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Sreekanth Narayanan
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


Cisco TAC does not support the use of the ATA 186 as a SIP device with call manager. This change can be done to try and avail other features of the ATA which would not be available in the SCCP version.


The ATA 186 is supported only as an SCCP device in CUCM. The moment  we try to add an ATA186, it does not give us a choice for the type of  protocol also and directly takes SCCP as the protocol for the device.

The ATA 186 is not supported as a SIP device, but can be registered as one using the 3rd party device type on call manager.


++ You will need the SIP firmware zip file for the ATA 186. The last  firmware that supported the SIP option on the ATA 186 was 3.2(1). This  is available at

++ Keep a TFTP server installed on your PC using a client such as  tftpd32. This will be required by the ATA to download the SIP firmware.


1.  First, make sure that the ATA gets an IP address from a DHCP server and the option 150 ip has been set to your PC.

The DHCP server can be setup on the switch where the ATA186 is  connected. If you do not want to configure this DHCP server, you can  manually setup the IP address, Subnet mask, TFTP details by connecting  an analog phone to the ATA and pressing the ATA button.

2.  The instructions to set up the ATA for SIP are located here:

Voice menu codes for the ATA are located here:

3.  You can configure the config.xml file for the ATA using a  template that will be present in the contents of the zip file that you  download in the first point of the requirements. Here is the section of  the page where a sample configuration text file is shown:

Or you can configure the settings later after the upgrade of the  firmware of the ATA to SIP 3.2(1). This is the method that I followed  because when I tried to create the configuration binary for the ATA, the  exe file kept failing to read my configuration file.

C:\Users\sreenara\Downloads\ata_03_02_01_sip_050616_a>cfgfmt.exe -tptag.dat ata9cafca847b5f.txt ata9cafca847b5f
error: can't open ata9cafca847b5f.txt for reading

4. Upgrade the firmware of the ATA to SIP using the sata186us.exe file which is the new form of the upgrade.exe, which no longer exists.

This is the procedure to do so. You will need to run the aforementioned exe file with the following format.

sata186us <software_file_name> -d1 -any2

C:\Users\sreenara\Downloads\ata_03_02_01_sip_050616_a>sata186us.exe ATA030201SIP050616A.zup -d1 -any2
sata186us version 3.1

Using Host: SREENARA-WS01 with IP: as upgrade server
This machine IP:
Upgrade Server Port: 8000
Data stream 0 port: 8500
        image found: code -- ata186.itsp2.v3.2

Using dialpad of your telephone (attached to your ATA box),
press ATA button to go to main menu, and enter:

        100#64*103*239*38*8000# (to upgrade code)

Pressing 123# will announce your code's version number.
You can later verify that you have upgraded your ATA box.


This program runs continuously; Press <ctrl>-c to abort.
Upgrade server ready...
Wed Oct 09 17:13:20 2013  -> <udp: 8500 123>
Begin uploading code to (Wed Oct 09 17:13:20 2013) ...
Done uploading code to (Wed Oct 09 17:13:24 2013)

++ As mentioned in the output above, the instructions are very  clearly given regarding what we need to do on the analog phone connected  to the ATA 186. At the end of the upgrade, you will hear a continous  prompt saying "Upgrade complete.. Upgrade Complete ... "

You can then use the 123# code to announce the version of the firmware that the ATA is running.

5. Now that we have upgraded the firmware of the ATA to sip as  required, we have to configure the ATA to register to call manager. This  is where we configure the various parameters, which we could have done  in Step 3.

Go to the webpage of the ATA 186 using http://<ip address of ATA>/dev. You will see the following page where the setup starts. Unlike other IP  phones, we can edit the various fields on the ATA 186 webpage. On the  left, you will see other options such as Device Information,  SIP  parameters, Tone parameters etc.


++ Navigate to the SIP Parameters.

You will see the following fields on this page which should be modified for the ATA to register to the call manager.


++ The UID0 field has to be configured to the DN that you are going to register this ATA as on the CUCM. The PWD0 is the password for the UID that we have configured. This will be the  Digest credential in CUCM. Displayname0 is just the name that will be  printed in the SIP message when registering to CUCM. You will not see  this as the Display name when you make a call from the analog endpoint  located behind the ATA.

++ SIPRegOn has to be 1.

Proxy and OutBoundProxy have to be set to the IP address of the call manager that we are registering to.

Once you've made the changes, click the Apply button, which will pass  the settings to the ATA and reset it. The red LED on the ATA will glow  once this is done.

6. Once the above has been configured, the ATA will start sending  REGISTER messages to the call manager that is configured on the Proxy  field. Now we need to set up the device on the call manager.

First configure the End User that we are going to use to authenticate the ATA.


++ The username should have the ID of the DN that we are using on the  ATA (UID0). The Digest Credentials on the user will be the value  configured on the PWD0 on ATA. I've configured this the way we do so for  the X-Lite 3rd party SIP phone.

7. Create a new 3rd Party Advanced SIP device on the call manager.  The DN will be what we have configured on the ATA as well as the user  ID. MAC Address is that of the ATA.


Configure the Owner for the phone as the user that we created above.


Also, configure the SIP Profile standard and non-secure profile, as well as the Digest setting.



++ Once you have done the above steps, you will see that the ATA has registered to the call manager as a 3rd party device.

You can lift the handset of the analog phone behind the ATA. If you hear dialtone, that is proof of successful registration.

++ You can also go to the traces on the call manager to see the Register messages and the CUCM's reply with a 200 OK.


++ Detailed Cisco Call Manager traces and packet captures are required to troubleshoot the registration.

If you configure the 3rd Party SIP basic phone on call manager for  the ATA, it will not work. The advanced 3rd party SIP device type is  required.

This is what you would see in the traces if there was a device  mismatch. The CUCM would reject the registration and close the  connection.

18:04:15.395 |//SIP/SIPUdp/wait_UdpDataInd: Incoming SIP UDP message size 618 from[5060]:



Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK131b8c50201f60af^M

From: SEP9CAFCA847B5F <sip:5088@;user=phone>;tag=3057523454^M

To: SEP9CAFCA847B5F <sip:5088@;user=phone>^M

Call-ID: @" rel="nofollow">2858190089C3@^M


Contact: SEP9CAFCA847B5F <sip:5088@;user=phone;transport=udp>;expires=3600^M

User-Agent: Cisco ATA 186  v3.2.1 atasip (050616A)^M

Authorization: Digest username="5088",realm="ccmsipline",nonce="rVgbNvNWdYnbKu12/ulLe1K0P7j+y934",uri="sip:",response="4e1696752f64086422bb8288204514ab"^M

Content-Length: 0^M

18:04:15.396  |SIPStationD(1,100,65,82), ,, primaryDN=5088,  parseCiscoUserAgent: no device number, parsing model  name.|1,100,230,1.89^^*

18:04:15.396  |SIPStationD(1,100,65,82), ,, primaryDN=5088,  Register deviceName (database key) =NULL|1,100,230,1.89^^*

18:04:15.396  |SIPStationD(1,100,65,82), ,, primaryDN=5088, Convert  UserId "5088" to DeviceName|1,100,230,1.89^^*

18:04:15.396  |SIPStationD(1,100,65,82), ,, primaryDN=5088,  deviceType=336, mSIPAuthorizationHeaderPtr->user_pass=5088|1,100,230,1.89^^*

18:04:15.397  |SIPStationD(1,100,65,82), ,, primaryDN=5088, Phone  doesn't support ExtendedRefer, not sending status line  update|1,100,230,1.89^^*

18:04:15.397  |SIPStationD(1,100,65,82), ,,  primaryDN=5088, sendRegisterResp: non-200 response code 404, ccbId 8,  expires 4294967295C3, warning Unable to find device/user in database|1,100,230,1.89^^*

18:04:15.397 |SIPStationD(1,100,65,82), ,, primaryDN=5088, DevStat-StopClose: Database error|1,100,230,1.89^^*

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