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pdm location question

Level 1
Level 1

I installed PDM two days ago. I entered one pdm location address on the inside and for some reason I have over thrity pdm location entries now for inside, outside and the dmz.

Why did this happen?

2 Replies 2

Level 7
Level 7

Hi Peter,

THE FOLLOWING IS A RESPONSE FROM CISCO TAC on PDM Location that I asked about 2 years ago, when I observed the same on the PIX config.

"A PDM location is a pure book keeping command used by PDM to build its topology


It has nothing to do with the PIX's functionalities. In particular, it does

**NOT** control which host can access PDM which is a common misunderstanding.

The control is done by the command "http ".

Why do we need it?

In PDM's world, policy (those rules) is built on top of topology.

Ideally user creates the topology first via the Host/Network tab, then configures policy else where (like Access Rule tab).

A network object exists by itself, even if there is no policy configured directly on it at a particular time. We use "pdm location" command to remember the location of a network object."

Hope this helps.

Thanks - Jay.

Thanks for clearing that up for me.