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Magnus Mortensen
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


Ëpisode Name: Ëpisode 32 - Investigating Syslogs: Tips and Tricks

Contributors:  Magnus Mortensen, Jay Johnston, David White Jr.

Posting Date: March 28, 2013

Description: The panel discusses best practices for configuring devices to generate syslogs, and how the TAC investigates syslogs provided by customers. Tips and tricks for parsing through large syslog files, as well as techniques and tools for finding useful information are discussed.



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About the Cisco TAC Security Podcast


The Cisco TAC Security Podcast Series is created by Cisco TAC engineers. Each show provides an in-depth technical discussion of Cisco product  security features, with emphasis on troubleshooting.


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Show Notes

Investigating a lot of logs can be daunting



For example, if someone provides you with 2 GB of syslogs, how do you parse through them to find the important information? If the text files are prepended with junk text from the a syslog server, how do you remove it? How do you sort your syslog entries?


The test syslog file used in the examples below can be found here:



This document focused on the use of command-line tools to get the job done.


Investigate the most severe syslogs generated by the ASA

Often we'll start investigating syslogs by looking at the most severe messages, and working our way down the severity list. For this we can easily use grep:


[10:48:10] [jay@jajohnst-pc /mnt/storage/logs]$ grep "ASA-1-" ASAlogs-TACSecurityPodcast.txt

[10:50:35] [jay@jajohnst-pc /mnt/storage/logs]$ grep "ASA-2-" ASAlogs-TACSecurityPodcast.txt

<162>Mar 28 2013 08:41:59: %ASA-2-106001: Inbound TCP connection denied from to flags FIN ACK  on interface outside

<162>Mar 28 2013 08:53:30: %ASA-2-106001: Inbound TCP connection denied from to flags ACK  on interface outside

<162>Mar 28 2013 08:53:38: %ASA-2-106001: Inbound TCP connection denied from to flags ACK  on interface outside

<162>Mar 28 2013 08:53:40: %ASA-2-106001: Inbound TCP connection denied from to flags ACK  on interface outside

<162>Mar 28 2013 08:53:41: %ASA-2-106001: Inbound TCP connection denied from to flags ACK  on interface outside

[10:50:39] [jay@jajohnst-pc /mnt/storage/logs]$ grep "ASA-3-" ASAlogs-TACSecurityPodcast.txt

<163>Mar 28 2013 08:26:23: %ASA-3-710003: TCP access denied by ACL from to outside:

<163>Mar 28 2013 08:26:24: %ASA-3-710003: TCP access denied by ACL from to outside:

<163>Mar 28 2013 08:26:25: %ASA-3-710003: TCP access denied by ACL from to outside:

<163>Mar 28 2013 08:26:26: %ASA-3-710003: TCP access denied by ACL from to outside:

<163>Mar 28 2013 08:26:27: %ASA-3-710003: TCP access denied by ACL from to outside:


Browse through the syslogs by weeding out the logs you don't care about

By hiding the syslogs you don't care to see you are left with the messages that are most pertinent. Using 'grep -v' you can exclude log lines that match the text you provide:


[10:55:33] [jay@jajohnst-pc /mnt/storage/logs]$ grep "ASA-6" ASAlogs-TACSecurityPodcast.txt | head -n 3

<166>Mar 28 2013 08:22:48: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic UDP translation from inside: to outside:

<166>Mar 28 2013 08:22:48: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 57958 for outside: ( to inside: (

<166>Mar 28 2013 08:22:48: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 57958 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 563

[10:55:37] [jay@jajohnst-pc /mnt/storage/logs]$ grep "ASA-6" ASAlogs-TACSecurityPodcast.txt | grep -v "ASA-6-305011" | head -n 3

<166>Mar 28 2013 08:22:48: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 57958 for outside: ( to inside: (

<166>Mar 28 2013 08:22:48: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 57958 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 563

<166>Mar 28 2013 08:22:49: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 57959 for outside: ( to inside: (

[10:55:41] [jay@jajohnst-pc /mnt/storage/logs]$ grep "ASA-6" ASAlogs-TACSecurityPodcast.txt | grep -v "ASA-6-302011" | grep -v "ASA-6-302015" | head -n 3

<166>Mar 28 2013 08:22:48: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic UDP translation from inside: to outside:

<166>Mar 28 2013 08:22:48: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 57958 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 563

<166>Mar 28 2013 08:22:49: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic UDP translation from inside: to outside:

[10:56:04] [jay@jajohnst-pc /mnt/storage/logs]$ grep "ASA-6" ASAlogs-TACSecurityPodcast.txt | grep -v "ASA-6-302011" | grep -v "ASA-6-302015" | grep -v "ASA-6-305011" | head -n 3

<166>Mar 28 2013 08:22:48: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 57958 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 563

<166>Mar 28 2013 08:22:49: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 57959 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 264

<166>Mar 28 2013 08:22:49: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 57960 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 188

[10:56:19] [jay@jajohnst-pc /mnt/storage/logs]$



Remove junk text at the start of each syslog line

You'll notice that each log line has some junk at the front that should be removed:


[10:43:27] [jay@jajohnst-pc /mnt/storage/logs]$ head -n 4 ASAlogs-TACSecurityPodcast.txt

<167>Mar 28 2013 08:22:48: %ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from to inside:

<166>Mar 28 2013 08:22:48: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic UDP translation from inside: to outside:

<167>Mar 28 2013 08:22:48: %ASA-7-609001: Built local-host outside:

<166>Mar 28 2013 08:22:48: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 57958 for outside: ( to inside: (

[10:46:15] [jay@jajohnst-pc /mnt/storage/logs]$


To remove all the charactors on the line leading up to "Mar 28",  use the sed program to find and replace that text with "nothing":


[10:48:03] [jay@jajohnst-pc /mnt/storage/logs]$ cat ASAlogs-TACSecurityPodcast.txt | sed 's/^.*Mar 28/Mar 28/g' | head -n 4

Mar 28 2013 08:22:48: %ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from to inside:

Mar 28 2013 08:22:48: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic UDP translation from inside: to outside:

Mar 28 2013 08:22:48: %ASA-7-609001: Built local-host outside:

Mar 28 2013 08:22:48: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 57958 for outside: ( to inside: (

[10:48:10] [jay@jajohnst-pc /mnt/storage/logs]$



Just display a particular portion of each line in the syslog file

Lets say you want to just display something particular from each line, say, the global IP and port in the message like this:


<166>Mar 28 2013 08:22:50: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside:


First, you would grep the file to just output the lines that contained that text, and next you could use the cut command to break the line into tokens, and just display a particular token. In this example, the global interface, ip and port are token number 13, as delimited by the space character:


[11:00:49] [jay@jajohnst-pc /mnt/storage/logs]$ grep "ASA-6-305011" ASAlogs-TACSecurityPodcast.txt  | cut -f 13 -d ' '










Now lets say you wanted to get rid of the 'outside' text at the start of each line. Use sed to replace that text with nothing:


[11:03:30] [jay@jajohnst-pc /mnt/storage/logs]$ grep "ASA-6-305011" ASAlogs-TACSecurityPodcast.txt  | cut -f 13 -d ' ' | sed 's/outside://g'






Around 8:32 on March 28th 2013, the CPU usage on this ASA increased.  Determine why

Use the less command to "jump ahead" to the time in question to see if anything stands out as suspicious

Julio Carvajal
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni


Great to see we have another Podcast

Thank you very much for all of the time invested on this,


Julio Carvajal

Level 5
Level 5

Another great show.

Jouni Forss
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni


First time I listened to one of these podcast. Might need to listen through the other ones too Logging is something that I would like to develop in our current environment. I mean I got the things setup what I need but I want to refine it.

Regarding the Challenge you stated at the bottom of the document.

The only thing I see is that someone on the "outside" is trying to log on to the ASA with ASDM/https with multiple different usernames/credentials which all fail.

The source IP of the host is and the ASA "outside" IP address is

Between 8:27:44 and 8:41:26 there was about 6455 denied login attempts

- Jouni

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