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This document contains the Q and As for Most frequently faced issues in SBCS Wireless Environment.

Q. Firmware on my Wireless Device is corrupt? How do we fix this?

A. Unstable firmware leads to loss of wireless connectivity. Perform one of the

       following steps

  1. Reboot the device and check if it works.

  2. Reset the device either through Hardware or Software. Make sure to take a backup of the existing configuration.

  3. If the problem still persist , download and use the latest firmware from Cisco. As a last resort contact Technical Support.

Q. Wireless Clients doesn’t associate /communicate to other devices in the wireless network?


Perform the following checks to troubleshoot basic connectivity issues in the wireless network

  1. Check if the client receives sufficient signal from the access point. If not adjust the location of the client to receive AP’s signal. You can check the signal strength from client utility.
  2. Check if there is a security mismatch between client and the device. Make sure that the authentication methods are configured identically on the client and the access point. If  authentication is done with a Pre-shared key , make sure they are configured identically on both the devices.
  3. Check if the SSID is configured to be broadcasted on the AP so that clients can locate the access point. Make sure that the SSID is identical between the devices. SSID is case-sensitive and they should match.
  4. Check the IP address on the client.  Make sure that the SSID is configured with appropriate VLAN and that the DHCP pool for the subnet is configured on the DHCP server. Normally DHCP server on the access point provides  IP address to the clients. If  you have external DHCP server , make sure that the switch is configured to allow the VLANs. If  DHCP is not an option , configure a static IP for the client and check if it works.
  5. Check if the wireless adapter is properly installed on the client. See the device manager to check if the device driver is installed for the adapter. If not reinstall the update the drivers.
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