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Greeshma Bernad
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee



This document discusses on an error which occurs when trying to configure Silent Monitoring/Recording in a UCCX environment and how to resolve this issue.

Core Issue


Unable to configure SIlent Monitoring/Recording and the following error meessage is received in the Cisco Desktop Administrator


"CDAUI1000 Error  while trying to load the data.Ensure that the system path includes the  location of the WebAdminLib.dll"





In order to resolve this issue, you need to add the location of the WebAdminLib.dll (C:\Program Files\Cisco\ Desktop\bin) to the Path environment variable in the UCCX server. Perform these steps:




1. Go to Start > Settings > Control panel and double-click on System to launch the System utility.



2. On the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables.



3. From the list of system variables, select Path and  click Edit.




4. In the Variable value field, locate the string C:\Program Files\Cisco\Desktop\bin; and, use cut&paste to move it to the beginning of the variable value string. This results in the DLL being accessed  from the correct location.




5. Click OK and close the System utility.


6. Go to Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Services and stop the the service Cisco Unified CCX Node Manager.


7. On the Unified CCX server, delete the teamadmin folder from these locations:



  • C:\Program Files\wfavvid\ tomcat_appadmin\webapps

  • C:\Program Files\wfavvid\ tomcat_appadmin\work\catalina\localhost



8. Go to Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Services and restart the  the service Cisco Unified CCX Node Manager., and wait for two  minutes.


9. Access the Cisco Desktop Administrator and verify that you can navigate to the  Services Configuration > Enterprise Data > Fields page.



Also refer



This document was generated from the following thread: Recording and Monitoring issue in UCCX

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