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VSOM Identity Collision

Level 1
Level 1

I have 5 UCS Chassis that host all my cameras and my VSOM server.  During our initial deployment using VSOM 7.2 we had a IP issue.  I corrected our IP scheme and made the changes to the other machines.  But a error persists in our system.  It does not cause any issues, just a nuisance.  It says I have a Identity Collision.  But I have checked all the UCS chassis and on the backend in the Linux settings.  Can someone help me figure out the error and how to clear it.  I have attached pictures for reference.

20 Replies 20

Scott Olsen
Level 6
Level 6

Sooo... The IP Addressing scheme changed for all of your servers?  How were the IP addresses of the servers actually changed?

What version were you at when you changed them?

Scott Olsen Solutions Specialist Bulletproof Solutions Inc. Web:

just one box had to change.  I had fat fingered the IP and the rest is history. is the second NIC on the box for failover.


I have attached 3 more pics


It seems like you have not configured the host-name properly for this server, its showing there as "localhost. localhost". Its validation failed there only which cause this error. Please correct the proper host-name then try.

I hope that clears this error then.




I have tried chanaging the the local host through the GUI and it gives me a error that it cannot do that?  Any ideas?

Is it  possible  you to open a TAC case?




Br, Nadeem Please rate all useful post.

What is the error you are getting now? Can you share that snapshot please.

Nadeem Ahmed
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee



Try deleting the event id from VSOM database and reset the status it will fix the issue.


Procedure to do so:

login as root on VSOM server

#sudo /usr/BWhttpd/vsom_be/db/mysql/bin/mysql --defaults-file=/usr/BWhttpd/vsom_be/db/db.cnf vsom


This command will get you to the SQL prompt

SQL> Select * from issue;


Once you run this command you will get a output of all event that are there on VSOM . copy and past e in any notepad . Grep the object id of of that error/alarm/event you are getting Collision identity.

SQL>DELETE from issue WHERE OBJECTID = '<objectid>';


or if  you find any difficulties finding the object id post me the "Select * from issue; command output  to me.






Br, Nadeem Please rate all useful post.


     I never got alerted you replied to my post.

     Do you happen to have the default root password that ships with them?  No one seems to remember the password?





Where are you trying to login and what is the VSM version


if it VSM 6.x  default user name and password

VSMC : root/secur4u

VSOM: root/secur4u

SSH: root/secur4u


if its VSM 7.x , default username password


VSMC: localadmin/secur4u


SSH: localadmin/secur4u







Br, Nadeem Please rate all useful post.

Ok I am in the box,

Now I must not being getting the syntax correct.


Please see attached picture


I think I see you're issue... you don't have the full path to the mysql binary.   Double check Nadeem's post above ;-)


This is from one of my own servers:


[localadmin@VSM76COLO-1 ~]$ whoami
[localadmin@VSM76COLO-1 ~]$sudo su -
[root@VSM76COLO-1 ~]#whoami
[root@VSM76COLO-1 ~]# pwd
[root@VSM76COLO-1 ~]# cd /usr/BWhttpd/vsom_be/db/mysql/bin/
[root@VSM76COLO-1 bin]#
my_print_defaults           mysql_convert_table_format  mysql_find_rows             mysql_upgrade
mysql                       mysqld                      mysql_fix_extensions        mysql_waitpid

mysqladmin                  mysqld_multi                mysqlhotcopy                mysql_zap
mysqlbinlog                 mysqld_safe                 mysql_install_db
mysqlbug                    mysqldump                   mysql_secure_installation
mysqlcheck                  mysqldumpslow               mysql_tzinfo_to_sql
[root@VSM76COLO-1 bin]#
mysql: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, not stripped
[root@VSM76COLO-1 bin]#




Scott Olsen Solutions Specialist Bulletproof Solutions Inc. Web:

Ok I think I am another step forward.  Now I am getting prompted for the root password and it is not our localadmin password.  I am assuming it got changed during the install last year.  I have tried secur4u and the localadmin password we have set for the box.


please help

SSH to server first

$ sudo su -

# sudo /usr/BWhttpd/vsom_be/db/mysql/bin/mysql --defaults-file=/usr/BWhttpd/vsom_be/db/db.cnf vsom




Br, Nadeem Please rate all useful post.



I got where you needed me.  I am not getting any output.  Please see attachment.