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Menu choice in Unity

Level 1
Level 1


I'm trying to setup an auto menu in unity where the user presses "1" and the system reads back extensions of users from a distribution list.

For example when you search for an extension - unity finds matches and then reads off to the end user the extensions it found and ask the user to select one or continue with other matches.

Can this be accomplished without asking the user for any letters, but just a simple number that is assigned to a list?

Please advice, if anybody knows the answer to this.

thank you,


1 Reply 1

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

You can get something close to this with a name lookup handler. Create a new name lookup handler and set it's search scope to a public distribution list containing the names you want to list. Then you can use the "list all names" option on the name lookup handler such that when you access the handler it'll just list all the names one after another without requiring you spell each name.

Note that after you assign it to a public distribution list it can take a little while before that list is "flattened" into the Unity database in SQL - especially if it's large and/or contains lots of nested lists. So when you're testing it, give it time to build it.