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This document explains "How to Disable Corporate Directory from IP Phone in CUCM 7.x and 8.x ?" .


Sometimes Customer want to Disable the Corporate Directory from one of the IP Phone say, the Lobby IP Phone which is a Public Phone and don't want to allow the external People to browse the Corporate Directory having Employee's contact details in the Organisation.


The information in this document is based on testing this feature on CUCM 8.0(2) and CUCM 7.1(3)



Problem description



How to Disable Corporate Directory (Directories Button) from the Cisco IP Phone in Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.x and 8.x ?



Disable Corporate Directory on a Single Cisco IP Phone


Complete these Steps to Disable Corporate Directory on a Single Cisco IP Phone



  1. In the Cisco Unified CM Administration Page, choose Device > Phone, search for the IP phone you want to configure, and select it.




  2. In the Phone Configuration window (Cisco Unified CM Administration Page > Device > Phone) configure the following :


  • Look for the field  'Services Provisioning', change it to 'Exernal URL' and then Save.


  • Look for the section called External Data Locations Informations.  In the Directory field, Insert a fake URL (eg. http://0 )

















  3. Press Save and Apply Config on the Phone configuration.


  4. Reset the IP Phone.

     Go to Device > Phone, Select the IP Phone and click Reset Selected.



  5. This disables the Corporate Directory Information from the Phone you selected. When you access the Directories button from the IP phone, the Corporate Directory option is not listed, but a ' Host not found ' message is displayed on the IP phone.






Disable Corporate Directory on all Cisco IP Phones


Complete these Steps to Disable Corporate Directory on all Cisco IP Phones


  1. In the Cisco Unified CM Administration Page, choose System > Enterprise Parameters
  • Look for the field  'Services Provisioning', change it to 'Exernal URL' and then Save.


  • Look for the section called Phone URL Parmaeters.  In the URL Directories, Insert a fake URL (eg. http://0 )








   2. Press Save and Apply config on the Enterprise Configuration Page.





   3. Logon to Cisco Unified Servicability and Restart the Cisco TFTP service


     Go to Cisco Unified Servicability > Tools > Control Center - Featuer service and Restart the Cisco TFTP Service



  4. Logon to Cisco Unified CM Administration  and Reset the Cisco Unified CM service


     Go to System > Cisco Unified CM , select the Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Press ResetCM-34.JPG


  5. This disables the Corporate Directory Information from all the IP Phones. When you access the Directories button from the IP phone, the Corporate Directory option is not listed, but a ' Host not found ' message is displayed on the IP phones.





Disable only the Personal Directory/Recieved calls from the Directories Button in Cisco IP Phones


  1. Logon to Cisco Unified CM Administration and then Go to Device > Device Settings > Phone Services


   Here you can find the list of IP Phone Services like Corporate Directory, Missed Calls, Personal Calls, Received calls etc. You can disable the Individual Services from the Directories Button in CUCM 7.x and CUCM 8.x based on your requirement.





  2. Select the specific IP Phone Service say Personal Directory from the list. Now Uncheck the Enable Option and Save the configuration


Note :- All the IP Phone Services are Enabled by default.



  3. Logon to Cisco Unified Servicability and Restart the Cisco TFTP service


     Go to Cisco Unified Servicability > Tools > Control Center - Featuer service and Restart the Cisco TFTP Service


4. Logon to Cisco Unified CM Administration  and Reset the Cisco Unified CM service


     Go to System > Cisco Unified CM , select the Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Press Reset


5. This disables only the selected IP Phone service say Personal Directory from the Directories Button of the IP Phone.













Level 1
Level 1

After using this solution, when I press message button I am getting message "No Services Configured" which is dislabing VM services on that phone. Is there any way I can only disable directory services on that phone and not VoiceMail?


"Disable Corporate Directory" will disable only the "Directories button" on the phone and you will get a "host not found" message when u press the Directories Button.  This will not disable the "Messages button" for sure. Above solution will disable only the "Directories button" and it will not disable anyother options on IP Phone.

Inorder to solve your issue,

1. Check whether the "voicemail" service is enabled under IP Phone services.

Logon to Cisco Unified CM Administration and then Go to  Device > Device Settings > Phone Services > Check the "voicemail" Enable option.

2. Check the Enterprise Parameters

In the Cisco Unified CM Administration  Page, choose System > Enterprise Parameters

Look for the section called Phone URL Parmaeters.  In  the URL Messages, check whether you have entered a Valid URL.

Revert if you need anymore assistance. Thanks.

Level 1
Level 1

Hi, I had the same results as dpuranik.  This solution disables the directories button but also disables the messages button.  I followed your instructions step by step and tried many times with the same results.  Does this only work on certain releases of call manager 7.X and 8.X? 

Aydin Ehtibarov
Level 1
Level 1

There is answer how to fix issue with voice mail button when you change service provisioning to external.


Choose System  > Enterprise ParametersThe URL Messages field is set to blank by default. Add this URL: http://<IP Address of Publisher>:8080/ccmcip/getmessagesmenu.jsp. 


Full article you can read here


Additionally for who want to block directory on CUCM 11.x you should insert external fake link at 2 places under phone configuration: Directory and Secure Directory URL




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