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.js slow loading in VPN connection



I have an HA of 2120 6.6.1 managed by FMC. 

I have an issue with a web page

This page is for developers and when they are loading through VPN it takes much more time to load. 

From network activity of chrome we saw that it is downloading very slow a .js file 


What could I check on the FW to see why it is slow on the VPN?


Thanks and regards, 


3 Replies 3


Are you using IPSec or SSL VPN?

What version of AnyConnect are you using?


You get the best performance using AnyConnect 4.8 or newer and DTLS 1.2 or IPSec, if you are using just TLS that might explain the poor performance.


Run the command "show vpn-sessiondb detail anyconnect" to determine what protocol the user has connecting using. Provide the output if necessary.

It is RA VPN

I will ask about the anyconnect version

We have DTLS enabled


Thank you for the immediate answer

I will look into and update you

> show vpn-sessiondb detail anyconnect filter name Username


Session Type: AnyConnect Detailed


Username     : Username     Index        : 1303

Assigned IP  : ip         Public IP    : ip

Protocol     : AnyConnect-Parent SSL-Tunnel DTLS-Tunnel

License      : AnyConnect Premium

Encryption   : AnyConnect-Parent: (1)none  SSL-Tunnel: (1)AES-GCM-256  DTLS-Tunnel: (1)AES-GCM-256

Hashing      : AnyConnect-Parent: (1)none  SSL-Tunnel: (1)SHA384  DTLS-Tunnel: (1)SHA384

Bytes Tx     : 218532081              Bytes Rx     : 22080128

Pkts Tx      : 362997                 Pkts Rx      : 332297

Pkts Tx Drop : 0                      Pkts Rx Drop : 0

Group Policy : SSLVPNClient           Tunnel Group : SSLVPNClient

Login Time   : 05:59:27 UTC Tue Jul 20 2021

Duration     : 6h:35m:45s

Inactivity   : 0h:00m:00s

VLAN Mapping : N/A                    VLAN         : none

Audt Sess ID : c21ef1690051700060f6663f

Security Grp : none                   Tunnel Zone  : 0


AnyConnect-Parent Tunnels: 1

SSL-Tunnel Tunnels: 1

DTLS-Tunnel Tunnels: 1



  Tunnel ID    : 1303.1

  Public IP    : ip

  Encryption   : none                   Hashing      : none

  TCP Src Port : 1225                   TCP Dst Port : 443

  Auth Mode    : userPassword

  Idle Time Out: 30 Minutes             Idle TO Left : 0 Minutes

  Client OS    : win

  Client OS Ver: 10.0.19042

  Client Type  : AnyConnect

  Client Ver   : Cisco AnyConnect VPN Agent for Windows 4.9.06037

  Bytes Tx     : 16499                  Bytes Rx     : 0

  Pkts Tx      : 12                     Pkts Rx      : 0

  Pkts Tx Drop : 0                      Pkts Rx Drop : 0



  Tunnel ID    : 1303.2

  Assigned IP  : ip         Public IP    : ip

  Encryption   : AES-GCM-256            Hashing      : SHA384

  Ciphersuite  : DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384

  Encapsulation: TLSv1.2                TCP Src Port : 1232

  TCP Dst Port : 443                    Auth Mode    : userPassword

  Idle Time Out: 30 Minutes             Idle TO Left : 0 Minutes

  Client OS    : Windows

  Client Type  : SSL VPN Client

  Client Ver   : Cisco AnyConnect VPN Agent for Windows 4.9.06037

  Bytes Tx     : 16499                  Bytes Rx     : 312

  Pkts Tx      : 12                     Pkts Rx      : 3

  Pkts Tx Drop : 0                      Pkts Rx Drop : 0

  Filter Name  : access-list



  Tunnel ID    : 1303.3

  Assigned IP  : ip         Public IP    : ip

  Encryption   : AES-GCM-256            Hashing      : SHA384

  Ciphersuite  : ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384

  Encapsulation: DTLSv1.2               UDP Src Port : 53568

  UDP Dst Port : 443                    Auth Mode    : userPassword

  Idle Time Out: 30 Minutes             Idle TO Left : 30 Minutes

  Client OS    : Windows

  Client Type  : DTLS VPN Client

  Client Ver   : Cisco AnyConnect VPN Agent for Windows 4.9.06037

  Bytes Tx     : 218499083              Bytes Rx     : 22079816

  Pkts Tx      : 362973                 Pkts Rx      : 332294

  Pkts Tx Drop : 0                      Pkts Rx Drop : 0

  Filter Name  : access-list