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How to configure multiple phones to ring?

Level 1
Level 1

I have a client that has a pool of 3 external numbers. They need all calls destined for this pool sent to two operator phones. Both phones should ring and the person available will answer the phone. I initially setup a shared line and used a translational pattern to forward incoming calls from the external numbers to the shared line. The shared line does not support off hook ring so the other phone would not ring if another call came into the shared line which resulted in lost calls. I then configured a Web Attendent Hunt solution and removed the shared line because its not supported. Now the calls come into the pilot point and it determines an available phone in my hunt group but it will only ring that single phone. My client insists that both phones ring when a call comes in so that either person can pickup the incoming call. Is there a way to make this happen?



1 Reply 1

Level 1
Level 1


I don't think so....given....the phones don't ring if they are in use - just "notifies"....

....setup translation of the 3 ext. #'s to the same # - setup 3 shared lines - example: 2001, 2002, 2003 - do a FB (forward busy) on 2001 to 2002, and 2002 to 2003.... All calls are initially directed to 2001 - which if not busy will ring both phones...second call comes in - and it will try 2001 - which is a shared and busy line, so forwards to 2002 - which WILL ring on the SECOND phone (the one that is not handling 2001) - however, when the 3rd call comes in - neither phone will "ring" - only a "ring notice" in the headset/handset....

If you put a third phone in the loop and shared line 2002 - it will ring....but not the two in use....
