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UCC Enterprise - Position in Queue

Level 8
Level 8

Anyone come up with a creative way to do this in Enterprise? (Its obviously simple in Express).

I can tell the customer what their position in queue is when they initially get into the queue but if I need to speak it again, I can't come up with a way to do it.

7 Replies 7

Level 1
Level 1

if you are queuing all callers at same priority- enter customer position in call variable and play it during queue.

But i am sure you will have multiple priorities. this is little difficult solution , but thats what i came up with in 5 min. Make a globle variable for each queue priority. When counting the current position in queue also look for number of calls currently queued for lower priority queues add it to current position and you get your number.

Let me know if i am making sense at all.



For the sake of simplicity, lets assume all calls are at the same level of priority in the queue.

When a call enters a queue, lets assume there are 10 calls in queue which i obtain from the RouterCallsQueuedNow field. This new call would be "position in queue #11". The problem is lets say every 60 seconds, I have to re-announce the persons position in queue. This is what I am struggling with. After 60 seconds, other calls in the queue have been handled so the call is no longer #11.

I'm not sure there is a good way to do that correctly; a mathematical formula for an estimate would be something like RouterCallsQNow-(CalltimeinQ/ASA)

but of course this is still a prediction based on recent history.

No there are ways to do MED pretty good in the system. I don't know what Andy did, but what strikes me at first thought is you're gonna have to query at a separate time interval for this data. One node to query and a generic announce

Like you set up the announcement and then q or whatever and then your going to have to pull a query and then announce, query then announce .. Rinse and repeat.

Level 1
Level 1

This is probably not 100% accurate all the time, but why not store the calls handled, then when it comes time to play queue position again, subtract stored calls handled from current calls handled then subtract this from stored queue position (ensuring that if calculated queue position is < 1 you use 1).

Qn = Q(initial) - (H(now) - H(initial))

Where Qn < 1 Qn = 1

Hope this helps.


Did you come up with anything when trying to repeat the place in queue? I'm trying to do the same thing and can't think of a good way to do it. Thanks

Did you get any solution (including the calls that got abandoned infront of the caller) to this dyanmic queue position in UCCE/CVP? Can any one provide what the correct formula to be used in ICM?