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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

Wireless LAN Solution Engine (WLSE) fails to reach the Security Keys Setup stage while Access Control Server (ACS)/CiscoSecure is the RADIUS server. This is noticed regardless of the WLSE version and is specific to ACS CiscoSecure 3.3.3 and later.


This issue is documented in Cisco bug ID CSCsb47726.

There is a pointed patch available for ACS 3.3.3 (both ACS software and solution engine).

To install the patch on the software ACS, perform these steps:

  1. Browse C:\Program Files\CiscoSecure ACS v3.3\Support.

  2. Re-name the AironetEAP.dll file to AironetEAP.dll.bak.

  3. Copy the new AironetEAP.dll to the same folder.

  4. Re-start the ACS services.

To install the patch on the solution engine, perform these steps:

  1. Run the autoexec.bat file from inside the patch directory.

  2. Log into ACS.

  3. Go to System Configuration > Appliance Upgrade Status. Choose the appropriate download.

  4. Enter the IP address of the computer from which you run the autoexec.bat file.

  5. After you have uploaded the patch to the ACS, click Install Upgrade.

  6. Re-start the ACS services.

Make sure to create an ACS backup before the patch is applied.

For more information, refer to the About Appliance Upgrades and Patches section of System Configuration: Basic.

To download the patch, refer to Cisco Secure Software.

For more information on configuration and release notes for WLSE, refer to CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine (WLSE)Configuration Guides.

For a configuration example for a local RADIUS server, refer to Wireless Domain Services AP as an AAA Server Configuration.

For detailed information on how to perform firmware upgrades through the WLSE, refer to Managing Device Firmware.

Problem Type

Client / Device cannot authenticate


Access point

CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine (WLSE)

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