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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

The Extension Mobility phone login is unsuccessful with the Active Directory. However, the login works fine with the Data Connection (DC) Directory. The Password field for all of the application users in the registry is empty. Check the registry entry for Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility at this location in order to confirm:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cisco Systems Inc.\Directory Configuration\AppUsers\CCMSysuser

This issue is documented in Cisco bug ID CSCdx59517.


Check the registry entry for Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility, located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cisco Systems Inc.\Directory Configuration\AppUsers\CCMSysUser to resolve this issue.

Make sure that an entry exists for Password, and that the user ID is CCMSysUser.  If these entries are not there or are wrong, a problem exists with the installation. You can reset or add a password for this user.

Complete these steps to change the CCMSysUser password.

  1. Go to c:\DCDSrvr\Bin.
  2. Execute the CCMPWDChanger.exe application.
  3. Specify your Active Directory password.

    At this point you can choose to change the User ID (in this case CCMSysUser) and  set a password for this user.

  4. Restart the IIS and TOMCAT services.

If this does not help, you can uninstall and reinstall the Active Directory  plug-in to resolve this issue.

The Cisco Customer Directory Configuration Plug-in should first be installed on the Cisco CallManager. However, before installation on the subscribers, perform the procedure detailed in the Enabling Cisco IP Services section of Installing the Cisco Customer Directory Configuration Plugin for Cisco CallManager Release 3.3.

If you attempt to install the plug-in on the subscribers before you perform the service integration procedure, the installation program displays an error message. As a result, the Cisco Call Back, Cisco IP Manager Assistant (Cisco IPMA), and Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility services do not function.

If the issue starts to occur after the  Cisco CallManager upgrade, refer to Cisco bug ID CSCdz60740.

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