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Zhichun Jiang
Level 1
Level 1




Optimising IP subscriber configuration for a BNG deployment




Roy Jiang(


Version 1.0



Executive summary


This document is intended to describe an approach to optimise the configuration for IP subscriber supported by cisco ASR9000 BNG feature set. We start the journey from a basic/original configuration for a typical BNG IP subscriber deployment scenario(DHCP triggered IPv4 subscriber with ASR9K imbedded DHCPv4 server),  which works but not so optimized. We study what’s the drawbacks, how to overcome them, and give optimised configurations from different perspective and dimension,  analysing the benefits and side-effects of those optimisation.


To focus on our goal, other aspects of BNG configuration , such as AAA, QoS, control-policy, is not covered in this document.  This document is based on the lab testing result using IOS XR 5.1.1 release image.



Deployment brief and original configuration


In this case, there are two DHCPv4 clients, named Apple( a MAC mini running MAC OS) and Mercury(an wireless AP) respectively. They come from the same access-intf, with same VLAN encapsulation.


The network between the DHCP clients and the BNG are pure L2 network. ASR9K here works as a DHCPv4 server.


There is no authentication, authorisation and accounting communication with an external RADIUS server. 


Following is a brief of the topology


An special thing in this deployment scenario is the using of multiple IPv4 subnets for addressing. To test the multiple address ranges in the same pool,  here I have two subnets or networks configured,  with default-router configured along with the each of the network.  To simulate the case that DHCP server assigns IP from the second network when the first network is exhausted, we exclude all of the addresses but one for each of the network for testing purpose only, given I have only two DHCP clients here.


The int loopback 200 must have primary and secondary address , matching the two default-router, otherwise the ARP for the second default-router will get no reply from the BNG.


Following is the original configuration.

With above configuration , two CPEs get their sessions established with the addressing information summarised as below.




Original Config ( not a complete one)


dhcp ipv4
 profile SERVER_BASE server
  lease 0 0 10

 interface Bundle-Ether1.1001 server profile SERVER_BASE
pool vrf default ipv4 IPoE_POOL_BASE
 network default-router
 network default-router

interface Bundle-Ether1.1001
 ipv4 point-to-point
 ipv4 unnumbered Loopback200
 service-policy type control subscriber CP_IPOE_DHCPV4_BASE
 encapsulation dot1q 1 second-dot1q 1001
 ipsubscriber ipv4 l2-connected
  initiator dhcp
policy-map type control subscriber CP_IPOE_DHCPV4_BASE
 event session-start match-first
  class type control subscriber DHCPv4 do-until-failure
   10 activate dynamic-template DTP_IPOE_DHCPV4

 type ipsubscriber DTP_IPOE_DHCPV4
  ipv4 unnumbered Loopback200
interface Loopback200
 description loopback for DHCP_triggered IP service
 ipv4 address
 ipv4 address secondary


With above configuration , two CPEs get their sessions established with the addressing information summarised as below.


Client name

MAC address

You IP Address 

subnet mask

DHCP Server identifier (option 54)










  • DHCP Server identifier is the address that a DHCP client uses as destination IP for unicast based DHCP renew  and release.
  • Router is the Default Gateway assigned to the DHCP client, another word, when client send traffic out, it need firstly to send ARP request for the default GW address.


Following are the show CLI display with original configuration for reference.



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Roy_BNG_1#sh dhcp ipv4 ser binding 

Tue Feb 11 22:26:19.341 UTC



 MAC Address      IP Address      State    Remaining       Interface          VRF      Sublabel 

--------------  --------------  ---------  ---------  -------------------  ---------  ----------

3c07.545f.c041      BOUND      418        BE1.1001             default    0x53      

a857.4e06.4f47      BOUND      340        BE1.1001             default    0xc9     



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Roy_BNG_1#sh subscriber  sess all         

Tue Feb 11 22:26:40.084 UTC

Codes: IN - Initialize, CN - Connecting, CD - Connected, AC - Activated,

       ID - Idle, DN - Disconnecting, ED - End


Type         Interface                State     Subscriber IP Addr / Prefix                              

                                                LNS Address (Vrf)                              


IP:DHCP      BE1.1001.ip1             AC (default)                 

IP:DHCP      BE1.1001.ip2             AC (default)    



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Roy_BNG_1#sh route subscriber 

Tue Feb 11 22:26:48.683 UTC


A is directly connected, 01:07:34, Bundle-Ether1.1001.ip1

A is directly connected, 01:06:19, Bundle-Ether1.1001.ip2



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Roy_BNG_1#sh arp 

Wed Feb 12 00:29:31.051 UTC





Address         Age        Hardware Addr   State      Type  Interface        -          e4c7.223a.d1f3  Interface  ARPA  Bundle-Ether1.1001        -          e4c7.223a.d1f3  Interface  ARPA  Bundle-Ether1.1001.ip1        -          e4c7.223a.d1f3  Interface  ARPA  Bundle-Ether1.1001.ip2        -          e4c7.223a.d1f3  Interface  ARPA  Bundle-Ether1.1001        -          e4c7.223a.d1f3  Interface  ARPA  Bundle-Ether1.1001.ip1        -          e4c7.223a.d1f3  Interface  ARPA  Bundle-Ether1.1001.ip2






The focus on this document is to explain why the optimisation is needed and how to optimize.  We should have the real deployment conduction in mind and i would like to optimize the configuration from following perspectives.














Optimization-1  Removing secondary IP


Removing the secondary IP address from the unnumbered interface - a better way to support multiple subnets.


For sake of Smoothness and Simplicity and Scalability.


When you have to add another subnet to the address pool , it should be guaranteed that the existing services/sessions are not interrupted. 


Let’s check the original configuration. On day one , i have only one subnet ( configured, and some day later this subnet is exhausted, i need to add  the second subnet, say what i need to do is as following. the red CLI on the right is the CLI i need to add.



But, testing shows that the addition of the secondary ipv4 address under loopback 200 cause all of the existing sessions being cleared automatically, since the Loopback 200 is unnumbered by all of the sessions and defined in a dynamic-template. This is not a smoothy in-service modification.  To avoid this service outage, we need to find a way to add the subnet only , without modify the unnumbered interface.


The configuration with optimisation-1 resolves this issue and also brings some other benefits comparing to original config.


key points and the consideration of optimisation-1


Defining the address-range in the pool , rather than defining network + default-router.  at the same time, adding the configuration of default-router and subnet mask in the dhcp profile. With those configuration, no matter which address-range the IP is assigned from , the default-router assigned is fixed to, and the subnet mask is also defined explicitly as


As long as the default-router address and dhcp server identifier address is defined on the BNG( under a loopback and the sessions are unnumbered to that loopback), the BNG will reply to the ARP for that IP address. in this case, it’s 


From 5.1.1, the address to which a session is unnumbered could be not necessarily in the same subnet where the DHCP client resides. 


Also please be noted, the address to which a access interface ( bundle-e 1.1001) is unnumbered could be not necessarily in the same subnet where the DHCP client resides. 


In the testing, both APPLE and Mercury support to have the IP  with /32 mask, and the default-router is in different subnet against the assigned IP.


When add another address-range to the pool, the only CLI needed to add is address-range, no need to modify the loopback 200. the addition of new address-rage cause no session/service interruption.



With above optimized configuration, the dhcp addressing result are summarized in table below. also paste the result for the original configuration here for comparison.


Addressing result with original config






Addressing result under Config with optimization_1




The Apple and Mercury can ping each other, and here is the IP address assigned to the APPLE. Following is the display from MAC mini.




Another side benefit is that the number of ARP entry is half to that with secondary IP under the loopback 200. Since each virtual interface ( created by session) has only one ARP entry for it’s local address now. Imagine if you have tens of thousands of sessions,this is a huge saving.









Optimisation-2 Disabling the ARP learning


Disable the ARP learning/replying in the access-interface.


-block the ingress traffic from stale subscriber or IP spoofer


-Anti ARP spoofing


For sake of security



In the context of IPoE session deployment, there are two kinds of BAD GUY you need to pay attention to, Stale subscriber and IP spoofer.


Stale subscriber

A subscriber is called a Stale subscriber when it’s in following state.

The session of this subscriber is torn/cleared on the BNG for some reason, but from the DHCP client’s point of view, it is still holding a valid IP address since the IP address is assigned by DHCP server and within a lease time. In this case the client is not aware of what happened on the BNG, and may keep sending IP packet to the BNG.


IP Spoofer

An IP spoofer is a subscriber who has it CPE configured with IP address  and default-gateway  address statically/manually.  IP spoofer may also spoof the ARP.


It’s common between a stale subscriber and an IP spoofer that both of them has an IP address , but on the BNG, there is no subscriber  session entry or subscriber route for them.


The difference could be that a stale subscriber knows the right default-gateway IP via DHCP, and may have the right MAC for the default-gateway cached in its ARP table. But an IP spoofer most likely does not have the right default-gateway IP, or even it has the right default-gateway IP, it still need to resolve it by ARP.


What the stale subscriber and IP spoofer can do harm to the BNG ?


1, Invalid inbound traffic


Let’s firstly do some study on the outbound and inbound packet processing on ASR9K BNG.


Outbound traffic behaviour ( Network-to-subscriber direction)

When an access-interface is unnumbered to an loopback interface, the connected route for the subnet is point to the loopback interface , rather than the access-interface. In this case, no traffic destined to the IP of a stale subscriber or an IP spoofer could be forwarded to it by the BNG, since there is no subscriber route for it on the BNG. A subscriber route is a /32 route created by the BNG only when a session is created and in activate state, and would be deleted when a session is torn down.


In this mean, you do not need to worry that an IP spoofer/stale subscriber may either access to the internet via BNG(no reverse traffic), or hijack the reverse traffic bound for a valid subscriber. 



Inbound traffic behavior ( Subscriber-to-Network direction)

There is no IP source guard feature supported on ASR9K BNG, so when a IP packet is sent by the stale subscriber or IP spoofer arrives at the BNG access-interface, BNG would not check if the “source MAC and source IP binding” is valid against it’s DHCP binding table. Another word, the BNG would not drop any incoming packet as long as the destination MAC is itself correctly. BNG just forward it based on its forwarding table. The prerequisite is that the sender has the default gateway address resolved correctly. 


A stale subscriber normally has the right MAC of the default-gateway cached in it’s ARP table before it’s ARP ages, but, for an IP spoofer, it need 1) to configure the correct default-gateway statically, and 2) resolve the MAC of default-gateway by sending ARP to the BNG and get ARP reply from BNG. Fortunately, there is a CLI on the BNG to prevent the BNG from replying the ARP request send by a host whose MAC address is not listed in it’s subscriber table. Another word, BNG can disable it’s ARP learning/replying for non-subscriber.


With the ARP replying disabled on the BNG, the IP spoofer is prevented from resolving the default-gateway MAC, hence it could not send IP traffic to the BNG.



2, ARP spoofing

With the ARP learning disabled( this is the other side of the coin) on the access-interface, you can prevent the ARP table on the BNG from been poisoned or spoofed.


Please be aware of the following facts of ASR9K BNG implementation.


1) When a session is triggered by the FSOL(in this context a DHCPv4 discover), on the BNG there is a virtual session-interface created dynamically for that session. The MAC of the host/CPE who triggers the session is processed as the session key, and all of the packet from/to that MAC address is treated as a packet over a virtual session-interface , rather than over the access-interface.



2) Packet from/to a MAC address which does not match any exist session MAC is treated as a packet over the access-interface.


3) Access-interface and session-interface has different interface handler, Although the session-interface is always beneath a access-interface, they can

have different behaviors and setting in terms of MTU, statistics counter, ARP, IP addressing, VRF, QoS , ACL etc.  It’s important to distinct if a packet is handled by the access-interface or a session-interface.



access-interface and virtual session-interface

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Roy_BNG_1#sh run int bundle-e 1.2000 <—config for an access-intf
Fri Mar  7 16:21:41.659 UTC
interface Bundle-Ether1.2000
 ipv4 point-to-point
 ipv4 unnumbered Loopback200
 arp learning disable
 service-policy type control subscriber CP_IPOE_DHCPV4_SESSION_RESTART
 ipsubscriber ipv4 l2-connected
  initiator dhcp
  initiator unclassified-source
 encapsulation ambiguous dot1q 1 second-dot1q 2000-2010

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Roy_BNG_1#sh subscriber  sess all  <—a session created dynamically
Fri Mar  7 16:30:21.834 UTC
Codes: IN - Initialize, CN - Connecting, CD - Connected, AC - Activated,
       ID - Idle, DN - Disconnecting, ED - End

Type         Interface                State     Subscriber IP Addr / Prefix                              
                                                LNS Address (Vrf)                              
IP:DHCP      BE1.2000.ip1             AC (default)  

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Roy_BNG_1#sh ip int b
Fri Mar  7 16:22:11.598 UTC

Interface                      IP-Address      Status                Protocol
BVI1                      Up                    Up      
Bundle-Ether1                  unassigned      Up                    Up      
Bundle-Ether1.1           Up                    Up      
Bundle-Ether1.2              Shutdown              Down    
Bundle-Ether1.1001    Up                    Up    <—— access-interface     
Bundle-Ether1.2000    Up                    Up     <——access-interface 
Bundle-Ether1.2000.ip1 Up                    Up   <<<<—-virtual session-interface

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Roy_BNG_1#sh int bundle-e 1.2000
Fri Mar  7 16:21:53.289 UTC
Bundle-Ether1.2000 is up, line protocol is up 
  Interface state transitions: 1
  Hardware is VLAN sub-interface(s), address is e4c7.223a.d1f3
  Internet address is
  MTU 1522 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit (Max: 10000000 Kbit)
     reliability 253/255, txload 0/255, rxload 0/255
  Encapsulation 802.1Q Virtual LAN,
    Outer Match: Dot1Q VLAN 1
    Inner Match: Dot1Q VLAN 2000-2010
    Ethertype Any, MAC Match src any, dest any
  loopback not set,
  ARP learning is disabled
  Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00
  Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
  5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
     46164 packets input, 4859378 bytes, 863 total input drops
     0 drops for unrecognized upper-level protocol
     Received 2 broadcast packets, 863 multicast packets
     45261 packets output, 5592024 bytes, 0 total output drops
     Output 1 broadcast packets, 0 multicast packets

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Roy_BNG_1#sh int bundle-e 1.2000.ip1
Fri Mar  7 16:22:01.934 UTC
Bundle-Ether1.2000.ip1 is up, line protocol is up 
  Interface state transitions: 1
  Hardware is IP Subscriber interface(s), address is e4c7.223a.d1f3
  Internet address is
  MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit (Max: 10000000 Kbit)
     reliability Unknown, txload Unknown, rxload Unknown
  Encapsulation Ipsub_base,  loopback not set,
  ARP learning is disabled
  Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00
  Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
     45310 packets input, 4800620 bytes
     0 input drops, 0 queue drops, 0 input errors
    0 drops for unrecognized upper-level protocol
     45270 packets output, 5593194 bytes
     0 output drops, 0 queue drops, 0 output errors


show interface  for access-intf and session-intf

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Roy_BNG_1#sh int bundle-e 1.2000  <—-access-interface
Fri Mar  7 16:21:53.289 UTC
Bundle-Ether1.2000 is up, line protocol is up 
  Interface state transitions: 1
  Hardware is VLAN sub-interface(s), address is e4c7.223a.d1f3
  Internet address is
  MTU 1522 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit (Max: 10000000 Kbit)
     reliability 253/255, txload 0/255, rxload 0/255
  Encapsulation 802.1Q Virtual LAN,
    Outer Match: Dot1Q VLAN 1
    Inner Match: Dot1Q VLAN 2000-2010
    Ethertype Any, MAC Match src any, dest any
  loopback not set,
  ARP learning is disabled
  Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00
  Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
  5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
     46164 packets input, 4859378 bytes, 863 total input drops
     0 drops for unrecognized upper-level protocol
     Received 2 broadcast packets, 863 multicast packets
     45261 packets output, 5592024 bytes, 0 total output drops
     Output 1 broadcast packets, 0 multicast packets

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Roy_BNG_1#sh int bundle-e 1.2000.ip1  <—- session-interface
Fri Mar  7 16:22:01.934 UTC
Bundle-Ether1.2000.ip1 is up, line protocol is up 
  Interface state transitions: 1
  Hardware is IP Subscriber interface(s), address is e4c7.223a.d1f3
  Internet address is
  MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit (Max: 10000000 Kbit)
     reliability Unknown, txload Unknown, rxload Unknown
  Encapsulation Ipsub_base,  loopback not set,
  ARP learning is disabled
  Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00
  Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
     45310 packets input, 4800620 bytes
     0 input drops, 0 queue drops, 0 input errors
    0 drops for unrecognized upper-level protocol
     45270 packets output, 5593194 bytes
     0 output drops, 0 queue drops, 0 output errors














4) On ASR9K BNG, the adjacency information for a host who connected to the BNG via an DHCP triggered session is not learned by ARP protocol, instead, it’s populated by the DHCP process. Acting as a DHCP proxy or DHCP server, the mapping between a MAC and the IP address assigned to it is naturally known by the BNG. BNG neither sends any ARP request over a virtual-interface, nor learns ARP over virtual-interface. But from the host’s point of view, it has to send ARP request to the BNG for the default-Gateway address resolution after the DHCP process completes, BNG will treat it as a ARP request over a session-interface, and reply to it. 


5) An ARP request or Gratuitous ARP received over the access-interface sent by a IP spoofer or an stale subscriber may poison the ARP and adjacency table on the ASR9K BNG, imagine the case that it tells the BNG that “my MAC is MAC_B, and My IP address is IP_A”, but in fact that there is another valid session with MAC_A holding the IP_A . The result of the ARP poisoning may cause the traffic towards IP_A being sent to MAC_B, or just dropped by BNG since it’s Adjacency table is corrupted.








Invalid inbound traffic and ARP spoofing could only come over the access-interface.


By disabling the ARP learning on the access-interface, you can avoid the invalid inbound traffic in most cases, and eliminate the ARP-spoofing.





BTW, in some case you may not want to disable the ARP learning over the acces-interface totally, you can use  “arp learning local” instead. This CLI make the access-interface only learn and response to the ARP from IP address resides in the same subnet to it’s own interface IPv4 address. 

A scenario that you don’t want to  disable the ARP learning over the acces-interface is that you want to use a access-interface to accommodate both IPoE session traffic and non-session traffic simultaneously , the later one is handled as traffic over access-interface. for example, you have  in this case the session and non-session service will not share the same subnet. with “arp learning local” configured , you can have the ARP for non-session service learned and make sure that the adjacency for the session based CPE does not suffer ARP poisoning.









Optimization-3 Disabling ip unreachable


Disabling ip unreachable for both access-interface and session-interface.


For sake of security and scalability 


When a session is established, if the CPE send packet to an destination IP to whom there is no route on the BNG, BNG will reply with  “ICMP destination unreachable” message, which is handled by the RP CPU. 





To avoid this unnecessary burden, you can disable the ip unreachable for for session-interface by configuration in dynamic-template. And you can also disable the ip unreachable on the access-interface.



config with optimisation 3 

interface Bundle-Ether1.1001
 ipv4 point-to-point
 ipv4 unnumbered Loopback200
 arp learning disable
 ipv4 unreachables disable
 service-policy type control subscriber CP_IPOE_DHCPV4_BASE
 encapsulation dot1q 1 second-dot1q 1001
 ipsubscriber ipv4 l2-connected
   initiator dhcp

 type ipsubscriber DTP_IPOE_DHCPV4
  ipv4 unnumbered Loopback200
  ipv4 unreachables disable 


—-end of document—-
















Level 1
Level 1

Looks great.

Anybody deployed it on big scale? A bit worried how /32 mask and default gateway from "different subnet" will be handled by different versions of client operating systems.

Carlos A. Silva
Level 3
Level 3

Hi, Roy:


Just want to make sure I understood this correctly:

But, testing shows that the addition of the secondary ipv4 address under loopback 200 cause all of the existing sessions being cleared automatically, since the Loopback 200 is unnumbered by all of the sessions and defined in a dynamic- template. This is not a smoothy in-service modification. 


As far as I can tell from conversations with some of your Cisco colleagues, adding secondary IP addresses is the way to go. This is the first time I'm hearing of ALL sessions being cleared if you add a secondary address on an IP unnumbered for BNG. Sorry for double-checking, but it this correct?





Level 4
Level 4

Yes, I also ask myself how the client will behave if the GW is in another subnet. I have to test it myself.

Zhichun Jiang
Level 1
Level 1

yes, you are correct.

Zhichun Jiang
Level 1
Level 1

at leaset in my test MAC-OS X is fine.


i leared someone tested IOS client, it's ok.



Carlos A. Silva
Level 3
Level 3


I had to test this for a customer that I'm working with and just as a follow up I would like to comment on our findings: what we saw is that IP sessions get cleared ONLY when you delete a secondary address.

Everything works just fine (up and running, no hit) when you add secondaries.

And just as a last comment that might be useful for people reading this forum: the hit you take is very significant when you delete a secondary address. in my case, it was above 30s for some ipsubs (testbed has 8-10 ipsubs, so bring-up rate should not be an issue)

I have not been able to test your provisioning method, but will try to do it in the future.



Level 1
Level 1

My colleague tested this setup and found number of D-Link, Linksys and Microtic CPEs to have problems with it ;(

Zhichun Jiang
Level 1
Level 1


thanks for your comments, will try to test it again in person to figure our whether there is any hit during adding the second subnet.



Zhichun Jiang
Level 1
Level 1


thanks for your input,  did you mean that their is connection issue for D-link, Linksys and  Microtic CPEs if the GW is not in the same subnet of the leased IP and the leased IP come with /32 subnet ?

I am going to do a comprehensive IO testing using AP/RG from different vendor and let you know the result.



Level 1
Level 1


How are addresses from a pool "address-range" advertised in IGP?  Since no address within the range exists on an interface, how would opsf redistribute it? 



Level 4
Level 4

Hi Dow,


you can advertise it in different ways.

1. Create a static route to this subnet in this pool and point it to null0, and then redistribute static (I advice to use rpl for control of distribution)

2. Redistribute with e.q. OSPF with summary-prefix and redistribute subscriber

something like this

redistribute subscriber route-policy RED_SAFE_RPL


If you need more details just shoot.

Level 1
Level 1

Thanks, I wasn't thinking about a static to null0, which is simple.

On a different issue, I've tried to disable arp learning on the access-interface, both at the parent interface and at the dot1q subinterface.  Neither stops arp learning by the session-interface.

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:RTRCSC-KATYTXXCHRC-1406-047#sh run interface bundle-e22*
Wed May 21 14:12:36.707 CDT
interface Bundle-Ether22
  arp learning disable
interface Bundle-Ether22.555
 ipv4 unnumbered Loopback100
 arp learning disable
 encapsulation ambiguous dot1q 147 second-dot1q any
interface Bundle-Ether22.556
 ipv4 unnumbered Loopback100
 arp learning disable
 encapsulation ambiguous dot1q 151 second-dot1q any

**Note some output has been removed

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