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Abu Hadee
Level 3
Level 3

"Send to VRU" Troubleshooting"

In CVP deployments, call failures at “Send to VRU” or “Run Ext Script” node are very common. Even though it is just a single node in ICM, there are lots of signaling events that need to occur on CVP, the VXML Gateway and/or VXML Server. There are a number of places configuration must be done correctly. Most failures happen due to misconfiguration or a failure outside of ICM.

With this document, I am hoping to demystify the “Send to VRU” or “Run Ext Script” failure. The approach taken is called “Predictive Troubleshooting”. What I mean by predictive troubleshooting is, we’ll make you aware of the problem based on the logs, the related behavior and how best to address it.

Once we are familiar with the most common configuration problems and /or failure on devices, it will be easier to troubleshoot real problems in customer production networks.

Muhammad Raza
Level 3
Level 3

excellent. :)

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