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CiscoUnity_PHGreeting, Event ID 504

Level 1
Level 1


I have periodically have the applicaiton event log as follows. always two events and the difference is 4306 and 4477 in the middle of contents. I have some errors from DBWalkers.

1. what's meaning of this event log ?

2. Is this log related to the DBWalker outout ?

3. How can I fix the errors for the DBWalker output ?


The description for Event ID ( 504 ) in Source ( CiscoUnity_PHGreeting ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. The following information is part of the event: CreateSubscriberMsg, 0x80004005, 4306, e:\views\Unity4.0.2.122\un_Conv2\AvConvPhoneHandler\AvConvPHGreetingSvr\AvSPlayGreeting.cpp,

For more information, click: .

The description for Event ID ( 504 ) in Source ( CiscoUnity_PHGreeting ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. The following information is part of the event: CreateSubscriberMsg, 0x80004005, 4477, e:\views\Unity4.0.2.122\un_Conv2\AvConvPhoneHandler\AvConvPHGreetingSvr\AvSPlayGreeting.cpp,

For more information, click: .



Display Name=Example Administrator - DC3RLPUM1

Jump to this subscriber in the SA using this link: Open SA to this subscriber

COS Alias=defaultadministrator

Location Object Alias=default

1207:(error) Voice name WAV file missing. Path referenced for file=C:\CommServer\Stream Files\EAdmin_SubName_000582d3.wav

Location object display name={Default}

Subscriber is assigned to language=English (United States)

1353:(warning) the Switch ID for this subscriber is set to NULL. This means it will default to switch 0. You can fix this by selecting a valid switch on the profile page for this subscriber in the SA.

Private List ID=1

1381:(warning) Private list has a NULL display name. This can be fixed by selecting a display name for this list on the Private Lists page of this subscriber in the SA

1384:(warning) private list contains no members

Checking subscriber exit destination

Set to go to call handler with alias=openinggreetingch


Display Name=Example Subscriber - DC3RLPUM1

Jump to this subscriber in the SA using this link: Open SA to this subscriber

1203:(error) The primary call handler for this subscriber has it's AdministratorObjectID value set to point to a different subscriber.

You can fix this in DOHPropTest by copying the ObjectID of the subscriber into the AVP_ADMINISTRATOR_OBJECT_ID value for the primary call handler.

This can also, however, mean a there is a 'cross linked' call handler problem where a single primary call handler is being 'shared' by more than one subscriber.

COS Alias=defaultsubscriber

Location Object Alias=default

1207:(error) Voice name WAV file missing. Path referenced for file=C:\CommServer\Stream Files\ESubscriber_SubName_000581ca.wav

Location object display name={Default}

Subscriber is assigned to language=English (United States)

1353:(warning) the Switch ID for this subscriber is set to NULL. This means it will default to switch 0. You can fix this by selecting a valid switch on the profile page for this subscriber in the SA.

Subscriber has no private lists

Checking subscriber exit destination

Set to go to call handler with alias=openinggreetingch

5 Replies 5

Level 1
Level 1

The first one says that the EAdmin user in Unity has a bad Voice name greeting. Rerecord it through the admin interface and you will be set.

The second one has the same error for the ESubscriber user.

It also looks like you might have changed switch types or something like that since unity has been installed, so the switch ID is messed up. This can be changed by going to each of these users and just reselect the switch ID.



Can anybody guide me why I have periodically the CiscoUnity_PHGreeting and the reason ?


We also have this error appearing and would like to know why..

There is a bug CSCed30076

Conv - IAvNamedProps::SetPropBool logs erroneous failure


As error could occur while the Unity Conversation is trying to the

Dialing Domain

Transfer property in conjunction with Identified Subscriber messaging.

The error

message would like similar to the following:





An incorrect function code is being checked in the Unity code. The

function prior

to IAvNamedProps::SetPropBool is failing. The logging code for Unity is


reporting that SetPropBool failed when instead the function before it



There is no known workaround at this time, and the error message should

be considered


This issue is just cosmetic. You don't actually have a technical problem but it will be resolved in the up coming Unity 4.0(3)SR1 patch which should be hitting CCO in short order.

