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rerouting VOIP packet with 2620

Level 1
Level 1

hello everybody,

I have an easy question:

I want to reroute some voip packet from one router to another,

knowing all source IP , my IP an the destination IP.

In fact I want to receive some voip packet some a customer and send them to my provider in the other side of the worl, without leting the custumer know the final ip. I defenetly sure this must be easy to configure in a cisco router.

thankx for your help

1 Reply 1

Level 1
Level 1

Actually this is not as simple as it sounds.

When you originate calls from any voip gateway you point the packets to a final destination using an ip address. You also cannot do voip tandem switching which is an intermediate stop where you take and examine the voip packet and manipulate it and send it out again. Your best bet is to either use gatekeepers with the proxy feature which helps hide the identity of the final gateway to the originator, by using the proxy ip address instead of final gateway ip address. Or you can use NAT so you can only see the external ip address instead of internal.

Hope this helps.