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Alternate Greeting Not Allowing Caller Input

Level 1
Level 1

Unity 4.1.1

With alternate greeting enabled and the "Prevent callers from skipping the subscriber's greeting" option enabled and the "allow caller input" enabled, callers are not allowed to press any keys after the alternate greeting.

Are they not able to work together or does the "prevent callers from skipping the subscriber's greeting" take precedence over all the other options?

Our goal is to have callers listen to the whole alternate greeting, but give them the option to press 0 for the operator.

Is this a bug or normal operation? Thanks again.

5 Replies 5

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

The "prevent callers" option automatically sets all keys to locked and ignored - it's the only way to "trap" a user in a greeting.

You can lock and ignore all keys one at a time other than 0 if you want to let them dial the operator - that'll have the effect you want I think.

I was thinking the same about ignoring all keys except 0, but we actually do need the other keys to be available during standard or alternate.

Oh well, thanks for the reply. I guess this could be my first feature request on CIPTUG's website.

I'm a little puzzled here. You want the keys locked down except for 0. But you don't want the keys locked down? If you're using the alternate greeting, it overrides all other greetings regardless so your standard greeting is meaningless then.

Can you be just a little more clear and detailed about exactly what it is you want?

You want different user input key actions based on what greeting is playing? That's my best guess based on your description, but I'm not sure that's the case. If it is, there is only one set of user input keys associated with a call handler (they do not change based on the greeting). You can achieve what you want by chaining a few handlers together - so you entry call handler will have it's, say, after hours greeting enabled but set to play 'blank' and send the caller to another call handler - this handler can have it's greeting set to record and have a different set of rules for the caller input keys.

In this way you can have standard and off hours greetings that have different key input behavior.

If that's not what you're gunning for, let us know what it is you're trying to do before you throw in the towel and assume it can't be done.

Here's the goal in a scenario kind of way.

1. I enable my alternate greeting that says "...if you need immediate assistance, press 0 of the operator and ask for my assistant"

2. Caller must listen to the whole alternate greeting, then press 0 at the end to get the operator

I would think that by having these checked on the alternate greetings page, it would work.

Enabled: Prevent callers from skipping the subscriber's greeting.

(My understanding is the caller must listen to the whole alternate greeting)

Enabled: Allow caller input.

(My understanding is that after the alternate greeting is finished, the caller can press 0 for operator)

I assumed it would work because if it didn't gray out the "allow caller input" when I checked "prevent callers from skipping..."

Thanks again.

Prevting users from inputing locks down everything and allows to interruptions to the greeting. You can't have it not allow any digit interruptions AND allow user input at the same time. These two goals are not compatible.

The key input settings affect _all_ greetings for that handler or subscriber. You don't have seperate user input rules for each greeting.

If the issue is you want the greeting to play and then allow only a 0 to be pressed _after_ the greeting is played you can chain two handlers together to do that. The first has your greeting and is locked down entirely. The after greeting action is set to go to the 2nd call handler. THAT handler can have a follow on greeting (i.e. press 0 now to reach my personal assistant) and it's keys can be setup such that only 0 is allowed so users can't dial anything else. They can either press 0 or leave a message...