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Kris Lambrechts
Level 1
Level 1

This is a straight-forward approach to collecting logs for your UCCE or CVP system. Check the bottom of this article for advanced reading material on  the Unified System CLI and the Diagnostic Framework.

Login to the Unified System CLI

Open a Remote Desktop, VNC or other remote control connection to each of the UCCE/CVP servers you need to collect traces from and navigate to the Unified System CLI.


Log in by specifying your user account (in the DOMAIN\User format) and password, leave the Instance field empty unless you have a hosted environment with multiple instances.


Note: Use either a Domain Account that is is a member of of the 'Config' group for your Instance or an account that is a member of the 'ICMDiagnosticFrameworkUsers' Local User Group.

If you are collected traces for an issue that is no longer occurring, go directly to step 3 to collect the traces. If the issue is still occurring right now or you intend to reproduce the issue, continue to step 2 to set the right logging levels.

Configuring the logging level

To configure the requested log level proceed as following.

admin:debug level 1 component "icm:Peripheral Gateway 1A"

Warning: Because running this command can affect system performance,
Cisco recommends that you run the command during off-peak hours.
Do you want to continue? [y/n]: y

Note: If you are collecting logs pro-actively or your Cisco TAC engineer did not specify a tracing level, always choose level 1. This provides enough detail to investigate most common issues and the additional load would not noticeably impact a well-scaled production system.

Note: The default setting is level 0, and if you are not actively investigating any issue, you should set all levels back to 0.

You can use the question mark to identify which components on this system you can set traces for.

admin:debug level 1 component ?

Options: icm:CTI OS Server 1

         icm:CTI Server 1A

         icm:Cisco ICM Diagnostic Framework          icm:Peripheral Gateway 1
         icm:Web Setup

Remember to repeat this procedure on all the requested components (Router, PG1, CTI Server, CTIOS, ...) and on the A and B side of each component. Once you have completed setting up the logging either wait for the issue to occur or go ahead and trigger the issue you are investigating. Once done, continue to step 3.

Collecting the logs

To collect the logs for the last 24 hours proceed as following.

admin:show tech-support

Warning: Because running this command can affect system performance,

Cisco recommends that you run the command during off-peak hours.

Do you want to continue? [y/n]: y


<output omitted>


Output is saved to "C:\icm\serviceability\wsccli\.\download\"

To collect logs for a specific timeframe, you can manually specific the start and end time in the format MM-DD-YYYY:hh:mm.

admin:show tech-support absdatetime 12-31-2012:09:00 12-31-2012:17:00

Once you have completed collecting the clioutput*.zip files from each of the servers, zip them up together if feasible. Then upload the file(s) to you TAC Service Request via the TAC Service Request Tool, be sure to include :

  • An accurate description of the issue you collected logs for;
  • Specifics about the call, user, device or service that has an issue, i.e. calling and called phone number, agent ID, machine name, service name, ...;
  • A specific time when the issue was observed, as accurate as possible.

Advanced Unified System CLI uses

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