the database tables required it is quite easy and looks great on a 50" Plasma.


I don't suppose you would share that ASP page so I have something to work off of?

This sounds realy intresting.

Any chanse you could post the script you use?


We are about to go and do the exact same thing. Ever since I developed a script that queries the RtCSQsSummary table for all CSQs (indeed quite simple with the DB GET and DB READ steps) that writes to a JSP and then display in a web browser, I have received the request to display this on a 50" screen.

The only thing I am strugling with is that I would also like to list all agents status' (undepending of which CSQ they are in). For this I tried querying the AgentState Detail table but it turns out that resourceName field is a not supported datatype :-(

Anyway, if I ever figure it out, I will post the script for those interested ;-)



did you ever get this working as I need to do the same

I've had a go at this, and attached is a "proof-of-concept" ASP page which queries the db_cra database on the IPCC Server and returns the real-time stats from the RtCSQsSummary table. Note, you'll need to configure "Real Time Snapshot Config" under Tools in appadmin to populate the RtCSQsSummary table.

Once the values have been read from the database, they can be formatted for display on a plasma screen (etc) using HTML formatting. The SQL statement in the ASP code returns a row of statistics for each CSQ configured on the system.

The page auto-refreshes every 30 seconds (this is configurable) and highlights table cells when the number of calls in queue is greater than a predefined threshold.

My ASP is fairly basic, so it may not be the most elegant code, but it does demonstrate that statistics can be retrieved from the database.

There's a section on wallboards and ODBC configuration in the CRA Administrator Guide:

An advantage of this method, is that HTTP triggers (and scripts) aren't used, so you don't use up any advanced IVR ports.

Please rate useful posts!

Wow, that is awsome chief!!!

Allthough it is not really what I was looking for (as I need to have the real time status of agents on the wall display) this code is easy to re-write to the needed SQL SELECT query to collect the needed data.

Nice thing is that since it is ASP there will be no issues with the nvarchar data fields being an unsopperted datatype (as it is in IPCC Express 3.x).

Thanks big time, you made my life a whole lot easier. This reply comes right in time, as my 40" wall displays arrived last Friday and I need to have it working by the end of the year.

You made me a happy man, and you get 5 points from me (if I could vote more then once you would get more).

Kind regards,


I also need to display agent status on a wallboard, I am having trouble linking the tables up, i.e I can see resource and agents state detail but not sure how to match the two up and then to get other state info like reason for logged of etc,

do you have any advice on how to progress?

I love the ASP page but am having problems with it on a IPCC 4.0 system as it requires NT Authentication.

I'm not that familiar with ASP coding, could someone help tweaking it to work on 4.0?


HAve a look at the section "Update to the 'The Tools Menu' Chapter" in the IPCCX 4.0(4) Release Notes which details how to create the equivalent user:

I only have IPCCX 3.5, but will endeavour to try this on an IPCCX 4.0 development environment.

From this documentation, there is a local account on IPCCX 4.0 called CiscoWbUsr, who presumably has access to the real-time data tables. My guess is that an identical account (and password) will need to be created on the IIS box, and this will need to be used as the account for anonymous access (rather than IUSR_XXX account), which will then be able to access the tables on the CRS box through a trusted SQL connection. Maybe :-)

Well, I've tried this and managed to get it to work but it's a bit tricky to set up, when only Windows Authentication is used for the CRA SQL database. I tried it on a co-resident (CCM/IPCC) system, so it may be different for a standalone MSDE system or SQL (HA) system.

If Windows authentication only is in operation on the MSDE/SQL server, then the connection string in the ASP page should change to something like:

objCN.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source =\CRSSQL; Initial Catalog = db_cra; Integrated Security=SSPI;"

The \CRSSQL connects to the named instance, which would be the case on a co-resident system. This may not be required when IPCC resides on its own server.

You then have to set the CiscoWbUsr password on the CRS box to a known value.

On the IIS box running the .asp page, create a local account with the same username and password, and then configure IIS to use this account as the account used for Anonymous Authentication, and set the password again (I elected to uncheck the option for IIS to control the password, using IIS 5.0).

The upshot of all this is that when the page is accessed, the credentials passed to the SQL server are those of the Anonymous account (now CiscoWbUsr) and because the username and passwords match, the SQL query is authenticated.