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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

"Stale license data excluded from pool. The license data for Cisco Unity server 'XXXXX' (ID = {C11ED53E-1D8A-4E4D-9E6F-5C25527E0381}) have not been updated for 60 days. The data will be ignored when calculating the license pool." error message appears

The issue occurs due to synchronization issues between the Active Directory and Cisco Unity Server.


In order to resolve the issue, use the DohPropTest and do a total resynchronisation from the Active Directory down to the databases. This refreshes the values in the licenses.

Complete these steps:

  1. Open DohPropTest.exe from \commserver\techtools\.

  2. Choose OK but do not enter the password.

  3. Choose ignore to password check.

  4. Choose AD Monitor, and choose TotalResync. Close the window.

  5. Choose GC Monitor, and choose TotalResync. Close the window.

When occurs, check the taskmanager for the avdsad.exe and avdsglobalcatalog.exe as this process spikes until finished. It is recommended that you run this during non-production hours as it reduces the performance on the server.

Refer to the Why are all the servers added into Unity license pooling not seen? section of Cisco Unity Licensing FAQ.

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