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Shawn Ford
Community Member



Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express (CUCME), formerly Cisco Unified CallManager Express, Cisco CallManager Express and Cisco ITS, is a Cisco IOS based IP-PBX for small medium business, enterprise branch office and commercial customers.. Supporting Cisco IP phones using Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) it provides a robust set of call control and voice application features. Call Manager Express also provides a robust set of traditional PSTN connectivity options using both digital and analog lines.


Product History

• Cisco ITS

• Cisco CallManager Express 3.0

• Cisco CallManager Express 3.1

• Cisco CallManager Express 3.2

• Cisco CallManager Express 3.3

• Cisco CallManager Express 3.4

• Cisco Unified CallManager Express 4.0

• Cisco Unified CallManager Express 4.1

• Cisco Unified CallManager Express 4.2


Key Features

• Cost-effective, converged data and voice solution inside Cisco Integrated Services Routers • Key system/small PBX features plus innovative convergence applications for up to 240 users • Increased user productivity with Cisco ‘Unified Call Connector • Intuitive graphical user interface for easy installation, adds, moves, and changes; internetworking with Cisco Unified CallManager • Unmatched investment protection for future growth



Frequently Asked Questions About the Installation

The following section contains information about commonly asked questions and responses. Review this section carefully before you begin the installation.


The entire installation process, excluding pre- and post-installation tasks, takes 45 to 90 minutes per server, depending on your server type. Before you install Cisco Unified Communications Manager, consider the size of your cluster.


What Passwords do I Need to Specify?

During the installation, you must specify the following user names and passwords:


Administrator account

You use the Administrator username and password to log in to the following areas:

• Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration • Disaster Recovery System • Command Line Interface

The Administrator login must start with an alphabetic character, be at least six characters long, and can contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores. You can change the Administrator password or add a new Administrator account by using the command line interface. See theCisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration Guide for more information.


Application User password

Use the Application User password as the default password for applications that are installed on the system.

You can change the application user password using the web interface for each application.


Database Access Security Password

The system uses this password to authorize communications between nodes, and you must ensure that this password is identical on all nodes in the cluster.

The Database Access Security password must start with an alphanumeric character, be at least six characters long, and can contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores.


Which servers does Cisco support for this installation?

For information about the supported servers, refer to the release notes for your version of Cisco Unified Communications Manager.


May I install other software on the server?

You must do all software installations and upgrades by using Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration. The system can upload and process only software that Cisco Systems approved.


You cannot install or use third-party or Windows-based software applications that you may have been using with a previous version of Cisco Unified Communications Manager with Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.0(1).


Browser Requirements

You can access Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, Cisco Unified Serviceability, Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration, and Disaster Recovery System by using the following browsers:

• Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.x • Netscape Navigator version 7.1 or later

Note: Cisco does not support or test other browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox.


Configuring the Hardware

As a part of software installation, the system installer configures the system BIOS and RAID settings for the new operating system and Cisco Unified Communications Manager application. See Table 1 for the BIOS settings and Table 2 for the RAID settings that are set up during installation.


NOTE: If the hardware configuration process fails during installation, you can use boot-time utilities that are found on both the IBM and HP servers to manually configure the RAID and BIOS settings, as shown in Table 1 and Table 2.

Table 1 BIOS Configuration Settings for HP and IBM Servers

HP ServersIBM Servers
OS Selection: Linux (not applicable on newer models)OS Selection: Not Applicable
Boot Order: CD, C:, FloppyBoot Order: CD, C:, Floppy
Post F1 prompt: DelayedPost F1 prompt: Delayed
Hyperthreading: EnabledHyperthreading: Enabled

Table 2 RAID Settings

MCS 7825 Servers
(HP and IBM)
MCS 7835 Servers
(HP and IBM)
MCS 7845 Servers
(HP and IBM)
Software RaidLogical Drives: 1Logical Drives: 2
Software Raid
Note For the HP 7825H1 and the IBM 7825I1, SATA RAID is enabled, ,
and the RAID type specifies 1(1+0), with one logical drive
RAID type: 1(1+0)RAID type: 1(1+0)


Gathering Information for an Installation

Use Table 3 to record the information about your server. Gather this information for each Cisco Unified Communications Manager server that you are installing in the cluster. You may not need to obtain all the information; gather only the information that is pertinent to your system and network configuration. You should make copies of this table and record your entries for each server in a separate table, even if you are planning to use the DMABackupInfo.inf file to configure your system.

Note: Because some of the fields are optional, they may not apply to your configuration. For example, you choose not to set up an SMTP host.
Caution: You cannot change some of the fields after installation without reinstalling the software, so be sure to enter the values that you want.


The last column in the table shows whether a field can be changed after installation, and if so, whether you can change it through Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration or through the Command Line Interface (CLI).


Table 3 Configuration Data

Configuration DataYour EntryCan Entry Be Changed After Installation
Administrator Password Yes.
CLI> set password admin
Application User Password Yes.
CLI> set password
Country Yes.
CLI>set web-security
CLI> set network dhcp
DNS Primary Yes.
CLI>set network dns
DNS Secondary Yes.
CLI>set network dns
Domain Yes.
CLI>set network domain
Domain Name Service DNS Enable NO.
Gateway Address Yes
Use OS

Adminstration > Settings>IP

set network gateway
Host Name NO.
IP Address Yes
Use OS Adminstration

> Settings>IP
CLI > set network

IP Mask Yes
Use OS Adminstration

> Settings>IP
CLI > set network ip

Location Yes.
CLI>set web-security
Master Administrator ID NO.
NTP Server IP Address
Note You can enter up to five NTP servers.
Use OS Administration > Settings>NTP Servers
Organization Yes
CLI> set web-security
Security Password Yes
CLI> set password security
SMTP Location Yes
CLI> set smtp
State Yes
CLI> set web-security
Time Zone Yes
CLI> set timezone
Unit Yes
CLI> set web-security


For more detailed descriptions of each installation field, see Table 4.


Table 4 Installation Field Definitions

Administrator IDThis field specifies the name that you want to assign to this account.Ensure the name is unique; it can

contain lowercase, alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores. It must start with a lowercase alphanumeric character.

For this mandatory field, you should record it for use when logging in to the CLI or into Cisco

Unified Communications Operating System Administration.
Administrator PasswordThis field specifies the password

that you use for logging into the the CLI on the platform and for logging into

Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration.

the password is at least six characters long; it can contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscore.
For this mandatory field, you should record it for use when logging in to the CLI or into Cisco Unified

Communications Operating System Administration.
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration ProtocolChoose Yes if you want to use DHCP to automatically configure

the network settings on your server.

If you choose No, you must

enter a hostname, IP Address, IP Mask, and Gateway.
DNS EnabledA DNS server represents a device that

resolves a hostname into an IP address or an IP address into a hostname.

If you do not have a DNS server, enter No. When DNS is not enabled,

you should only enter IP addresses (not hostnames) for all network devices in your Cisco Unified Communications network.

If you have a DNS server, Cisco recommends that you enter Yes to enable DNS. Disabling DNS limits the

system ability to resolve some domain names.
DNS PrimaryThe server contacts this DNS server first when it attempts to resolve host names.Enter the IP address of

the DNS server that you want to specify as the primary DNS server. Enter the IP address in dotted decimal format as ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd where ddd can have a value between 0 and 255 (except

Consider this field mandatory if

DNS is set to yes.
DNS SecondaryWhen a primary DNS server fails, the server will attempt to connect to the secondary DNS server.In this

optional field, enter the IP address of the secondary DNS. Enter the IP address in dotted decimal format as ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd where ddd can have a value between

0 and 255 (except
DomainThis field represents the name of the domain in which this machine is located.Consider this field mandatory if DNS is set to yes.
First Cisco Unified Communications Manager NodeThis field specifies the first Cisco Unified Communications

Manager node that contains the database.

Subsequent nodes connect to the first node to access database content.

The first node also synchronizes with an external NTP server and provides time to the other nodes.

Choose Yes if you are configuring the first Cisco Unified

Communications Manager node in the cluster.

If you are configuring

subsequent nodes, see Table 4 for information on the different fields.
Gateway AddressA gateway represents a network

point that acts as an entrance to another network. Outbound packets get sent to

the gateway that will forward them to their final destination.

the IP address of the gateway in the format ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd where ddd can have a value between 0 and 255 (except

If you do not have a gateway, you must still fill in this field by setting it to Not having a gateway may limit you to only being able to communicate with

devices on your subnet.
Host NameA host name represents an alias that is assigned to an IP address to identify it.Enter a host name that is

unique to your network.

The host name can comprise up to 64 characters and can contain alphanumeric characters and hyphens.

If DHCP is set to

No, consider this field mandatory.
IP AddressThis field specifies the IP address of

this machine. It will uniquely identify the server on this network. Ensure

another machine in this network does not use this IP address.

the IP address in the form ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd where ddd can have a value between 0 and 255 (except

If DHCP is set to No, consider this field

IP MaskThis field specifies the IP subnet

mask of this machine. The subnet mask together with the IP address define the

network address and the host address.
Enter the IP mask in the form

ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd where ddd can have a value between 0 and 255 (except

A valid mask should have contiguous '1' bits on left side and contiguous '0' bits on the right.

For example, a valid mask follows: (11111111.11111111.11110000.00000000)

An invalid mask

follows: (11111111.11111111.11110000.11110000)
NIC SpeedThis field specifies the speed of the server network interface card (NIC) in megabits per second.The possible speeds include 10 or 100.
NIC DuplexThis field specifies the duplex setting of the server NIC.The possible settings include half and full.
NTP ServerThis field identifies the NTP servers with which you want to synchronize.Enter the hostname or IP address

of one or more NTP server(s).

Note You can add additional NTP

servers or make changes to the NTP server list at a later time
NTP Server EnableWhen enabled, this server will

act as a NTP server and provide time updates to the subsequent nodes in the

Choose Yes if you want to enable this machine to be an

NTP server.

This option is available only on the first node in a

Security PasswordServers in the cluster use the

security password to communicate with one another.

You will be asked to enter the same security password for each subsequent node in the cluster.

Enter the security password.

Enter the same password in the

confirm password field.

The password must contain at least six alphanumeric characters. It can contain hyphens and underscores, but it must start with an alphanumeric character.

Caution You must enter the

same password for all nodes in the cluster.
Set Hardware ClockThis field specifies the date

and local time for the machine.

Note If you set the hardware clock manually, the node does not use an external NTP server for time

Choose Yes if you want to set the date and

local time for the time zone that you chose.

Enter the hours based on a 24-hour format.

Note If you configure an external NTP server,

the hardware clock gets set automatically.
SMTPThis field specifies the name of the SMTP host that is used for outbound e-mail.Enter the hostname or dotted IP

address for the SMTP server. For a host, it can contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens, or periods. For a host name, it must start with an alphanumeric character. You must fill in this field if you plan to use

electronic notification. If not, you can leave it blank.
Subnet IP AddressBy entering a subnet address, you

can specify a range of IP Addresses that will be granted access to query this

NTP server.
Enter an IP subnet that will be granted access to

the NTP server

During installation, you can only enter two subnets.

Subnet MaskThis field specifies the subnet mask for the subnet address.Enter the subnet mask for the IP subnet.
Time zoneThis field specifies the local time zone and offset from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).Choose

Yes if you want to change the time zone.

Choose the time zone

that most closely matches the location of your machine.


Using the Cisco Unified Communications Answer File Generator

Cisco Unified Communications Answer File Generator, a web application, generates answer files for unattended installations of Cisco Unified Communications Manager Business Edition. Individual answer files get copied to a USB key or a floppy diskette that accompanies the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Business Edition DVD during the installation process.

The web application supports the following features: • Allows simultaneous generation and saving of answer files for unattended installs on the publisher server and all subscriber servers. • Provides syntactical validation of data entries. • Provides online help and documentation. The following usage requirements apply: • The web application supports only fresh installs (for example, it does not include upgrades). • If DHCP client is being used on the publisher server, and subscriber server answer files are also being generated, you must specify the publisher server IP address.

An online version of the Cisco Unified Communications Answer File Generator is available by clicking the link.



The Cisco Unified Communications Answer File Generator supports Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher and Mozilla version 1.5 or higher.



If a USB key is being used to perform an unattended installation of Cisco Unified Communications Manager Business Edition, you may need to reformat the USB key to the FAT32 file system beforehand. You need to reformat especially in the case of USB keys with larger storage capacity (for example, 1 Gigabyte) that are formatted with the FAT file system.


You can use the Windows XP Disk Management Utility to reformat a USB key to the FAT32 file system as follows (you might need to be logged in as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group to perform these tasks): Step 1 Insert the USB key into a USB slot on the Windows XP PC Step 2 Choose Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools and then double-click Computer Management. Step 3 Expand the Storage tree and click Disk Management. Step 4 Right-click the Removable Disk icon and click Format. Step 5 You may be asked whether you are sure that you want to format this partition; click Yes. Step 6 Click the File System: pull down and select FAT32. Step 7 Click OK. when prompted to format the volume, click OK again. The Removable Disk icon text should now show the file system format as FAT32.

Handling Network Errors During Installation

During the installation process, the installation program verifies that the server can sucessfully connect to the network by using the network configuration that you enter. If it cannot connect, a message displays, and you get prompted to select one of the following options:


RETRY — The installation program tries to validate networking again. If validation fails again, the error dialog box displays again. • REVIEW (Check Install) — This option allows you to review and modify the networking configuration. The installation program returns to the network configuration windows. • HALT— The installation halts. You can copy the installation log files to a USB disk to aid troubleshooting of your network configuration. • IGNORE — The installation continues. The networking error gets logged. In some cases, the installation program validates networking multiple times, so this error dialog box might display multiple times.

Note: Networking gets validated after you complete each networking window, so the message might display multiple times. If the message displays while you are reviewing
the network configuration windows, choose IGNORE to move to the next window. If you choose REVIEW, the first network configuration window displays again.


Installation Overview

Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.0(x) uses a different installation framework than previous releases. The installation process allows you to perform a basic installation, upgrade to a newer service release during the installation, and upgrade from Cisco Unified Communications Manager 4.x to Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.0(1).

For a more detailed description of the different installation types, review Table 5.

Table 5 Installation Options

Installation TypesDescription
Basic InstallThis option represents the basic Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.0(1) installation, which installs the software from the installation disc and does not use any imported data.
Upgrade During InstallThis option allows you to upgrade the software version that is contained on the installation disc with a later release. You can also choose Upgrade During Install followed by a Windows Upgrade and perform both during the installation process.
Note: Ensure that you have the software image available on DVD or on a remote server prior to choosing this option.
Windows UpgradeThis option allows you to import database information from a Cisco Unified Communications Manager 4.x system by using a file that the Data Migration Assistant (DMA) tool produces.
Note: Before upgrading from a Windows-based release, ensure you have all software licenses ready to ensure successful operation after the upgrade.

Note: This document describes only the first two installation types: Basic Install and Upgrade During Install.



Installing the New Operating System and Application

This section describes how to install the operating system and Cisco Unified Communications Manager Business Edition application. You install the operating system and application by running one installation program. This document divides the procedure for using this installation program into the following major topics:

• Navigating Within the Installation Wizard • Starting the Installation • Entering Preexisting Configuration Information • Upgrading During Installation • Performing the Basic Installation • Configuring the First Node • Configuring a Subsequent Node

Navigating Within the Installation Wizard

For instructions on how to navigate within the installation wizard refer to table 6.

Table 6 Installation Wizard Navigation

To Do ThisPress This
Move to the next fieldTab
Move to the previous fieldAlt-Tab
Choose an optionSpacebar
Scroll up or down in a listUp or down arrow
Go to the previous windowSpace bar to choose Back (when available)
Get help information on a windowSpace bar to choose Help (when available)


Starting the Installation

Step 1 Insert the installation DVD into the tray and restart the server, so it boots from the DVD. After the server completes the boot sequence, the DVD Found window displays.

Step 2 To perform the media check, choose Yes, or to skip the media check, choose No. The media check checks the integrity of the DVD. If your DVD has passed the media check previously, you might choose to skip the media check.

Note If you have a new server with Cisco Unified Communications Manager Business Edition preinstalled, you do not need to install from a DVD, unless you want to reimage the server with a later product release. You can go directly to the "Entering Preexisting Configuration Information" procedure.

Step 3 If you choose Yes to perform the media check, the Media Check Result window displays. Perform these tasks:

a. If the Media Check Result displays Pass, choose OK to continue the installation.

b. If the media fails the Media Check, either download another copy from or obtain another disc directly from Cisco.

Step 4 The system installer performs the following hardware checks to ensure that your system is correctly configured. If the installer makes any changes to your hardware configuration settings, you will get prompted to restart your system. Leave the DVD in the drive during the reboot:

• First, the installation process checks for the correct drivers, and you may see the following warning:

No hard drives have been found. You probably need to manually choose device drivers for install to succeed. Would you like to select drivers now?

To continue the installation, choose Yes.

• The installation next checks to see whether you have a supported hardware platform. If your server does not meet the exact hardware requirements, the installation process fails with a critical error. If you think this is not correct, capture the error and report it Cisco support.

• The installation process next verifies RAID configuration and BIOS settings.

Note: If this step repeats, choose Yes again.

After the hardware checks complete, Product Deployment Selection window displays.

Step 5 In the Product Deployment Selection window, select the product to install; then, choose OK. You can choose from the following options:

• Cisco Unified Communications Manager • Cisco Unity Connection • Cisco Unified Communications Manager Business Edition (includes Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unity Connection)

Note: Only the products that are supported on your server appear in the list.

Step 6 If software is currently installed on the server, the Overwrite Hard Drive window opens and displays the current software version on your hard drive and the version on the DVD. Choose Yes to continue with the installation or No to cancel.

Caution: If you choose Yes on the Overwrite Hard Drive window, all existing data on your hard drive gets overwritten and destroyed.

The Platform Installation Wizard window displays.

Step 7 To configure the platform now, choose Proceed. If you want to configure the platform later, choose Skip.

• If you want to install and configure the software at this time, choose Proceed and continue with this procedure. • If you want to install the software now and configure it later or if you have a server that has Cisco Unified Communications Manager Business Edition preinstalled, choose Skip and continue with the "Entering Preexisting Configuration Information" section.

Step 8 Choose the type of installation to perform by doing the following steps. See Table 6 for more information on installation options:

A. In the Apply Additional Release window, choose one of the options:

• To upgrade to a later Service Release of the software during installation, choose Yes. Continue with the "Upgrading During Installation" section • To skip this step, choose No. • To return to the previous window, choose Back.

B. In the Import Windows Data window, choose No.

Note: To perform a Windows Upgrade, that is, to upgrade from a Windows version of Cisco Unified Communications Manager to Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.0(1), see "Upgrading Cisco Unified Communications Manager" for more information.

Step 9 In the Basic Install window, choose Continue to install the software version on the DVD or configure the preinstalled software. Continue with the "Performing the Basic Installation" section.


Entering Preexisting Configuration Information

Start here if you have a server that has the product preinstalled or if you chose Skip in the Platform Installation Wizard window.

Step 1 After the system restarts, the Prexisting Installation Configuration window displays. Step 2 If you have preexisting configuration information, generated by the Answer File Generator, that is stored on a floppy disc or a USB key, insert the disc or the USB key now and choose Continue. The installation wizard will read the configuration information during the installation process.

Note: If a popup window states that the system detected new hardware, press any key and then choose Install from the next window.

The Platform Installation Wizard window displays. Step 3 To continue with the Platform Installation Wizard, choose Proceed. Step 4 Choose the type of installation to perform by doing the following steps. See Table 5 for more information on installation options: a. In the Apply Additional Release window, choose one of the following options: • To upgrade to a later Service Release of the software during installation, choose Yes. Continue to the Upgrading During Installation section. • To skip this step, choose No. • To return to the previous window, choose Back. b. In the Import Windows Data window, choose No.

Note: To perform a Windows Upgrade, that is, to upgrade from a Windows version of Cisco Unified Communications Manager to Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.0(1), see Upgrading Cisco Unified Communications Manager for more information.

Step 5 In the Basic Install window, choose Continue. Continue with the "Performing the Basic Installation" section.

Upgrading During Installation

If you choose Yes in the Upgrade During Install window, the installation wizard installs the software version on the DVD first and then restarts the system. You must obtain the appropriate upgrade file from before you can upgrade during installation. If you are upgrading from Cisco Unified Communications Manager release 5.x, the upgrade file name has the following format: cisco-ipt-k9-patchX.X.X.X-X.tar.gz.sgn Where X.X.X.X-X represents the release and build number.

Note: Do not rename the patch file before you install it because the system will not recognize it as a valid file.
Note: Do not unzip or untar the file. If you do, the system may not be able to read the upgrade files.

Step 1 After the system restarts, the Platform Installation Wizard window displays. To continue the installation, choose Proceed. The Upgrade During Install window displays.

Note: If the installer pops up a window that states that it detected new hardware, press any key and then choose Install from the next window.

Step 2 Choose Yes. The Install Upgrade retrieval mechanism to use to retrieve the upgrade file: • SFTP—Retrieves the upgrade file from a remote server by using the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). Skip to the "Upgrading from a Remote Server" section. • FTP—Retrieves the upgrade file from a remote server by using File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Skip to the "Upgrading from a Remote Server" section. • LOCAL—Retrieves the upgrade file from a local CD or DVD. Continue with the "Upgrading from a Local Disk" section.

Upgrading from a Local Disk

Before you can upgrade from a local disk, you must download the appropriate patch file from and copy the file to a CD or DVD. Because of the size of the patch files, you will need to copy it to a DVD in most cases.

• If you are using an upgrade file with the tar.gz.sgn extension, copy the upgrade file to a writeable CD or DVD. • If you are using an upgrade file with the sgn.iso extension, you must create an ISO image on the DVD from the upgrade file.

Step 1 When the Local Patch Configuration window displays, enter the patch directory and patch name, if required, and choose OK.

Note: You only need to enter the patch directory when the patch is not stored in the root directory of the CD or DVD. If the patch is stored in the root directory, enter a slash (/) in the directory field.
Note: This step does not apply if you are using an upgrade file with the sgn.iso extension.

The Install Upgrade Patch Selection Validation window displays. Step 2 The window displays the patch file that is available on the CD or DVD. To update the system with this patch, choose Continue. Step 3 Choose the upgrade patch to install. The system installs the patch, then restarts the system running the upgraded software version. After the system restarts, the Preexisting Configuration Information window displays. Skip to the "Entering Preexisting Configuration Information" section.


Upgrading from a Remote Server

If you chose to upgrade through an FTP or SFTP connection to a remote server, you must first configure the network settings.

Step 1 The Auto Negotiation Configuration window displays. Step 2 The installation process allows you to automatically set the speed and duplex settings of the Ethernet network interface card (NIC) by using automatic negotiation. You can change this setting after installation. • To enable automatic negotiation, choose Yes. The DHCP Configuration window displays.

Note: To use this option, your hub or Ethernet switch must support automatic negotiation.

• To disable automatic negotiation, choose No. The NIC Speed and Duplex Configuration window displays. Step 3 If you chose to disable automatic negotiation, manually choose the appropriate NIC speed and duplex settings now and choose OK to continue. The DHCP Configuration window displays. Step 4 For network configuration, you can choose to either set up static network IP addresses for the node and gateway or to use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). • If you have a DHCP server that is configured in your network and want to use DHCP, choose Yes. The system restarts and checks for network connectivity. Skip to Step 7. • If you want to configure static IP addresses for the node, choose No. The Static Network Configuration window displays. Step 5 If you chose not to use DHCP, enter your static network configuration values and choose OK. See Table 4 for field descriptions. The DNS Client Configuration window displays. Step 6 To enable DNS, choose Yes, enter your DNS client information, and choose OK. See Table 4 for field descriptions. After the system configures the network and checks for connectivity, the Remote Patch Configuration window displays. Step 7 Enter the location and login information for the remote file server. See Table 4 for field descriptions. After the network restarts, the system connects to the remote server and retrieves a list of available upgrade patches. If the upgrade file is located on a Linux or Unix server, you must enter a forward slash at the beginning of the directory path. For example, if the upgrade file is in the patches directory, you must enter /patches. If the upgrade file is located on a Windows server, check with your system administrator for the correct directory path. The Install Upgrade Patch Selection window displays.

Step 8 Choose the upgrade patch to install. The system downloads, unpacks, and installs the patch and then restarts the system running the upgraded software version.

After the system restarts, the Preexisting Configuration Information window displays. Continue with the "Entering Preexisting Configuration Information" section.


Performing the Basic Installation

Step 1 When the Timezone Configuration displays, choose the appropriate time zone for the server and then choose OK. The Auto Negotiation Configuration window displays. Step 2 The installation process allows you to automatically set the speed and duplex settings of the Ethernet network interface card (NIC) by using automatic negotiation. You can change this setting after installation. • To enable automatic negotiation, choose Yes. The DHCP Configuration window displays. Note: To use this option, your hub or Ethernet switch must support automatic negotiation. • To disable automatic negotiation, choose No. The NIC Speed and Duplex Configuration window displays. Step 3 If you chose to disable automatic negotiation, manually choose the appropriate NIC speed and duplex settings now and choose OK to continue. The DHCP Configuration window displays. Step 4 For network configuration, you can choose to either set up static network IP address for the node or to use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). • If you have a DHCP server that is configured in your network and want to use DHCP, choose Yes. The network restarts, and the Administrator Login Configuration window displays. • If you want to configure static IP address for the node, choose No. The Static Network Configuration window displays. Step 5 If you chose not to use DHCP, enter your static network configuration values and choose OK. See Table 4 for field descriptions. The DNS Client Configuration window displays. Step 6 To enable DNS, choose Yes, enter your DNS client information, and choose OK. See Table 4 for field descriptions. The network restarts by using the new configuration information, and the Administrator Login Configuration window displays. Step 7 Enter your Administrator login and password from Table 3. Note The Administrator login must start with an alphabetic character, be at least six characters long, and can contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores. You will need the Administrator login to log in to Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration, the command line interface, and the Disaster Recovery System. The Certificate Information window displays. Step 8 Enter your certificate signing request information and choose OK. The First Node Configuration window displays. Step 9 You can configure this server as either the first node in a Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster or as a subsequent node. • To configure this server as the first Cisco Unified Communications Manager node, choose Yes and continue with the "Configuring the First Node" section. • To configure this server as a subsequent node in the cluster, choose No and continue with the "Configuring a Subsequent Node" section.

Configuring the First Node

Step 1 The Network Time Protocol Client Configuration window displays. Cisco recommends that you use an external NTP server to ensure accurate system time on the first node. Ensure the external NTP server is stratum 9 or higher (meaning stratums 1-9). Subsequent nodes in the cluster will get their time from the first node.Step 2 Choose whether you want to configure an external NTP server or manually configure the system time. • To set up an external NTP server, choose Yes and enter the IP address, NTP server name, or NTP server pool name for at least one NTP server. You can configure up to five NTP servers, and Cisco recommends that you use at least three. Choose Proceed to continue with the installation. The system contacts an NTP server and automatically sets the time on the hardware clock. Note: If the Test button displays, you can choose Test to check whether the NTP servers are accessible.


• To manually configure the system time, choose No and enter the appropriate date and time to set the hardware clock. Choose OK to continue with the installation. The Database Access Security Configuration window displays. Step 3 Enter the Database Access Security password from Table 3.

Note: The Database Access Security password must start with an alphanumeric character, be at least six characters long, and can contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores. The system uses this password to authorize communications between nodes, and you must ensure this password is identical on all nodes in the cluster. The SMTP Host Configuration window displays.

Step 4 If you want to configure an SMTP server, choose Yes and enter the SMTP server name.

Note: You must configure an SMTP server to use certain platform features; however, you can also configure an SMTP server later by using the platform GUI or the command line interface.

Step 5 Choose OK. The Application User Configuration window displays. Step 6 Enter the Application User Username and Password from Table 3 and confirm the password by entering it again. Step 7 Choose OK. The Platform Configuration Confirmation window displays. Step 8 To continue with the installation, choose OK; or to modify the platform configuration, choose Back. The system installs and configures the software. The DVD drive ejects and the server reboots. Do not reinsert the DVD. Step 9 When the installation process completes, you get prompted to log in by using the Administrator account and password. Step 10 Complete the post-upgrade tasks that are listed in the "Post-Installation Tasks" section.

Configuring a Subsequent Node

To configure a subsequent node in the cluster, follow these steps.

Caution: You must configure a subsequent node on the first node using Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration before you install the subsequent node. For more information, see the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide.

Step 1 The First Node Access Configuration window displays. Step 2 Enter the First Node Access Configuration information from Table 3. The SMTP Host Configuration window displays. Step 3 If you want to configure an SMTP server, choose Yes and enter the SMTP server name. Note: You must configure an SMTP server to use certain platform features. However, you can also configure an SMTP server later by using the platform GUI or the command line interface. The Platform Configuration Confirmation window displays. Step 4 To start installing the software, choose OK, or, if you want to change the configuration, choose Back. Step 5 When the installation process completes, you get prompted to log in by using the Administrator account and password. Step 6 Complete the post-upgrade tasks that are listed in the "Post-Installation Tasks" section.

Post-Installation Tasks

After installing Cisco Unified Communications Manager Business Edition on your server, you must set some configuration parameters and perform other post-installation tasks before you can begin using it. Perform these tasks for the server that you install and complete the tasks before other servers in the cluster are installed. For post-installation tasks that you must complete after the installation, see Table 7. Table 8 Post-Installation Tasks

Insert Table here


Changing the Default Application User Passwords

The installation sets all Application User passwords to the same Application User password that you entered during installation. Cisco recommends that you log in to Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration and change these passwords. Refer to Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide for the procedure for changing a password.

Accessing Cisco Unified Serviceability

To access Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration or Cisco Unified Serviceability, you will need to use a web browser from a PC with network access to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server. Even though all services are installed on each server in the cluster, you must manually activate the services that you want to run on each server in the cluster through Cisco Unified Serviceability. For service recommendations and more information, refer to Cisco Unified Serviceability Administration Guide.

Configuring the Database

After installing Cisco Unified Communications Manager, you use Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration to begin configuring the database. The Cisco Unified Communications Manager database contains information and parameters that relate to the system as a whole, to connected devices, and to individual users. The following list describes a few tasks that you must perform in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration or Cisco Unified Serviceability: 1. In Cisco Unified Serviceability, activate the services that you want to run on each server in the cluster. 2. Configure system-level settings, such as Cisco Unified Communications Manager Groups. 3. Design and configure your dialing plan. 4. Configure media resources for conferences, music on hold, and so on. 5. Configure systemwide features, Cisco Unified IP Phone services, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Extension Mobility, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Attendant Console, and Cisco Unified Communications Manager Assistant. 6. Install and configure the gateways. 7. Enable computer telephony integration (CTI) application support; then, install and configure the desired CTI applications. 8. Configure the users. 9. Configure and install the phones; then, associate users with the phones. For more information about configuring the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database, refer to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide, the Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Guide, or online help in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager application.

Examining Log Files

If you encounter problems with the installation, you can obtain and examine the install log files by entering the following commands in Command Line Interface. To obtain a list of install log files from the command line, enter CLI> file list install To view the log file from the command line, enter CLI> file view install log_file (where log_file is the log file name). You can also view logs by using the Real-Time Monitoring Tool. For more information on using and installing the Real-Time Monitoring Tool, refer to the Cisco Unified Serviceability Administration Guide.

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