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Level 1
Level 1

The OnPlus Portal can also be accessed from a mobile device using a Web brower.

To access the mobile interface, enter the portal URL ( and
log in to your account as you normally would.

If, for any reason you are not directed to the mobile interface,
add a /m to the URL (


Here are just a few of the actions you can perform through the mobile interface.

View a list of all your customers.


Select a customer to view their network topology, view details and
perform actions for devices, and edit other settings.


Use the touch screen controls to pan and zoom the Topology view
or select devices.


Or, use the Device Listing view.


Select devices to view information or perform actions.


Available actions vary, depending on the type of device. You can:

  • Establish a Web, Remote Desktop, or VNC connection to a customer device.

    NOTE: Before attempting to connect to devices remotely via the mobile interface,
    you must configure your connection settings on the remote device and the on the
    Connect tab in the Device Information window on the portal.


  • Back up configuration for supported Cisco devices.
  • Reboot devices
  • Activate the customer’s OnPlus Network Agent via the portal.
    You can only do this if the mobile device is on the same local area network (LAN) as the
    OnPlus Network Agent you are activating.

    To access activation information, select a customer and choose Profile to view the Activation information, as shown below.


For each customer, you can view the global event history and filter it by severity.


You can also:

  • See the last 10 events recorded for any device.
  • View delivery contacts. Click a delivery contact’s email or
    SMS email address to send a message.
  • View customer address and location.
Level 1
Level 1

I've been trying to access the portal with the Android app and even though I'm 100% sure that my login information is correct it consistently tells me "Login Failed".  Has anybody been able to access via the Android app?

Forgot to mention, through the mobile browser it works fine, just not through the Android native app.

Level 1
Level 1

Currently, the native Android app is in Beta and only available for Partner accounts created on, our Beta site.

Clare Bernier

Level 1
Level 1

Thanks for the quick reply!  I created an account and now I can login but unfortunately my site is registered with the version.  No matter, I just wanted to confirm how it works vs. the web version.

Seeing as I missed the beta on this, do you know where best to send detailed lists of issues found during setup and installation of the product and more importantly, where to send feature requests?  I've been taking notes on all of the trials and tribulations of this fine product.  Thanks!

Michael Holloway
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


The beta Cisco OnPlus portal at operates in parallel to the production portal at and receives new code for a bake period before it gets pushed out to the production service. You are welcome to register on the beta portal and point any devices you like at it if you want to see the newest OnPlus features before they make it to production. Beta is considered 'stable', but occasionally we find a bug or two in the beta service that gets corrected before reaching the production servers. Beta would always get the same fixes, in fact the fixes would be tested there also before hitting the production service.

In the future, we may offer external access to a 'labs' version of the portal, which gets the newest bleeding-edge code that is being tested before being sent to beta. We haven't announced anything yet, but stay tuned.

The iPhone/Android native mobile applications are currently in a separate beta stage, and are so only currently linked to the OnPlus beta portal. Once those applications reach production status, they'll work with both the beta and the production portals.

Regarding submitting feedback, please do! You can always just use the 'Feedback' button at the bottom of any page in the portal (beta or production), or post here in the support forums. These forums are very actively monitored by folks in the docs, engineering, marketing, and test teams responsible for OnPlus service. Share your notes and feature requests with the community here and the resulting discussions can help our team make sure that we are prioritizing development work correctly!

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