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WAP321 captive portal redirect

Level 1
Level 1

Hi again,

Another problem with WAP321 access point. I set up the captive portal for guest access. Connexion is going well, I got IP adress, but then, I open my webrowser to authentificate on the captive portal, and I get a nice "404 not found / file not found" page. If I put the IP adress of the access point in my webrowser, I can get the captive portal homepage. Why the redirection is not working automaticly ??



19 Replies 19

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Davy,

Did you configured your captive portal for guest for VAP0?  Currently, you can only put the VLAN and SSID for Captive portal on VAP0.  So, once you configured your captive portal on VAP0, it should work.


Hi Alena,

Yes, I setup guest on VAP0 as you can check on this screenshot :

Then, on the client, I automaticly get my browser opened with this error :

Thanks for the help,


Hi, My name is Eric Moyers. I am a Network Support Engineer in the Cisco Small Business Support Center. Thank you for using the Cisco Community Post Forums.

When doing a http:// redirect while using Captive Portal you should add your URL you want the guest to go to during the configuration of the CP Instance. That area can be found under Captive Portal - Instance Configuration.  There should be no need to fill out the redirect on the wireless page you have showing. That is for when you are not using Captive Portal.

When creating a Captive Portal it is essential that it is created in a certain order.

1. Create a Local Group

2. Create a Local User

3. Create a CP Instance

4. Associate the CP Instance to a VAP(SSID) Interface

5. Create a locale (web Page and map it to a CP Instance

6 Enable Global CP configuration


Eric Moyers

Cisco Network Advanced Support Engineer

SBSC Wireless and Surveillance SME

CCNA, CCNA-Wireless


Hi Eric,

Thanks for your answer, but I already configure CP instance. I'have done exactly what you said. The fact is that sometimes, I get the CP webpage correctly but most of the time, it's not working and I have the "404 not found". Do you think it can be a VLAN issue ?



i need help, i have windows server 2012 with AD and try but i can't make work captive portal

Level 1
Level 1


Would be nice if there was an answer to this original question that works. I have installed 9 wap-421 AP's in the hotel I work at and I had setup CP to handle the connection to the APs. When someone gets past the initial connction to the AP and attempts to go to the next step I get the same error screen. I can't use these this way. I need to have these operating smoothly. Is there anyone that can help?

Level 1
Level 1

Same issue here, followed the instructions/method posted here after I got the 404 initially. Followed the steps with no change. Same 404. Really need a resolution, was sold on this unit for it's captive portal ability but this is not it.

That was on firmware, updating to now.


Update - No change on the new firmware.


Update 2 - Portal works fine when not using a redirect.

Level 1
Level 1

I also followed the instructions above, upgraded the firmware and so on with no results. I have several AP's in the hotel I work at and we went live on tuesday and now I face this, on my days off, finding out that this is happening. And it looks like a nightmare trying to contact cisco. I find it funny, before the installation I had several phone calls from Cisco wanting me to purchase their products. I did so and now look what I face. This needs to be fixed or I have to rip all of it out.

It's worse with anyone who uses apple products.

The process is, when a guest connects to the wifi and enters the key it then attempts to load the captive portal page. Its when it does this that it display a 404 page not found error. At times if you open a browser and try to load google perhaps it will load the captive portal page.

Cisco I would like to know how to fix this please.


Level 1
Level 1

I'm having the same problem.  It appears to be a browser dependent issue.  I'm using guest validation.  iOS devices briefly acquire an IP address but when I open Safari and attempt to connect, I get a 404 error and the device quickly disconnects and connects to another wireless access point.  It used to work exactly as it should in Firefox, but since updating to a more recent version, I get the 404 error as in iOS.  Opera and IE8 recognize the redirect to the captive portal login page as a possible security issue and allow me to choose to continue.  I greatly appreciate any suggestions!

Yes, the issue is specific to iOS 6 for all that I can test within. iOS 5 and other browsers do it all as it should. Still awaiting update from Cisco or Apple now.

Level 1
Level 1

Should we update to the new firmware? Has anyone done it with any changes to report on this?

I updated to firmware without success.  I think it has to do with https.  With a secure home page (and https enabled on the WAP 321) Firefox on my Windows XP computer the Camptive Portal behaves just like on iOS 6.  Disabling https on the WAP 321 makes the captive portal work with Firefox on Windows with either a secure or standard home page.

Romney, can I get you to clarify?

"With a secure home page..." -- Do you mean a https:// home page on the connecting device, or a https CP, redirect page (or, possibly, a secure WebUI [web config service]) on the WAP321?

"...https enabled on the WAP321..." -- Do you mean the WebUI or CP (or possibly redirect page)?


Andy Kinnard
Level 1
Level 1

This issue has persisted for far too long without redress.

To anyone experiencing this issue: there is no fix.  Please establish a Cisco ID, call Cisco and get a ticket #.  Report it here or on the other two related threads at and

It seems that they are only going to fix this issue if the number of support tickets reaches a sufficient number...apparently long-standing, well-supported outcry on the forums is wholy insufficient to inspire actual resolution.