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Cisco Jabber Voice (iPhone & Android) on CME

Chi Fai Leung
Level 1
Level 1

Hi All UC Experts,

I just tried the Jabber Voice (iPhone & Android) on CME. Basically, I still cannot register the Jabber Voice (Android) to the configurated CME.

I saw the concept is so simple as the sip server as 5060 and the Jabber Voice on CME should be no need the phone load, so it just used the sip for registration to the CME.

I'm working on the guide as:


voice register global
 mode cme
 source-address port 5060
 max-dn 8
 max-pool 8
 authenticate register
 authenticate realm firewallcx
 tftp-path flash:
 file text
 create profile sync 0033775744721428

(What's the mean on "create profile sync 0033775744721428" ?)


voice register dn  5
 number 778
 name Chris-Android 778
 label Chris-Android 778
voice register pool  1
 registration-timer max 720 min 660
 id mac 147D.C5AF.79B2
 session-transport tcp
 type Jabber-Android
 number 1 dn 5
 username chris password firewallcx  <--- (Only for iPhone?)
 codec g729r8


Why I still not work to register the Jabber Voice on CME? Any ideas?

How can  I make the easy method to add a new Jabber user?


10 Replies 10

Brian Meade
Level 7
Level 7

Can you show us what the SIP messaging looks like when the phone tries to register?


debug ccsip messages

Router#sh run
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 3698 bytes
! Last configuration change at 12:52:12 UTC Wed Apr 30 2014
version 15.3
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname Router
boot system flash:c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.153-2.T.bin
! card type command needed for slot/vwic-slot 0/0
no aaa new-model
ip cef
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
voice-card 0
voice service voip
 allow-connections h323 to h323
 allow-connections h323 to sip
 allow-connections sip to h323
 allow-connections sip to sip
 no supplementary-service sip moved-temporarily
 no supplementary-service sip refer
 fax protocol t38 version 0 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0 fallback none
  bind control source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0
  bind media source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0
  registrar server expires max 3600 min 3600
voice register global
 mode cme
 source-address port 5060
 max-dn 56
 max-pool 14
 authenticate register
 authenticate realm <password>
 tftp-path flash:
 create profile sync 0028434695579459
voice register dn  1
 number 1122
voice register dn  2
 number 2211
voice register dn  3
 number 1212
voice register template  1
voice register pool  1
 registration-timer max 720 min 660
 id mac D420.XXXX.XXXX
 session-transport tcp
 type Jabber-Android
 number 1 dn 1
 dtmf-relay sip-notify
 codec g711ulaw
voice register pool  2
 registration-timer max 720 min 660
 id mac 28E1.XXXX.XXXX
 session-transport tcp
 type CiscoMobile-iOS
 number 1 dn 2
 dtmf-relay sip-notify
 username user01 password <password>
 codec g711ulaw
voice register pool  3
 registration-timer max 720 min 660
 id mac 0026.XXXX.XXXX
 session-transport tcp
 type CiscoMobile-iOS
 number 1 dn 3
 dtmf-relay sip-notify
 username user02 password <password>
 codec g711ulaw
  service alternate default
license udi pid CISCO2921/K9 sn FXXXXXXXXXX
license accept end user agreement
license boot module c2900 technology-package uck9
hw-module pvdm 0/0
hw-module sm 1
interface Embedded-Service-Engine0/0
 no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
 ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
 no ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
 no ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface SM1/0
 no ip address
 !Application: Cisco UMG running on SM
 hold-queue 60 out
interface SM1/1
 description Internal switch interface connected to Service Module
 no ip address
interface Vlan1
 no ip address
ip forward-protocol nd
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
mgcp behavior rsip-range tgcp-only
mgcp behavior comedia-role none
mgcp behavior comedia-check-media-src disable
mgcp behavior comedia-sdp-force disable
mgcp profile default
 presence enable
 max-ephones 10
 max-dn 10
 ip source-address port 2000
 max-conferences 8 gain -6
 transfer-system full-consult
 create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
line con 0
line aux 0
line 2
 no activation-character
 no exec
 transport preferred none
 transport input all
 transport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120 ssh
 stopbits 1
line 67
 no activation-character
 no exec
 transport preferred none
 transport input all
 transport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120 ssh
 stopbits 1
 flowcontrol software
line vty 0 4
 transport input all
scheduler allocate 20000 1000



Router#ter monitor 
% Console already monitors
Router#debug voice register event
voice-register events debugging is on
Router#debug tftp events
TFTP Event debugging is on
*Apr 30 12:15:59.975: TFTP: Looking for SEPD420XXXXXXXX.cnf.xml
*Apr 30 12:15:59.975: TFTP: Opened flash:/its/SEPD420XXXXXXXX.cnf.xml, fd 14, size 3799 for process 114
*Apr 30 12:16:00.231: TFTP: Finished flash:/its/SEPD420XXXXXXXX.cnf.xml, time 00:00:00 for process 114
*Apr 30 12:16:39.055: TFTP: Looking for SEPD420XXXXXXXX.cnf.xml
*Apr 30 12:16:39.059: TFTP: Opened flash:/its/SEPD420XXXXXXXX.cnf.xml, fd 14, size 3799 for process 114
*Apr 30 12:16:39.311: TFTP: Finished flash:/its/SEPD420XXXXXXXX.cnf.xml, time 00:00:00 for process 114

Router#debug ccsip messages 
SIP Call messages tracing is enabled
*Apr 30 13:05:06.079: TFTP: Looking for SEPD420XXXXXXXX.cnf.xml
*Apr 30 13:05:06.083: TFTP: Opened flash:/its/SEPD420XXXXXXXX.cnf.xml, fd 14, size 3799 for process 114
*Apr 30 13:05:06.387: TFTP: Finished flash:/its/SEPD420XXXXXXXX.cnf.xml, time 00:00:00 for process 114

Try doing a problem report in the app and download those logs.

This is the Jabber App log for the iPhone with "voice register pool  2".

The phone seems to be getting the config file but it's failing to parse the file.


Try doing a "no create profile" then "create profile" under "voice register global".


Also, try downloading "SEP28E14CA07AC8.cnf.xml" from with a TFTP client on your PC.


When the iPhone Jabber voice try to register the CME that showed the debug as ...

"Looking for  .... AppDialRules.xml"

"Looking for  .... DirLookupDialRules.xml"

What's functions on the two files? Should I upload the two xml file to CME? Any content for the two xml files?

It is working, after I modified the <password> are matched.

That mean ...

authenticate realm 112233

username user01 password 112233

Why the users' password must match the global password?


& I discovered the Android only worked on the Samsung ... Not work on HTC, Sony ...  

Hi All,

Is it official support for the Jabber on iPhone / Android of CME?

I am running  Version 15.1(4)M6  ( "flash:uc500-advipservicesk9-mz.151-4.M6") all I had to change to get mine working.

My iphone works perfect and I have used the same link as you have.

voice service voip
 allow-connections h323 to h323
 allow-connections h323 to sip
 allow-connections sip to h323
 allow-connections sip to sip
 no supplementary-service sip moved-temporarily
 no supplementary-service sip refer
  bind control source-interface Loopback0
  bind media source-interface Loopback0
  registrar server
voice register global
 mode cme
 source-address port 5060
 max-dn 56
 max-pool 14
 authenticate register
 authenticate realm xxxx
 tftp-path flash:
 file text
 create profile sync 0221166027520175
voice register dn  1
 number 1122
 name xxxx
 label xxxx
voice register pool  1
 registration-timer max 720 min 660
 id mac xxxx.xxxx.xxxx
 session-transport tcp
 type CiscoMobile-iOS
 number 1 dn 1
 dtmf-relay sip-notify
 username xxxx password xxxx
 codec g711ulaw


Best Regards

Thanks for your help~


Did u try the Android platform?

Must be entered the username and password on iPhone? Will not be needed on Android?