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CME speed dials

Level 6
Level 6


Let me tell you in advance that I can configure all kinds of speed dials/buttons using CLI.

My problem is that I want the end-user to configure his/her speed dials themselves, not using CLI

First there is the CME-GUI which only supports SCCP phones and is really old (2007) and from what I understand is dead.

Second we have CCP express, which does not support telephony as I can not see telephony related configuration (I might do something wrong)

Third we have CCP (windows application) here I can configure quite a lot, but I can't find speed dial configuration, and I am not sure if there is an "end-user" page, so end-user can't destroy configuration.

Fourth there is CCA, but this program only works for UC5XX products as I understand.

It seems that I can configure something directly using the phone, but this is old style SMS/Texting configuration, not really user friendly.

So, is there a way for CME users to configure their OWN phone with speed dials using a graphical user interface?

For CM we have the end-user page and this works quite well.

Thank you,


5 Replies 5

Manish Prasad
Level 5
Level 5

If you think cme gui is old enough then there is always an option to upgrade it and user can configure speed dial through cme user gui page.

Please tell your cme version and router ios.

Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App


The CME GUI is old, the one you install with tftp in the flash.

I have CME 10 running, but the CME GUI has not been updated since 2007 as I can see it.

I have used cme-153-3Mv2.rar

And this GUI does not support SIP phones


No CME GUI supports sip phone , you can not manage sip through cme gui. The best option that you have is to upgrade you cme gui to support sccp phones and let sip phones to use their phone UI to set their extra services.

Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

OK, so I go for the old GUI.

Cisco should make something better for end-users and CME.

Look for example at the GUI for the new CUE versions, not so bad.



In best practice you should keep GUI files of the same version as CME.
I would recommend upgrade your GUI files compatible to CME 10.

Rate all the useful post.

Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App