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Supervisor Desktop - Call Stat Question

Alex Rich
Level 1
Level 1

This issue appears to be effecting all of our queues. Anyone know what would be the main cause for

1. Total calls today doesnt = Call presented

2. Abandoned calls doesnt = difference between calls presented and calls handeled

This is assuming all agents that were logged in at the start of the day are still logged in when I look at the stats.

Cisco Supervisor.JPG

1 Reply 1

Tanner Ezell
Level 4
Level 4


For your first point, total calls is sum total of the following values: Calls Handled (answered by an agent), Calls Abandoned (dropped before an agent was available), Calls Dequeued (typically via script action) and Calls In Queue (waiting to speak to an agent).

We can check the numbers from your screenshot:

Total Calls (300) = Calls Handled (286) + Calls Abandoned (13) + Calls Dequeued (0) + Calls In Queue (1) = 300; that checks out.

Regarding yoursecond point, why doesn't Calls Presented - Calls Handled = Calls Abandoned? Consider the following scenario:

Caller is in queue, and waits for an agent to become available. The call rings at the agent but the agent doesn't answer in time.

The number of calls presented to that agent has gone up by +1, the calls handled remained the same. +0

When the agent goes available, the call is again presented to the agent, this time they answer the call successfully. Calls presented goes up again by +1, calls handled for the agent also goes up +1.

It is for this reason that you are not seeing calls handled + calls presented = abandon. They rarely match up. You can confirm this by checking agent state records and looking for Ring no answer for the reason code.

When looking for metrics it is important to understand how they are generated, and in the case of Cisco Supervisor Desktop, where to look for the information you need.

CSQ statistics do not generally match up with Agent Statistics.



Tanner Ezell

Tanner Ezell