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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

The call management record (CMR) flat files are not inserted into SQL DB.

Verified in the Publisher SQL Database, there is no varVQMetrics column in the CallDetailRecordDiagnostic table.

Due to missing field in calldetailrecorddiagnostics table, you get Invalid column name errors in detailed trace files, for example:

12/11/2006 12:22:23.899 CDR|Error executing "insert into CallDetailRecordDiagnostic Invalid column name 'varVQMetrics'.|

All CMR files are dropped into the BAD folder by the call detail record (CDR) insert.

Check the C:\Program Files\Cisco\CallDetail\BAD folder if there are many CDR/CMR files there as a result of this problem.

When you check the DBInstall00000000.txt log file, you find the SQL ALTER TABLE statement that should have added the varVQMetrics column, but that failed with the Error on CDR Migrate statement with no other clues.

Also, it is observed each 15-20 minutes that CPU goes to 100% utilization.


The issue is addressed in Cisco bug ID CSCse68968.

A workaround for this bug is:

  1. Stop the insertCDR Service.

  2. Through Enterprise manager or Query analyzer, execute this on the CDR database:

    ALTER TABLE CallDetailRecordDiagnostic ADD varVQMetrics varchar(600) DEFAULT NULL NULL

  3. In the CDR file location, move CMR_xxxxxxx files in the BAD folder to the CMR folder.

  4. Restart CDR Insert service.

Note: You possibly want to move the files from BAD to CMR during off business hours as a precautionary measure.

Use the TAC Service Request Tool in order to open a service request with Cisco Technical Support in order to verify if the fix is released yet in any Service release.

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