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Level 1
Level 1
Portal Feature

The Cisco 1900 series ISRs must have CDP enabled in order to be discovered by the OnPlus Agent device. In addition, the Cisco 1900 series ISR must be connected to a switch that will provide CDP neighbor information to the OnPlus Agent, as the OnPlus Agent will not generally be connected directly to the ISR.

If you use Cisco CP or Cisco CP Express to configure your router, it is very likely that CDP is disabled, since this is the recommended configuration. If CDP is disabled, the 1900 Series router will show up in the Topology as an Unknown Device.

Open the Device Information window for the device, select the Credentials tab, click Device Driver, and select the Cisco 1900 Series. If CDP is enabled, the device will be discovered properly.

Device Configuration Backup and Restore

he backup of an 1900 Series ISR consists solely of storing a copy of the startup-config file. Other elements, such as users defined in the AAA database, are not backed up.

To restore the configuration, the saved file is copied to startup-config, and the ASA is rebooted, loading the new configuration.

Backup and restore both require device access credentials (login and enable access).

Upgrade Firmware

If the 1900 series router has defined a boot load with the boot  system command, firmware updates do not occur, as the administrator has  defined a specific load intended for the device.

Remote Access

Remote access is possible with the following method using a generic tunnel:

To get a CLI prompt, use port 22. Once the tunnel is opened, copy the link into your SSH program and make the connection.

Remote access using Cisco CP Express via a tunnel does not work.

Note: Cisco OnPlus Service was tested with the 1941 model, with feature support expected to apply to all other models in the series.

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