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unity 5.0 mwi loses sync

Level 1
Level 1

we have unity um 5.0 with exch 2007/2003.

lately we have many users reporting that their mwi light "stops working". either the light stays on when there is no new msg or the light does not go on when they have a new msg.

each time we have been able to rectify it by doing a status refresh in unity admin.

i opened a tac case and was told " the current unity version is 5.0(1) without any patch installed. With this version of unity the Notifier component, which is responsible for MWI gets overloaded and there are intermitted issues of MWI". recommend we add ES82 to resolve it.

i've been looking for some kind of documentation regarding this but haven't found any. Also ES82 is not on download site so there is no release notes available.

I've asked tac for some doc's but nothing sent yet.

has anyone heard of this and is there doc's available?



18 Replies 18

Brandon Buffin
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Here are a couple of other things to check. I ran into the same issues some time ago and they were resolved by the following.

1. Make sure Unity and Exchange NICS as well as their switchports are hard coded to 100/Full.

2. On the Unity and Exchange NICS > Properties > Advanced - change Checksum Offload to None.

Hope this helps.


Tray Stoutmeyer
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Here is the readme.

Release Notes for 5.0(1) Engineering Special 82

System Requirements

This Engineering Special (patch) requires Cisco Unity 5.0(1) and needs to be installed on both Primary and Secondary Cisco Unity failover servers in the case of a failover configuration.


A complete list of defects addressed by this Engineering Special can be found in the section titled Resolved Defects.  This Engineering Special is a roll-up of the following Engineering Specials and service patches:

ES81, ES80, ES78, ES76, ES75, ES74, ES73, ES72, ES71, ES70, ES69, ES68, ES67, ES66, ES65, ES64, ES63, ES53, ES50, ES49, ES48, ES45, ES44, ES43, ES42, ES41, ES40, ES39, ES38, ES35, ES34, ES33, ES32, ES31, ES30, ES27, ES26, ES25, ES24, ES23, ES22, ES21, ES20, ES19, ES18, ES17, ES16, ES15, ES14, ES13, ES9, ES7, ES4, ES3, ES2, ES1

Engineering Special Installation Instructions

  1. Logon to the Cisco Unity server console either directly (phyisical console) or via VNC (do not use Terminal Services / Remote Desktop)
  2. Double click the executable install file CU5.0(1)_ES82.exe
  3. Step through the installation wizard clicking 'Next' as appropriate
  4. Once the installation has coompleted select the option to reboot the Cisco Unity server

Post Installation Steps

    1) Install the TestWritableDomainController.exe patch.

    Customers can obtain the patch from Cisco TAC. Cisco employees can obtain the patch here: Other non-Cisco Unity Patch 103.

    The TestWritableDomainController.exe patch allows Cisco Unity to support Active Directory 2008. The TestWritableDomainController.exe patch, which has been required since Cisco Unity 5.0(1) Engineering Special (ES) 57, must be installed regardless of the Active Directory version and message store--IBM Lotus Domino or Microsoft Exchange--that Cisco Unity uses. If ES 57 or later has been installed, the TestWritableDomainController.exe patch should already be installed. If you are unsure whether the patch is installed, or if this ES is the first ES to be installed on the Cisco Unity server, install the TestWritableDomainController.exe patch. Reinstalling the patch will not affect Cisco Unity.

    Defect: CSCsr90209

    2) Install the Configurable_DMTF_Key_5.0(1).exe patch.

    Customers can obtain the patch from Cisco TAC. Cisco employees can obtain the patch here: Other non-Cisco Unity Patch 102

    The Configurable_DMTF_Key_5.0(1).exe patch introduces a feature enhancement that allows subscribers to configure the DTMF key used to disable message notifications to a phone. The Configurable_DTMF_KEY.exe patch, which has been required since Cisco Unity 5.0(1) ES 50, must be installed even if you will not be enabling the feature enhancement provided in the patch. If ES 50 or later has been installed, the Configurable_DMTF_Key_5.0(1).exe patch should already be installed. If you are unsure whether the patch is installed, or if this ES is the first ES to be installed on the Cisco Unity server, install the Configurable_DTMF_Key.exe patch. Reinstalling the patch will not affect Cisco Unity.

    Defect: CSCso65982.

    3) Delete the Tomcat working files, as follows:

    a. Stop the Tomcat service.
    b. Delete everything in the following directory:


    c. Restart the Tomcat service.

    4) Customers must download the latest version of the Advanced Setting Tools after applying this Engineering Special.

    During the installation of the ES, the settings below are moved from the Registry to the SQL database. In order to change these settings after the ES is installed, you need the new version of the Advanced Settings Tool, which has been updated to modify the settings in SQL.

    [HKLM\Software\Active Voice\Conversations\1.0\Exclude All Receipts]
    [HKLM\Software\Active Voice\Conversations\1.0\Exclude Return Receipts]
    [HKLM\Software\Active Voice\SystemParameters\1.0\EnabledAlternateGreetingNotice]
    [HKLM\Software\Active Voice\MALEx\1.0\MinSearchFolderLifeHours]
    [HKLM\Software\Active Voice\MALEx\1.0\DisableSearchFolderUse]

    5) The Daylight Saving Times changes introduced by the Australian government across several of their territories caused systems to report incorrect time stamps. To resolve this, patches from Microsoft and Sun Microsystems will need to be applied after applying this engineering special.

    Sun Microsystems Patch:

    a. Download the TZUpdater 1.2.2 or later from here, TZUpdater, to the Cisco Unity system.

    b. Stop the Tomcat service.

    c. Unzip the contents to the same folder, file extracted tzupdater.jar

    d. Open a CMD window and change directories to where tzupdater.jar is located

    e. Enter "%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\java -jar tzupdater.jar -u -v -bc" and press enter. The output should be similar to this:

    - java.home: E:\CommServer\cscoserv\Java2SDK\jre
    - java.vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
    - java.version: 1.4.2_13
    - JRE time zone data version: tzdata2006g
    - Embedded time zone data version: tzdata2007h
    - Extracting files... done.
    - Making changes for JDK 1.1 compatibility... done.
    - Renaming directories... done.
    - Validating the new time zone data... done.
    - Time zone data update is complete.

    Windows Patch:

    Apply the relevant Microsoft Windows service packs to the following machines:

    a. Each Cisco Unity Server
    b. Each Cisco Unity Bridge
    c. All servers hosting Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Domino housing a mailbox of a Cisco Unity subscriber
    d. The Cisco Unity partner mail server
    e. Each Exchange server with the Internet Voice Connector installed
    f. Each domain controller in an Active Directory (AD) domain with a Cisco Unity server
    g. Each global catalog server within the AD forest where Cisco Unity is present

    The Microsoft Windows 2003 SP1/SP2 may be obtained directly from Microsoft under Knowledge Base article 942763 and Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4 is only available to customers with a Microsoft Extended Hotfix Service Agreement for Windows 2000.

    Defect: CSCsm32946, CSCtc11035

New Options and Features

The following sections detail how to enable new options and features that are supported by this ES. Prior to following these steps, you must first install the ES as per the above Engineering Special Installation Instructions section

    1) Customers wishing to enable anonymous authentication shall need to create this registry key ProxyTrapIStream here:

    [HKLM\Software\Active Voice\Commserver Setup\1.0\Properties]

    Registry Key Name: ProxyTrapIStream
    Registry Key Type: DWORD
    Registry Key Default Value: 0 or is missing, anonymous authentication is disabled.

    1, anonymous authentication is enabled.

    Defect: CSCsr22843

    2) Customers wishing to use their phones in Lotus Domino Web Access or Lotus Notes client to listen/record voice messages with Lotus DUC 1.2.4 or DUC 1.2.5 must create the registry key ProxyTrapIStream here:

    [HKLM\Software\Active Voice\Commserver Setup\1.0\Properties]

    Registry Key Name: ProxyTrapIStream
    Registry Key Type: DWORD
    Registry Key Default Value: 0 or is missing, users are not allowed to use the phone to listen/record voice messages.

    Other settings:

    1 allows users to use the phone to listen/record voice messages.

    Defects: CSCsk85481, CSCsk84997

    3) Customers wishing to change the number of Microsoft Exchange mailstores Cisco Unity supports, shall need to modify the registry key found here:

    [HKLM\Software\Active Voice\AvWm\1.00]

    Registry Key Name: Max Stores
    Registry Key Type: DWORD
    Registry Key Default Value: 250

    Other Settings:

    After changing the number of mailstores to support, stop Cisco Unity and the CuMdbStoreMonitor service and then re-start Cisco Unity.

    Defect: CSCsu03848

    4) Customers wishing to enable the functionality to limit the number of Pager notification Cisco Unity will process for undelivered messages shall need to apply Other non-Cisco Unity Patch 109. Customers can obtain the patch from Cisco TAC. Cisco employees can obtain the patch here: Other non-Cisco Unity Patch 109.

    Defect: CSCsu95314

    5) Customers experiencing issues with MWIs not functioning with Exchange 2007 cluster shall need to create the registry key found here to change the way Cisco Unity retrieves the mailstore name:

    [HKLM\Software\Active Voice\ExchangeMonitor]

    Registry Key Name: UseProfileServernameForMDB
    Registry Key Type: DWORD
    Registry Key Default Value: 0 (Disable new functionality.)

    Other Settings:

    1 UseProfileServernameForMDB (Enable new functionality)

    Defect: CSCsu80743

    6) Customers wishing to enable the functionality to exclude replies with history for Cisco Unity for Lotus Domino shall need to create the registry key ExcludeOrigFromReply here in the registry:

    [HKLM\Active Voice\Software\NotesProxy]

    Registry Key Name: ExcludeOrigFromReply
    Registry Key Type: DWORD
    Registry Key Default Value: 0 or if missing, include replies with history.

    Other Settings:

    1 Exclude replies with history.

    Defect: CSCsl68812

    7) Customers wishing to enable the functionality to configure the answer delay for SIP/PIMG integrations shall need to create registry keys here:

    [\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Active Voice\MIU\1.0\Initialization\Integrations\Integration{#}]

    {#} is a numeric value depending on the integration number the change needs to be applied to, create the following entries:

    Registry Key Name: PostAnswerDelay - adds pause after the call is answered
    Registry Key Type: DWORD
    Registry Key Default Value: 0 milliseconds

    Registry Key Name: PreAnswerDelay - adds pause before the call is answered
    Registry Key Type: DWORD
    Registry Key Default Value: 0 milliseconds

    Defect: CSCsm11043

    8) Customers wishing to change the port number shall need to modify the registry key found here:

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Active Voice\CiscoUnityTdsProxy\1.0\TdsProxy Port Number]

    Registry Key Name: TdsProxy Port Number
    Registry Key Type: DWORD
    Registry Key Default Value: 5055 (Default changes to 5055 from 1432 after applying this engineering special)

    Other Settings

    After changing the Tds Proxy Port number the CiscoUnityTDSProxy service will also need to be started for the change to take affect.

    Defect: CSCsd39975

    9) Customers wishing to create needed search folders based on Subscriber Class of Service shall need to update the OptimizeSearchFolderUse setting found in the Configuration table in the Cisco Unity SQL UnityDB database. Cisco recommends contacting TAC for assistance with this.

    1: Search folders will be created depending upon a Subscriber's COS settings.

    0: Search folders are created using the current implementation.

    Defect: CSCsq23172

    10) Customers wishing to enable/disable the functionality identified below shall need to upgrade to the latest version of the Advanced Setting Tools, launch it and then follow the instructions in the description for a full understanding on how this functionality works.

    Exclude All Receipts
    Exclude Return Receipts

    Defect: CSCsq07376

    11) Domino - Exclude Receipts

    Customer wishing to enable exclusion of All Read Receipts, Non-Read Receipts, Delivery Reports, and Non-Delivery Reports, applicable to Cisco Unity for Lotus Domino only, for any message of any kind via the TUI shall need to need to create the registry key SkipReportsInInbox here:

    [\HKLM\Software\Active Voice\NotesProxy\SkipReportsInInbox]

    Registry Key Name: SkipReportsInInbox
    Registry Key Type: DWORD
    Registry Key Default Value: 0 or if registry key does not exist the system includes All Read Receipts, Non-read Receipts, Delivery Reports, and Non-Delivery Reports for any message during playback via the TUI.

    1: Read Receipts, Non-Read Receipts, Delivery Reports, and Non-Delivery Reports for any message of any kind are no longer available in the TUI.

    CAUTION: When this key is enabled, Report messages cannot be deleted by using the phone. On Voice Mail-only configurations, a subscriber's mail file could potentially fill up with Report messages. One possible solution to this situation is to create a Domino administrative task that runs periodically and cleans the Report messages from each subscriber's mail file.

    Defect: CSCdy36619

Uninstall Instructions

  1. On the Cisco Unity server console browse to the X:\CommServer\EngineeringSpecialBackup\ folder
  2. Search for the folder called CU5.0(1)_ES82
  3. Double click the Restore.bat file and follow the instructions
  4. Once the un-install completes reboot the Cisco Unity server
Fixes introduced in CU5.0(1)_ES82
CSCsq92171CSCsq92171 - Conversation traces not enabled using Macro Conversation State Traces

CSCsz19418 - modify exclusion pattern so . (period) is allowed

CSCtc24189CSCtc24189 - HTTP TRAP - CPCA TRaP record does not work
CSCta71728CSCta71728 - Issue with ActiveX controls shipped with Unity PCA
CSCsz17586CSCsz17586 - Unity Inbox timestamp incorrect for some time zones
CSCtc11035CSCtc11035 - DST change for Western Australia
CSCsw25257CSCsw25257 - Unity AD sync - offer setting to disable sync'ing Scope DL's


thanks for publihing the release notes.

i'm trying to get to the url for the resolved patches but it doesn't display.

do you know anywhere else i can view them



What URL are you trying to get? If you can tell me specifically what you are needing, I can see what I can do to get what you want.


the url "resolved defects" in the release overview section:


A complete list of defects addressed by this Engineering Special can be found in the section titled Resolved Defects


Tray Stoutmeyer
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

BTW, this also includes all ES bug fixes for all previous ES releases 1-82. Make sure you do any and all applicable post install instructions. Especially the patch 103.


I have what I think is a very simple question about the MWI sync issue.  I am an Exchange Administrator who works with a group of telecom people who manage Cisco Unity.  We have clusters for our mailbox servers, and they are telling me that every time a cluster fails over to another node that they have to manually go in and get the MWI lights to sync in Unity.  Is this true, is this really how Cisco designed this product, that for every cluster node move you must do a manual process to get the MWI light back up and running?



This ins't how it was designed. This is why there is a patch for this from Microsoft regarding their "failover" and Exchange clustering. You are hitting this specific defect.

CSCsk50809 MWI stops working after Exchange Cluster Failover

No MWI Notifications are received after an Exchange 2007 failover condition
occurs for a clustered mailbox server.  This only happens for the Unity
Subscribers whom are located on a *different* clustered mailbox server than the
Unity System Mailbox (Unity_); IF the clustered mailbox server that
failed over contains the Unity System Mailbox, MWI will work as expected for
all Unity Subscribers on that clustered mailbox server.

Unity 5.0(1)
Subscribers whom are not getting MWI are located on an Microsoft Exchange
Server 2007 Single Copy Cluster (SCC) which has recently failed over to a new
physical node, and the Unity System Mailbox (Unity_) is not located
on that clustered mailbox server. 

Use the BulkLogout Utility to logout the users in question, then perform a resync

Restart the AvMsgStoreMonitorSvr service **NOTE: This will force a system wide
MWI Resync and may cause MWI delays until the Resync process is complete

This is a duplicate of defect CSCsl79289 MWI lengthy after Exchange Cluster Failover


Cisco Unity MWI notification is delayed after an Exchange Cluster Server failover.


Exchange Cluster Server failover.


Stop/Start the Message Store Monitor service.

Ultimatley the case I had that hit this with Unity 5.x and Exchange 2007 clustering was resolved on the Microsoft Side with this hot fix.

I have attached the exe and txt readme regarding this hot fix.


First and foremost I would like to thank you for taking the time to answer my question.  It is very much appreciated.

From reading your post, I would have loved to have known about that hot fix from Microsoft when are users were on Exchange 2003.  However, all of our users now reside on Exchange 2007 that is configured as a CCR cluster.  Do you know of any fix for Exchange 2007 and the MWI lights?  Should we have to do a manual sync every time the primary node moves to the other server?

Thank you,


This applies to 2003 and 2007 Exchange so you still need this patch. My case had 2007 Exchange and it fixed the issue. Run the exe on Unity btw.


One more quick question and I promise I will leave you alone.  I was reading the KB article associated with the hotfix and was wondering if you created the registry key that they refer to?


I have personally never had to but I have seen other cases where the patch was applied to both Unity and Exchange and had the registry added as well. For the cases I resolved however I did not have to go so far.


I tried to run the patch on our Windows 2008 servers that host our Exchange 2

007 environment, and it won't run.  It says there is not enough storage space

, but there is plenty of space.