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Call Forward and ICT's

Level 3
Level 3

Hi all,<br><br> I have a 2.4.6 Unity box at 'Site A', with a CCM 3.1.2c cluster, and a 'Site B' also with a 3.1.2c cluster, with no Unity. The CCM clusters are connected via Inter Cluster Trunks.<br><br> We are trying to bring the second cluster onto the Unity and are experiencing some weird (although I think they are 'as designed') behaviors.<br><br> When a subscriber from Site A call a subscriber at Site B and is forward across the ICT's, user A is prompted to enter his password. When an outside caller calls the subscriber at Site B and is forwarded, he receives the Opening Greeting CH.<br><br> Is this because when the forward happens across the ICT there is no CFWD reason code sent across? How do we fix that without building one for one Route Patterns in the CCM on one side and Route points on the other with "FWD All" to VMail?<br><br>--Cael

4 Replies 4

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Correction, Site A was upgraded on Friday to CCM 3.1.3a


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It's probably not a matter of lack of call forward reason, it's probably a lack of call forward number (RDNIS). What's odd is that I have seen this work on CallManager 3.1. This does not work on CCM 3.0.

Try forwarding Phone1.Cluster1 to Phone2.Cluster2. Then from Phone2.Cluster1, call Phone1.Cluster1 and let it forward. When the phone is ringing at Phone2.Cluster2, what shows up as the forwarded number?

Steve Olivier
Software Engineer
Cisco Systems

Not applicable

In the meantime, the folks that "live" at cluster2 have upgraded to 3.1.3a, before I could test further, and for whatever reason the problem went away. I am wondering if there is something in the "Display IE" settings on the gateways that could have caused this?


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Is it possible that the folks at cluster2 were previously running 3.0? That would easily explain this.

Steve Olivier
Software Engineer
Cisco Systems