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CUCM 5.0.4 to 8.6.2 / CUCxN 5.0 to 8.6 upgrade procedure

Hi all,

This is my first post here and I've been looking through the support community for CUCM & CUCxN upgrade but can't find a definite best approach to do so.

Upgrade from CUCM 5.0.4 to CUCM 8.6.2

Unity Connection 5.0 to Unity Connection 8.6

I'm getting a new set of hardwares (UCS) for the setup as the old MCS-7835H1 is EOL.

Is there a way to migrate to the new hardware & version without having to reconfigure the entire system? BAT/DMA tools could be helpful but not too sure whether it can work for such a big upgrade gap.

Specifically on CUCxN, how do i migrate the mailbox/voicemail from the old hardware to the new?

Any help would be appreciated.


3 Replies 3

Jaime Valencia
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

There's no CUC 5.X version so you might want to go back and look what version you're using, most likely it will be 2.x

There's no way you can upgrade directly to 8.6, you need to be on 6.X/7.X for that.

You mention you've searched the forum for upgrades so I assume you've already found the compatibility matrix with such info (if not, main pages have a banner that reads:

Announcement:                         IP Telephony FAQs and Basics - Please read before  posting!

CUCM FAQ has it)

The only official method we support for moving to UCS is upgrading on MCS to AT LEAST the first release of each product which is supported on virtualization, take a DRS backup from MCS, restore on UCS.

For CUC you can look into COBRAS

Otherwise you're looking at BAT since there are not even export capabilities on 5.X like later releases do have 6.X+

BTW, DMA is ONLY for Windows to Linux migrations.



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Hi javalenc,

CUC 1.x not 5.0 (my mistake, thanks for pointing this out).

I've seen the FAQ and the compatibility matrix just that the upgrade needs multiple about 2-3 hops and I was trying to figure out a better way to migrate all the config and database to UCS or a new MCS without having to go through the upgrade hops.

I'm not allowed to touch the existing MCS to run the upgrades as it's in production and serving multiple corporations. So my only safe option is to install a fresh CUCM on the new hardware and figure out how to copy the database/config etc from the old one. Once everything is up and running in parallel, then only I'm allowed to move the phones by phases before decomissioning the old hardware.


For CUC you can still use COBRAS, for CUCM the only way to get ALL the info at once is with DRS but you need to have the exact same version on destination server.

Things have changed a lot since 5.X so even looking at BAT it means you'll have to do a lot of formatting to adjust all the new and mandatory fields the csv will need to be accepted in 8.6



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