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I need to convert several AP's from Autonomous mode to Light Weight Mode.  Can I just reload the image I need via tftp or do I have to go through the painful upgrade process? So far it appears I would need to upgrade the IOS in order to prepare for the upgrade to LWAPP. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Beth Keiter

Ven Taylor
Level 4
Level 4

Yes.  You can use the following steps:

1. Download the LWAPP image onto the tftp's root directory. Ensure you have the latest image for that WAP.
2. Telnet to AP: Copy flash tftp - save original image to tftp server for posterity.
3. Copy run start on AP
4. On AP, type " archive download-sw /overwrite /force-reload tftp://TFTPServerIPAddress/imagefile "

of course, "imagefile" will be your c1140-blahblah.tar file.

This will download, overwrite, upgrade, and reload your AP.

You can also downgrade from LWAP to WAP if you want.

Follow these steps to revert from lightweight mode to autonomous mode by loading a Cisco IOS release using a TFTP server:

Step 1 The PC on which your TFTP server software runs must be configured with a static IP address in the range of to

Step 2 Make sure that the PC contains the access point image file (such as c1200-k9w7-tar.122-15.JA.tar for a 1200 series access point in the TFTP server folder and that the TFTP server is activated.

Step 3 Rename the access point image file in the TFTP server folder to the default image name - it will
c1200-k9w7-tar.default for an 1200 series AP
c1130-k9w7-tar.default for an 1130 series AP

Step 4 Connect the PC to the access point using a Category 5 (CAT5) Ethernet cable.

Step 5 Disconnect power from the access point.

Step 6 Press and hold the MODE button while you reconnect power to the access point.

Step 7 Hold the MODE button until the status LED turns red (approximately 20 to 30 seconds), and release the MODE button.

For the 1130 APs, hold the button until the console indicates that the button is pressed (the R LED will be solid red):

button is pressed, wait for button to be released...
button pressed for 25 seconds
process_config_recovery: set IP address and config to default
process_config_recovery: image recovery
image_recovery: Download default IOS tar image tftp://

Once it starts uploading, the E & R LEDs will both be blinking (1130 AP). Once you release the button, you should see the console extracting files from the tarball on the TFTP server.

Step 8 Wait until the access point reboots as indicated by all LEDs turning green followed by the Status LED blinking green. You can also observe the console to see when it reboots - this is a better bet, as some APs behave differently than others in terms of LED operation.

Step 9 After the access point reboots, reconfigure the access point using the GUI or the CLI.

Vinay Sharma
Level 7
Level 7

Thanks Ven for helping Cisco Customers :-). I really appritiate that.



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