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Unity connection 7.1 overlapping extensions

Level 5
Level 5


We have a unity connection 7.1 cluster and a communications manager 7.1 cluster.

In the CM cluster we are hosting different sites and some of those sites have overlapping extensions.

I have created seperate voicemail pilot points and ports for every site that uses voicemail.

In unity connection I have 1 phone system integration for my CM cluster and multiple port groups.

I also have a different set of MWI's for each port group.

All of this is working fine untill we started getting overlapping extensions in unity.

To tackle this, I created partitions and search spaces in unity like we do in the CM, but somehow I'm not getting the expected result.

The issue is that when a user with an overlapping extension tries to call in to his voicemail box, he is ending up at a different users inbox.

als incoming calls that get forwarded to the users inbox after forward no answer to voicemail are not getting to the correct voicemail box.

How can we get round this problem?

Thanks in advance,


10 Replies 10

Level 6
Level 6

Unity Connection or Unity does not have any concept of Partitions in the same way as CUCM so it can not handle overlapping DN`s, the only way is to have a prefix in Unity- Customer A has an extension 1234 and Customer B has 1234 so in Unity you need Customer A 1234 to become 5551234 (555 site Code) and Customer B 1234 is 4441234 in Unity. Either re-configure the DN`s in CUCM to have the "SITE CODE" as their real DN or create separate VM profiles for each Customer with their own MASK so Customer A has a VM Profile A which adds their site code of 555 to the incoming call and Customer B has a VM Profile B which adds their Site Code 444. Then in Unity create a mail box of 5551234 with an alternative of 1234 and a mail box 4441234 also with an alternative of 1234. Now if a call diverts to VM from Customer A 1234 is diverted using their VM Profile which adds the code 555 so Unity answers it at mail box 5551234, User 1234 then picks up the VM by dialling from their phone the VM number and enters in only the alternative number of 1234, User B does the same and enters in"their" DN of 1234- this only works if you listen to their VM`s from their own phones as they use the correct VM profiles- access into VM form other phones then the user press`s * as normal but must use the full site code umber 5551234 or 4441234 .


Thanks for your reply.

But In unity connection 7 you do have partitions and searc spaces. Are they not meat for this purpose then?



There is another post about this last week and how you can actually have overlapping. Its a pain though. Basically you have to setup the Call Routing search spaces correctly for each **AND*** with different phone system associations. So you may use more VM ports then you typically would to break this out.

Id still go with unique vm boxes to keep it easy. vm profiles are much easy to work with dividing up ports for phone system, then building out CUCM, MWI, etc.

Just to respond to iptuser55 - that's not correct. Connection 7.0 and later has partitions and search spaces that are exactly like Call Manager uses - by design. This was done when Connection and CM needed to go co-resident.

You can do overlapping extensions in the same way Call Manager does. You can create as many partitions and search spaces as are necessary.

Hi lindborg,

Thanks for confirming what I thought.

I have these partitions and search spaces in place in unity.

I have 1 phone system integration to my callmanage cluster.

The issue is that it seems the arenot being used. When a user with a duplicate extension calls unity top listen to his voicemail messages, it seems the user is not connected to the correct inbox. the same happens when an incoming call is forarded to voicemil for the caller to leave a voicemail.

Also mwi is not working as expected.

I undertand I need to create routing rules for this, but how can this be done in the best way?



Calls can be assigned to a search space when they enter the system or go through a handler - typically this would be done with a routing rule. Some piece of information that comes from the switch to Connection (calling number, dialed number, phone switch integration, forwarding station etc...) has to identify to connection which search space this inbound call should be assigned to.

Hi lindborg,

Thanks, this is now working for direct calls from the user to his inbox and forward no answer calls to the inbox. Only thing that is not working yet are the MWI's for users who's extensions are duplicate and are not in the default partition.

How can I make this work?



MWIs (and notification dialouts etc...) don't know or care about partitions and search spaces. MWI strings are dialed out on the switch integration the user is assigned to (each MWI can be bound to a different switch integration). If you have everything in one Switch definition then you're going to have to do something else with the MWIs (i.e. some sort of translation/mapping for MWI on/offs for users). This is a bit out of my territory - someone with some more Call Manager skills may need to weigh in for you - or TAC could probably help you out.

I did not know Unity 7 had parttions, can you post a URL for the doc= thanks

Unity Connection 7.x (Linux based) and later has search spaces and partitions. Unity (windows based) does not.

The doc for Connection 7.x can be had here:

for future reference the easiest way to find any Unity or Connection info/docs is to go to the new product specific google search interface:

In this case just type in "search space" and the above doc is the 2nd link. It's pretty nifty.