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Rajan Parmar
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee




    Joining Process of an Cisco Access Point


    LAP needs to join to the WLC


    (Every device on a network needs to have an ip address, and a LAP is no exception)

    1. AP needs ip address in the said order

    • (1. it has on its own already 2.static 3.dhcp )
    • (After getting ip address, to join to the WLC, the LAP needs to know what all are those WLCs to which it can join)

    2. AP needs to discover WLC via either of the two mechanisms in the said order

    • [ 1.lyr2  2.lyr3 (makes list of discovered WLCs via 5 mandatory steps) ]  <-- Hunting for the WLC
    • (Once the LAP has list of all those WLCs to which it can join, the LAP can decide the WLC , it will like to join.
    • The logic for that decision can either be customized by the user or can be left to the default-logic).
    • The order of execution of logic is preferred with the customized logic first, else with default-logic.

    3. AP needs to select one of the discovered WLCs.

    4. AP needs to join the selected WLC.

    1= A LAP issues a DHCP discovery request to get an IP address, unless it has previously had a static IP address configured.
    2= The LAP sends LWAPP discovery request messages to the WLCs.

    Any WLC that receives the LWAPP discovery request responds with an LWAPP discovery response message.

    These WLCs can be either in local or remote subnets. This way, there can be many WLCs which may respond a single LWAPP Discovery Request. A list of all those WLCs is prepared.

    3= From the [various(if many WLCs)] LWAPP discovery responses, the LAP receives, the LAP selects a WLC to join.
    ​4= The LAP then sends an LWAPP join request to the WLC and expects an LWAPP join response.

    # Explanation of 2

    Discovery Algorithm in Layer 2

    (Also known as Layer 2 LWAPP Mode )

    If [ (L2 Mode supported on the LAP) && (WLC Discovery Succeeds)]

    {LAP broadcasts an LWAPP Discovery Request in a Layer 2 LWAPP frame.  Any WLC that is connected to the network and that is configured for Layer 2 LWAPP mode responds with a Layer 2 discovery response, EXIT}


    {Discovery Algorithm in Layer 3 ( 'debug lwapp event enable' and 'debug lwapp packet enable')}

    Discovery Algorithm in Layer 3

    (Also known as Layer 3 LWAPP Mode )

    If (No Response to Discovery Request)

    { AP Reboots. Go to 1}


    {The AP explores via five ways to get the ip address of the WLCs to make the WLC-Candidate-List}

    Note: To find the methods being used to discover the ip address of the WLC by the AP, we can run 'debug lwapp packet enable ' and search for the following output in the debug: 

    IE Length     :   1

    Decode routine not available, Printing Hex Dump

    00000000: ?

    This debug can help to find if at the AP is able to find any WLC.

    ? -> Method used

    01 -  static      ( 'capwap ap controller ip address' || 'previous memory' )
    03 -  dhcp server ( DHCP Option-43 )
    00 -  broadcast   (works well when AP and WLC are in same subnet)
    02 -  OTAP        ( disabled, by default)(not preferred)(can work only when AP has joined to the WLC )
    04 -  dns         ( 'cisco-capwap-controller' via DHCP option 15)
    if (? == 01)

    If the LAP was registered to a WLC in a previous deployment, the LAP maintains the list of WLC IP addresses locally in NVRAM. The stored WLC IP addresses include all of the WLCs that are in previously joined WLC "mobility groups". Hence, we may like to make the AP forget all of the previously learnt ip addresses of the WLC by using the , 'clear ap-config ap_name command', in order to reset the LAP to the factory defaults.

    1. Discovery Request  is Unicast by the LAP.

    •    Can be received by Local  WLCs,   directly.
    •    Can be received by Remote WLCs, indirectly (via IPHelper cmd).
        {Received LWAPP DISCOVERY REQUEST from AP 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 to ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff on port '1'}

    2. Discovery Response is Unicast   to the requesting AP, by the WLC.

        {Successful transmission of LWAPP Discovery-Response to AP 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 on Port 1}
    if (? == 03)

        When an LAP gets an IP address from the DHCP server, the LAP looks for WLC IP addresses in the option 43 field of the DHCP offer. This method is used if the WLC is in remote subnet as that of the AP and we dont want to put the ip address of the WLC in the NVRAM of the AP. Obviously, InterVLAN-Routing must be enabled between the WLC's subnet and that of the AP. Can use any DHCP server that supports option 43.

    Explain dhcp option 43

    1. Discovery Request  is Unicast by the LAP.

        Can be recieved by Local  WLCs,   directly.

        Can be received by Remote WLCs, indirectly (via IPHelper cmd).

        {Received LWAPP DISCOVERY REQUEST from AP 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 to ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff on port '1'}

    2. Discovery Response is Unicast   to the requesting AP, by the WLC.

        {Successful transmission of LWAPP Discovery-Response to AP 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 on Port 1}
    if (? == 00)

    The LAP broadcasts a Layer 3 LWAPP discovery message on to its local subnet. Any WLC, if any, is also on the same subnet, receives the LWAPP discovery request from the LAP and responds with a Layer 3 LWAPP discovery response.

    1. Discovery Request  is Broadcast by the LAP.

       Can be received by Local  WLCs,   directly.

        {Received LWAPP DISCOVERY REQUEST from AP 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 to ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff on port '1'}

    2. Discovery Response is Unicast  to the requesting AP, by the WLC.

        {Successful transmission of LWAPP Discovery-Response to AP 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 on Port 1}
    if (? == 02)

    Already Registered LAPs advertise the WLC's IP address to the yet-to-be-registered LAPs (to assist them to find the WLC) with the use of neighbor messages that are sent over the air. The yet-to-be-registered LAPs

    hear these messages and add these discovered WLC's ip address to their WLC-Candidate-List.

    1. Discovery Request  is Unicast by the LAP.

       Can be received by Local  WLCs,   directly.

       Can be received by Remote WLCs, indirectly (via IPHelper cmd).

        {Received LWAPP DISCOVERY REQUEST from AP 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 to ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff on port '1'}

    2. Discovery Response is Unicast  to the requesting AP, by the WLC.

        {Successful transmission of LWAPP Discovery-Response to AP 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 on Port 1}
    if (? == 04)

    Within the DHCP-OFFER, the DHCP option 15 of the DHCP server refers to the domain name that is provided by the DHCP server (in addition to the ip address of the DNS server) to the the 'AP', so that the AP can use that DomainName for DNS resolution by a DNS server reachable to 'it'.

    Hence, once the LAP gets the DNS server's IP address, LAP sends out a DNS query, to the DNS Server, for the DNS-Resolution of the acquired DNS name cisco-capwap-controller. Thus, the DNS server must be pre-configured to return the WLC's IP address(es) for this query.

    1. Discovery Request  is Unicast by the LAP.

       Can be received by Local  WLCs,   directly.

       Can be received by Remote WLCs, indirectly (via IPHelper cmd).

        {Received LWAPP DISCOVERY REQUEST from AP 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 to ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff on port '1'}

    2. Discovery Response is Unicast   to the requesting AP, by the WLC.

        {Successful transmission of LWAPP Discovery-Response to AP 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 on Port 1}


    On the AP- > debug dhcp detail


    Now, gets completely filled the WLC Candidate List , filled by the return values from the sysName field of the Discovery Responses.


    [A] Even though, Management and AP-Manager interface can be put in different subnets, should avoid it.

    [B] It is worthwhile to revisit the Point#1 . This is important to know, as many times, an AP doesn't join the intended WLC because of its old memories in its NVRAM.

    if (

    • 1.any how the LAP joins the Incorrect WLC, and
    • 2.the Incorrect WLC happens to be part of the another mobility group.
    • 3.the other mobility group doesn't know of the Correct WLC.


    { Problem }.


    1.Use  DHCP option 43 || 15 during initial deployment only.

    2.Make DHCP option 43 || 15 visible only to their interested APs.

    • (Say, some APs are in building A and should join only to the WLC for building A)
    • (Say, some APs are in building B and should join only to the WLC for building B)

    So, we can make

    • (a) separate DHCP scopes for APs in building A and for APs in building B.
    • (b) give ip address of different WLCs to the DHCP Option-43 of each scope.

    3.Use SSC/MIC of specific APs only to be authorized by specific WLCs.

    All APs manufactured after June 2006 have a MIC.

    4. Configure ip address of Intended WLCs in the NVRAM of the APs

    (this step may make sense for some, but not for others, depending on the situation)

    For troubleshooting or for unstable networks, one may prefer to use static ip address

    For stable networks, one may prefer to use dynamic ip address

    Explanation of 3

    If ( High Availability Tab Configured && Configured WLC IPs found in WLC Candidate List)


    From the LAP, WLCs are selected from within the WLC Candidate List in the said order in the HA tab of the LAP.

      If (Join succeeds) {EXIT}

      Else               {break;}


    If (Any WLC found tagged as Master WLC)

    {WLC is selected which is tagged as Master and is tried}

        if (success) {EXIT} else {break;}

    if (! More than 1 WLCs found with same largest capacity for APs)

    { WLC with largest excess capacity is selected; EXIT}

    The first WLC is selected which responded first, to the discovery request with a discovery response; Exit

    ---- So far, a  WLC has been finally selected so that Join Request can be sent to him-------

    If (the selected WLC has multiple AP-managers on multiple interfaces)

    {The AP-manager interface with the least number of APs is selected; EXIT}
    If ( AP has successfully joined the Selected WLC)
      If ( Image on the LAP is not the same as that on the WLC)
          if (difference between the image version of the WLC and that of the AP is much)
                At times, the AP doesn't join to the WLC; EXIT; (need to upgrade the LAP)

        The AP downloads the image from the controller and reboots to load the new image and starts the process all        over again from first step. After again joining to the WLC, and ensuring that it has same image as that of the     WLC, the AP downloads the configuration from the WLC and goes into the REG state. EXIT.



    Else  {Troubleshoot}


    To check from the Controller's perspective,telnet/console to the controller, and issue the following debug statements:

    debug disable-all
    debug mac addr 00:22:bd:19:6c:ce
    debug capwap events enable
    debug capwap errors enable
    debug pm pki enable

    To check from the AP's perspective,telnet/console to the LAP, and issue the following debug statements:

    undebug all                          // Disables debugs on the AP.
    debug lwapp client event             // Shows LWAPP events for the AP.
    debug dhcp detail                    // Shows DHCP option 43 information.
    debug ip udp                         // Shows the join/discovery packets to the
                                            [(controller)for join requests || (DHCP and DNS)for dhcp/dns queries]

    .. reboot LAP, and collect the output got, either on the controller, or the AP (as the case may be), in a file.


    the AP checks to make sure it has the same image as that of the controller. If not,


    (1)If ( all the steps mentioned, as above , fail) { The AP keeps on rebooting till powered-ON}

    Else {After the LAP selects a WLC, the LAP sends an LWAPP join request to the WLC}

    (2)Once a WLC is selected, following two events occur, in the said order:

    Event 1:  'LAP' sends Join Request  to the WLC to:

              1. Join to the WLC                     2. To authenticate 'itself' to the WLC

    Event 2:  'WLC' sends Join Response to the LAP to:

              1. Inform LAP that it has been allowed 2. To authenticate 'itself' to the LAP

    (3)The logical LWAPP/CAPWAP tunnel that is created between the WLC and the LAP (that is joined to the WLC), may span across 1 or >1 networks. Each network may run with different media types. Each media type may use different MTU size. Hence, to initiate, and sustain the LWAPPP/CAPWAP tunnel, repetitive fragmentation and de-fragmentation (re-assembly) of LWAPP/CAPWAP frames may be required. The WLC and AP operate under the 1500 byte MTU assumption. It can be configured on the WLC. At the AP or WLC, if the MTU is bigger than 1500 bytes, it fragments the packet and sends the packet across. So, we may need to ensure that MTU size of a network may not affect the Join Process.

    (4)if DHCP option-43 or 15 (with a DNS server) is to be used, must ensure that the DHCP is not in the same subnet as that of any of the Dynamic Interfaces configured in the WLC.

    So far, we have discussed the order in which an AP searches for the WLCs to which it can join to.

    Lets discuss,

    what Cisco recommends

    1. If (WLC and AP are in same subnet) {Easiest Method as AP's broadcast received by WLC}
    2. Else
    3. if     (DNS  available for the AP's site)  {Use DNS string option;exit}
    4. elseif (DHCP available for the AP's site)  {Use DHCP Option 43   ;exit}
    5. else                                       {capwap ap ip address      }

    Successful Join Process

    !---  LWAPP discovery request sent to the WLC by the LAP.2

    00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 Received LWAPP DISCOVERY REQUEST from AP 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 to 00:0b:85:33:52:80 on port '2' 

    !--The WLC has received a Discovery Request on its Port#2 from an AP with mac-address 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0

    !--- WLC responds to the discovery request from the LAP.

    00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 Successful transmission of LWAPP Discovery-Response     to AP 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 on Port 2

    !--- LAP sends a join request to the WLC.

    00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 Received LWAPP JOIN REQUEST from AP 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 to 00:0b:85:33:52:81 on port '2'

    !--- WLC responds with a join reply to the LAP.

    00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 Successfully transmission of LWAPP Join-Reply to AP 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0

    !-- LAP registers with the WLC.

    00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 Register LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 slot 0

    !--- LAP requests for the configuration information from the WLC.

    00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 Received LWAPP CONFIGURE REQUEST from AP 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 to 00:0b:85:33:52:81

    !--- WLC responds by providing all the necessary configuration information to the LAP.   

    00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 Successfully transmission of LWAPP Config-Message to AP 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0

    !--- WLC responds to LAP indicating that SSIDs have been configured and hence AP can start servicing clients

    00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 Successfully transmission of LWAPP Change-State-Event Response to AP 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0

    !--- WLC gets acknowledgement from the AP indicaing that LAP is up and ready to service wireless clients.

    00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 Received LWAPP Up event for AP 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 slot 0!

    DHCP Option -43 in Cisco IOS

          (DHCP Option-43 is "A"+"B"+"C" , that is, "ABC")
    A is  f1.
    B is  HexEquivalent ( countOfNumberOfWLC'sManagementIPAddresses * 4 )
    C is  HexEquivalent ( theIPAddressesOfWLCsInSequentailOrder )
    Ex: Say, there are two WLCs with management interface IP addresses: and
    A becomes f1
    B becomes 08
    To compute C:
    (1)we know that we want the AP to get the First ManagmentIPAddress of a WLC , ie the SecondManagmentIPAddress of a WLC , ie
    (2) the HexEquivalent of ""  is "c0a80a05"
    the HexEquivalent of "" is "c0a80a14"
    "c0a80a05" + "c0a80a14" -> "c0a80a05c0a80a14
           So, the syntax for configuring the DHCP option-43, within the DHCP server of the Cisco IOS , to return the management ip addresses of two WLCs , when the AP boots up, will be:
           ip dhcp pool <PoolName>
              network <ip network> <netmask>
              default-router <default-router IP address>
              option 43 hex f108c0a80a05c0a80a14


         AP            ----  SWITCH   ---       WLC



    mac 00:23:33:bc:df:ac                       00:23:33:bc:df:ac

    udp 52730                                   12223


    Steps of Operation

    1.(a) AP  snd  ucast discovery request

    (b) WLC rcv  ucast discovery request

    2.(a) WLC snd  ucast discovery reply

    (b) AP  rcv  ucast discovery reply

    3.(a) AP  snd  ucast join      request

    (b) WLC rcv  ucast join      request

    4.(a) WLC snd  ucast join      reply

    (b) AP  rcv  ucast join      reply

    Filter:ip.addr== && ip.addr== can be used to see the communication between AP and WLC.

    (the snapshots of the packet captures are in the files, 1a.gif, 2a.gif, 3a.gif, 4a.gif for the steps outlined in steps, 1a, 2a, 3a and 4a, respectively)

    Issues while joining


    LAP Does Not Join the Controller, Why?

    Level 1
    Level 1

    This is a really great resource, thanks.  I think there may be a minor mistake, I think the highlighted text is meant to be Broadcast rather than unicast since use of IP helper requires the destination address to be broadcast.

    1. Discovery Request  is Unicast by the LAP.
    •    Can be received by Local  WLCs,   directly.
    •    Can be received by Remote WLCs, indirectly (via IPHelper cmd).


    Level 1
    Level 1

    This was very helpful. However, it did not actually solve a major problem for me when doing WLC code upgrades. A description (with minor steps omitted) of which is as follows:

    1) Download new code to the controller

    2) Predownload the code to the APs

    3) Do an image swap on the APs so the next time they boot they will come up with the new image

    4) Reboot the WLC on the new code

    Now the problem come in to play. The APs boot considerably faster than my 8510/8540 HA controller. In the several minutes before their controller is ready for APs to join it, they have moved to another controller with the old code level. The APs get the code level form that controller and then join it. Once up, the APs figure out that they need to move back to their original controller. Therefore, they start the process to do this, which now involves downloading the new code level from their original controller. This code had already been downloaded, but was moved aside when the AP joined the down level controller. Finally they get the code (again) for their intended controller and join it. All is good again.

    EXCEPT: There are several problems with this, as follows:

    Rather than being a quick outage for the users (we typically have 100,000+ client devices connected to our network), the process can take over an hour. Our controllers typically have around 3,000 APs each, and it take a good while to download code to that many devices. Having to do the AP code download three times (initially to get the proper code, a second time so they can join the wrong controller, and a third time to get back to normal) takes way too long. In addition, allowing users on the APs then taking it away from them again is not nice.

    I found a way around this recently on a test controller that only had one building (with about 125 APs) on it. I turned off power to the switch ports (on six different 3750/3850 switch stacks) while leaving power on to the other ports so that our Cisco VoIP phones would still work. This took a little while to build the needed CLI script (actually 6 since I had to do this on 6 different switches) starting with the output from a show cdp neighbor | i AIR- on each switch stack. I generated a script that issued a power inline never on each port and ran it just before I rebooted the controller. While the controller was rebooting I changed the script to turn power back on, but did not run it until the HA pair was running on the new code (slightly over 3 minutes). Then, when the APs came up with the new code level they could find their controller, they were running the matching code, and wall was good. Total network downtime less than 5 minutes. Quite acceptable.

    However, this process would be excessively cumbersome to run on 12 HA controllers running over 8,000 APs sin 200+ buildings, many with multiple switch stacks.

    What I need is a way to keep the APs from moving to another controller while they wait for the controller they should be on to come up. A great feature for the development folks to implement would be a way tell the APs to not attempt to find another controller for xx minutes. The value of xxx could be set by the controller just prior to a reboot. Or, the value could be supplied by DHCP option set since the APs will all be getting an IP address when they reboot (this might not be great since some folks might not use DHCP to handle IP address for their APs).

    In the meantime, I cannot sit around hoping for a Cisco-supplied feature to fix this timing problem.

    I have considered ACLs on the switches that passes traffic from the APs to the controllers. This would work, but would be excessively cumbersome to maintain for us. We run MPLS on our campus with three (soon to be four) MPLS areas. Each area has several  WLCs with certain buildings assigned to a particular WLC. We are also constantly upgrading controllers, both hardware and software. It is mandatory that we have good control over what APs go to what controller. We also have to consider code levels required by APs since we have some very new ones as well as some that are quite old (5+ years on a few).

    I have thought about using DHCP Option 43. That would be fine if it was strictly followed by the APs. But, it is not. It might work if I had a way to prevent the AP from trying other controllers (e.g., those learned from WLC advertisements). However, I do not know how to do this. Could this be done with a switch ACL?

    Can I tinker with the fairy lengthy algorithm used by an AP to find a controller? I really just need the APs to join a particular controller (which can, and does, change all along), even if it has to wait a while for it to become available.

    Does anyone have any recommendations of things that have worked for them or processes that they have not used but that might work for us? I am willing to try just about anything that is easy to maintain even if it takes a good while to get set up.

    What info did I leave out of this question that I should have included?


    THANKS for all suggestions.


    John Watters

    Network Engineer, Office of Information Technology

    The University of Alabama


    Level 1
    Level 1

    Will Cisco C9105AXI-D Join Cisco WLC 5520?

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