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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

It is not possible to modify the default Cisco Unity greeting of the directory handler from Cisco Unity System Admin.


The default greetings of a Cisco Unity directory handler can be modified in three ways:

  • Users can create a call handler before the directory handler. This call handler explains what the user needs to enter. For example, when using the default greeting or recording, the caller is prompted to enter the first and last name of the person he or she wishes to reach. This default recording can be modified so the caller is just prompted to enter the first few letters of the first and the last names. This new call handler can then be forwarded to the directory handler.

  • Go to the Cisco Unity server and select Call Handler > Greetings, and on Source, select Recording. Select a personal recording for the subscriber (or call handler). To record and play greetings here, use the Media Master control bar. Select the Paste from File option on the Options menu of the Media Master control bar to use a pre-recorded .wav file as the recording.

       Note: The Media Master is not available across a firewall.

  • Users can also change the original .wav file (audio file).

Perform these steps to change the original wav file (Note: This workaround is not supported by TAC):

  1. Go to the C:\CommServer\Localize\Prompts\ENU\G729a folder on the Cisco Unity server (when ENU is the contry code). There are several .wav files and a .ini file, as well as a number of sub-directories such as AvAddrSearch. Within each directory you have a file called, which shows the message in text and then the .wav file used to play the text. The file named prompt.ini on each sub-folder describes what is recorded in each folder. You can check it and see which .wav file you need to change.

    Note: Save the .wav files in a different folder so you do not lose them when you make changes.

  2. In this case, the message that you want to modify should be under the AvAddrSearch directory. Look for the .wav files called AvAdrrSearchENU005 and AvAdrrSearchENU006
  3. The best way to edit the .wav file is to use the existing Media Master Control in Cisco Unity. First, record the prompt you want to use, then save it to your desktop. Identify the system prompt to replace (play that file to be sure that this is the right message to replace), then rename the file you saved to the desktop to be the same as the system prompt name. Copy it to that directory.

    Note: The minor and major upgrades to a different Cisco Unity version always replace the system audio files, which is why this workaround is not recommended by TAC. If you encounter any problem with the Cisco Unity prompts later, you should restore the Unity prompts to their original state. They can be restored to their original state (default greetings) any time you upgrade Cisco Unity.

For more information, refer to Cisco    Unity Tools: Alternative Directory Handler Prompts. The document has .wav file already created, so you do not have to create a new recording. It is not supported by TAC.

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