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Analogic Phones unregistered on UC500

Level 1
Level 1

I have tried to register a couple of analogic phones on a UC500, they are plugged on the FXS ports but they always get busy line.

I have used the mac that appeared on the Configuration Assistant but I don't really know if the FXS mac for each port is the right one.

I have the following configuration and I can't find any error, I hope someone can help me out:

voice-port 0/0/0

cptone ES

timeouts ringing infinity

description EXT_6002


voice-port 0/0/1

cptone ES

timeouts ringing infinity

description EXT_1002


voice-port 0/0/2

cptone ES

timeouts ringing infinity

description EXT_6001


voice-port 0/0/3

cptone ES

timeouts ringing infinity

description EXT_3333

ephone-dn 5 dual-line

number 3333 no-reg primary

label 3333

description Disenadores Disenadores

name Disenadores Disenadores

call-forward noan 1999 timeout 17

huntstop channel


ephone-dn 6 dual-line

number 6002 no-reg primary

label 6002

description Desarrolladores B

name Desarrolladores B

call-forward noan 1999 timeout 17

huntstop channel


ephone-dn 33 dual-line

number 1002 no-reg primary

label 1002

description Inaki Aliaga

name Inaki Aliaga

call-forward noan 1999 timeout 17

huntstop channel


ephone-dn 34 dual-line

number 6001 no-reg primary

label 6001

description Desarrolladores A

name Desarrolladores A

call-forward noan 1999 timeout 17

huntstop channel

ephone 24

device-security-mode none

mac-address B8FA.EBB0.0000

max-calls-per-button 2

username "Disenadores" password 12345

type anl

button 1:5




ephone 25

device-security-mode none

mac-address B8FA.EBB0.0001

max-calls-per-button 2

username "DesarrolladoresB" password 12345

type anl

button 1:6




ephone 26

device-security-mode none

mac-address B8FA.EBB0.0002

max-calls-per-button 2

username "InakiAliaga" password 12345

type anl

button 1:33




ephone 27

device-security-mode none

mac-address B8FA.EBB0.0003

max-calls-per-button 2

username "DesarrolladoresA" password 12345

type anl

button 1:34


4 Replies 4

Level 4
Level 4

Hi friend, did you try to configure the FXS port as:

voice-port 0/0/0

cptone ES

timeouts ringing infinity

description EXT_6002

dial-peer voice TAG pots

destination-pattern 6002

port 0/0/0

Without using ephone configuration for analog phones.

Best regards


Unfortunately I have already tried that when i use your option on the phone where i am trying to call from it appears ring out and no sound comes up.

When i use the other option with ephone and ephones-dn at least i get the busy signal.

I have no idea how to fix the matter.

Really appreciated your help, thanks

Hi again, can you call to an ip phone from the analog phone?

Try configuring this command in your fastethernte interface:

"h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr ip address"


voice rtp send-recv

Best regards


Seems it works now!!My sophone seems to get block whenever i try to call this analog phones but not with ip phones. Anyway from another phone works perfectly all communication, probably my sophone went crazy but no explanation for it. Thank you the important stuff is fixed.