|=== Syslogd === Thu Jul 2 10:19:38 2009 ==================================================== WRN 10:19:38.385745 IMG_AUTH: findAndLoadSigner: 'Primary' Current Platform key not found WRN 10:19:38.386513 IMG_AUTH: findAndLoadSigner: 'Secondary' Current Platform key not found NOT 10:19:38.387592 IMG_AUTH: findAndLoadSigner: loaded 'Manufacturing' Current 7911 RELEASE key NOT 10:19:38.388195 IMG_AUTH: model: CP-7911G, check for built-in key NOT 10:19:38.388678 IMG_AUTH: built-in platform key not present WRN 10:19:38.389677 IMG_AUTH: findAndLoadSigner: 'Primary' Current Common key not found WRN 10:19:38.390470 IMG_AUTH: findAndLoadSigner: 'Secondary' Current Common key not found NOT 10:19:38.391493 IMG_AUTH: findAndLoadSigner: loaded 'Manufacturing' Current common RELEASE key NOT 10:19:38.392093 IMG_AUTH: built-in common key not present WRN 10:19:38.393082 IMG_AUTH: findAndLoadSigner: 'Primary' Previous Platform key not found WRN 10:19:38.393832 IMG_AUTH: findAndLoadSigner: 'Secondary' Previous Platform key not found ERR 10:19:38.394392 IMG_AUTH: findAndLoadSigner: no Previous Platform key loaded from flash WRN 10:19:38.396078 IMG_AUTH: findAndLoadSigner: 'Primary' Previous Common key not found WRN 10:19:38.396837 IMG_AUTH: findAndLoadSigner: 'Secondary' Previous Common key not found ERR 10:19:38.397398 IMG_AUTH: findAndLoadSigner: no Previous Common key loaded from flash NOT 10:19:38.398078 IMG_AUTH: TNP, loaded keys : 7911 (curr only), Common (curr only) NOT 10:19:38.398613 IMG_AUTH: TNP, built-in keys : Platform (*none*), Common (*none*) NOT 10:19:38.399132 IMG_AUTH: no previous Platform key loaded NOT 10:19:38.399582 IMG_AUTH: no previous Common key loaded NOT 10:19:38.403646 NTP: [8] ver 3.0 (0.3) NOT 10:19:38.407638 vieo: main() initializing NOT 10:19:38.409916 vieo: TcpThread thread create PASSED, threadId=50 DBG 10:19:38.426145 dsp open flags 2042 NOT 10:19:42.039081 CDP: VVLAN acquired --> VLAN = 1, VVLAN = 111 NOT 10:19:42.213665 init: Starting /bin/rm NOT 10:19:42.216624 init: Starting /bin/login NOT 10:19:42.341596 tftpClient: request server 0 ---> NOT 10:19:42.342367 ESP: server 0 = NOT 10:19:42.344247 tftpClient: request server 1 ---> NOT 10:19:42.345008 ESP: server 1 = NOT 10:19:42.347511 ESP: send ADMIN, logging = 1, shell = 0, ipconfig = 1 NOT 10:19:42.354240 tftpClient: request server 0 ---> NOT 10:19:42.355009 ESP: server 0 = NOT 10:19:42.356897 tftpClient: request server 1 ---> NOT 10:19:42.357653 ESP: server 1 = WRN 10:19:42.507564 SECD: WARN:getCTLInfo: ** phone has no CTL WRN 10:19:42.513585 SECD: WARN:getCTLInfo: ** phone has no CTL NOT 10:19:42.528196 tftpClient: request server 0 ---> NOT 10:19:42.561988 tftpClient: request server 1 ---> NOT 10:19:44.247553 SECD: setSecMode: sec mode set to NONE (was NONE) WRN 10:19:44.386429 JVM: Setting LCD Contrast/View Angle to 16 before init WRN 10:19:44.387734 JVM: Setting LCD Contrast/View Angle to 16 before init ERR 10:19:45.282141 JVM: R2D: TS could not open mfginfo NOT 10:19:46.651522 JVM: *** VIEO should already be running. NO? Start "/ubin/vieo &" now *** NOT 10:19:46.652622 JVM: libMT: send _MTStart.... NOT 10:19:46.657079 JVM: LibMT registered VIEO callbacks NOT 10:19:47.911804 DSP: DSP INIT-*** DSP_STATE_READY*** NOT 10:19:47.913381 JVM: LibMT: MediaTerminationStart OK NOT 10:19:47.988086 DHCP: DHCP enabled... WRN 10:19:48.250474 SECD: WARN:getCertInfo: ** phone has no LSC NOT 10:19:49.878214 DHCP: Sending Request... WRN 10:19:49.915958 SECD: WARN:getCTLInfo: ** phone has no CTL WRN 10:19:49.920978 SECD: WARN:getCTLInfo: ** phone has no CTL NOT 10:19:49.934822 DHCP: ACK received NOT 10:19:49.935440 DHCP: Succeeded NOT 10:19:49.940742 tftpClient: request server 0 ---> NOT 10:19:49.946700 DHCP: IP Address -- NOT 10:19:49.947307 DHCP: Subnet Mask - NOT 10:19:49.947821 DHCP: Default Gwy - NOT 10:19:49.959668 tftpClient: request server 1 ---> NOT 10:19:50.980580 SECD: updateCTL: starting CTL update NOT 10:19:50.982737 SECD: ctlRequestFile: Socket 7 connected to /usr/tmp/tftpClientSock NOT 10:19:50.983529 SECD: ctlRequestFile: Request CTLSEP002497A8E0EB.tlv NOT 10:19:50.989770 tftpClient: tftp request rcv'd from /usr/tmp/ctlSock, srcFile = CTLSEP002497A8E0EB.tlv, dstFile = /usr/tmp/CTLFile.tlv NOT 10:19:50.991488 ESP: send ADMIN, logging = 1, shell = 0, ipconfig = 1 NOT 10:19:50.992985 tftpClient: auth server - tftpList[0] = NOT 10:19:50.993578 tftpClient: look up server - 0 WRN 10:19:50.995548 SECD: WARN:lookupCTL: CTL update in progress, no old CTL, assume TFTP NONSECURE NOT 10:19:50.997814 tftpClient: secVal = 0xa NOT 10:19:50.998412 tftpClient: is a NONsecure server NOT 10:19:50.998889 tftpClient: temp retval = SRVR_NONSECURE, keep looking NOT 10:19:50.999361 tftpClient: retval = 10 NOT 10:19:50.999829 tftpClient: Non secure file requested NOT 10:19:51.016402 TFTP: [31]:Requesting CTLSEP002497A8E0EB.tlv from NOT 10:19:51.019929 TFTP: [31]:Error --> No such file NOT 10:19:51.021985 SYSMSG: pid 31 (/sbin/tftpd) Normal Exit, status = 2 INF 10:19:51.022028 runtime = 0.020 secs INF 10:19:51.022050 user cpu = 0.001143300 secs INF 10:19:51.022070 system cpu = 0.003709560 secs INF 10:19:51.022086 child user cpu = 0.000000000 secs INF 10:19:51.022101 child sys cpu = 0.000000000 secs INF 10:19:51.022124 sys interrupts = 0.000512340 secs for 7 interrupts INF 10:19:51.022149 total cpu = 0.004852860 secs ( 0% utilization ) NOT 10:19:51.024637 SECD: ctlRequestFile: tftp Status 2 rcv'd NOT 10:19:51.025440 SECD: updateCTL: finished CTL update ERR 10:19:51.026057 SECD: EROR:updateCTL: ** had NO CTL and CTL tftp FAILED** tftp-err 2 NOT 10:19:51.028779 tftpClient: request server 0 ---> NOT 10:19:51.029556 ESP: server 0 = WRN 10:19:51.048577 SECD: WARN:getCTLInfo: ** phone has no CTL NOT 10:19:51.056564 tftpClient: tftp request rcv'd from /usr/tmp/tftp, srcFile = SEP002497A8E0EB.cnf.xml, dstFile = /usr/cache/SEP002497A8E0EB.cnf.xml NOT 10:19:51.057786 tftpClient: auth server - tftpList[0] = NOT 10:19:51.058350 tftpClient: look up server - 0 WRN 10:19:51.060346 SECD: WARN:lookupCTL: ** no CTL, assume TFTP NONSECURE NOT 10:19:51.062580 tftpClient: secVal = 0xa NOT 10:19:51.063218 tftpClient: is a NONsecure server NOT 10:19:51.063721 tftpClient: temp retval = SRVR_NONSECURE, keep looking NOT 10:19:51.064187 tftpClient: retval = 10 NOT 10:19:51.064704 tftpClient: Secure file requested NOT 10:19:51.065190 tftpClient: Non secure file approved -- SEP002497A8E0EB.cnf.xml NOT 10:19:51.073495 TFTP: [24]:Requesting SEP002497A8E0EB.cnf.xml from WRN 10:19:51.082372 SECD: WARN:getCTLInfo: ** phone has no CTL WRN 10:19:51.087185 SECD: WARN:getCTLInfo: ** phone has no CTL NOT 10:19:51.096673 TFTP: [24]:Finished --> rcvd 1273 bytes NOT 10:19:51.124097 SECD: clearTFTPList: cleared all TFTP entries NOT 10:19:51.357911 SECD: setSecMode: sec mode set to NONE (was NONE) NOT 10:19:51.392035 SECD: clearSRSTList: cleared all SRST entries WRN 10:19:51.487819 SECD: WARN:cancelCapfOp: CAPF not in use, user cancel ignored NOT 10:19:51.488480 SECD: clearCapfList: CAPF table cleared ERR 10:19:51.527956 SECD: EROR:addCapfEntry: phone has no CTL, can't use CAPF NOT 10:19:51.539224 SECD: setSecMode: sec mode set to NONE (was NONE) NOT 10:19:51.701757 tftpClient: request server 1 ---> NOT 10:19:51.709147 ESP: server 1 = NOT 10:19:51.717874 DHCP: SIGHUP received NOT 10:19:51.718587 DNS: SIGHUP received... NOT 10:19:51.724177 tftpClient: request server 0 ---> NOT 10:19:51.724880 tftpClient: tftp request rcv'd from /usr/tmp/tftp, srcFile = Italian_Italy/tc-sccp.jar, dstFile = /usr/ram/L10N1672937216 NOT 10:19:51.728644 tftpClient: auth server - tftpList[0] = NOT 10:19:51.729250 tftpClient: look up server - 0 WRN 10:19:51.731679 SECD: WARN:lookupCTL: ** no CTL, assume TFTP NONSECURE NOT 10:19:51.734214 tftpClient: secVal = 0xa NOT 10:19:51.734816 tftpClient: is a NONsecure server NOT 10:19:51.735296 tftpClient: temp retval = SRVR_NONSECURE, keep looking NOT 10:19:51.735746 tftpClient: retval = 10 NOT 10:19:51.736209 tftpClient: Secure file requested NOT 10:19:51.736653 tftpClient: Non secure file approved -- Italian_Italy/tc-sccp.jar NOT 10:19:51.744437 TFTP: [4]:Requesting Italian_Italy/tc-sccp.jar from NOT 10:19:51.934332 TFTP: [4]:Finished --> rcvd 71446 bytes WRN 10:19:53.982185 JVM: Thread-10|cip.l10n.UserLocaleProperty:? - Error processing JarLocaleProperty item 'gen-dictionary.utf8.xml' WRN 10:19:53.983531 JVM: Thread-10|cip.l10n.UserLocaleProperty:? - Unable to process LocaleProperty 'device.settings.config.localization.userlocale' NOT 10:19:53.995586 tftpClient: request server 1 ---> NOT 10:19:53.996315 tftpClient: tftp request rcv'd from /usr/tmp/tftp, srcFile = Italy/g3-tones.xml, dstFile = /usr/ram/L10N-353146846 WRN 10:19:54.024486 SECD: WARN:getCTLInfo: ** phone has no CTL WRN 10:19:54.029320 SECD: WARN:getCTLInfo: ** phone has no CTL NOT 10:19:54.035963 tftpClient: auth server - tftpList[0] = NOT 10:19:54.036555 tftpClient: look up server - 0 WRN 10:19:54.038477 SECD: WARN:lookupCTL: ** no CTL, assume TFTP NONSECURE NOT 10:19:54.041819 tftpClient: secVal = 0xa NOT 10:19:54.042440 tftpClient: is a NONsecure server NOT 10:19:54.042948 tftpClient: temp retval = SRVR_NONSECURE, keep looking NOT 10:19:54.043455 tftpClient: retval = 10 NOT 10:19:54.043948 tftpClient: Secure file requested NOT 10:19:54.044396 tftpClient: Non secure file approved -- Italy/g3-tones.xml NOT 10:19:54.052571 TFTP: [6]:Requesting Italy/g3-tones.xml from NOT 10:19:54.063124 TFTP: [6]:Finished --> rcvd 1339 bytes NOT 10:19:54.089876 tftpClient: request server 0 ---> NOT 10:19:54.102417 tftpClient: request server 1 ---> WRN 10:19:54.181911 JVM: Thread-10|cip.l10n.NetworkLocaleProperty:? - Unable to process LocaleProperty 'device.settings.config.localization.networklocale' WRN 10:19:54.846058 SECD: WARN:lookupCTL: ** no CTL, assume CCM NONSECURE ERR 10:20:46.830162 NTP: Thu Jul 2 10:20:46 2009